
Keep Your Enemies Closer



“Give us a table of your best food. Oh, and a bottle of your best wine, of course.”

“Coming right up, sir!”

“And some water for the horses.”

“Yes, sir!”

It was the fair young man who rode atop one of the large horses that made this order. He sank heavily into the wooden bench and heaved a sigh of exhaustion. With the sleeve of his expensive robe, he wiped haphazardly at the sweat running down his forehead and swept back some stray hair. His companion chuckled before taking a seat across the square table.

“That’s gross, Taemin. Look at all that sweat on your sleeve; it’s practically turning yellow.”

“Shut up, what do you care!” But the young man, Taemin, glanced quickly at his sleeve and grimaced when he noticed that it had indeed become marred by old sweat stains. His companion snickered. “Told you.” Taemin rolled his eyes and lightly punched the other in the shoulder in annoyance.

Their friendly banter was interrupted by the server, who presented them with a jug of well-fermented rice wine. Taemin quickly poured himself some and took a swig, paying no mind to the cheap, chipped ceramic bowl from which he drank.

“Ah,” he said, sighing in satisfaction, “There’s really nothing like some good wine after a long ride, eh Jongin?”

Jongin nodded in agreement and took a swig for himself. A boyish smile lit up his handsome face as he relished in the burn of the strong alcohol. The two men shrugged off their aloof demeanors as they clinked their bowls in a toast and downed the liquid.

Soon enough, platters of roast duck and braised pork and fresh picked produce appeared alongside bowls of gleaming white rice and the two young men dug into their midday meal with gusto, punctuating their large bites with gulps of wine. Fellow diners stared at their crowded table with envy and marveled that such young people could afford so much delicious food.

It was only when the two young men had both eaten their fill that Taemin belched—a sound that seemed incongruous with his delicate features—and restarted their conversation.

“So, I saw you staring at the boy,” he said to Jongin, smiling mischievously.

Jongin blinked several times, confused by the sudden turn in conversation. “What boy?”

“The one with the humongous eyes,” Taemin replied, framing his eyes with circles made by his thumb and index finger for illustration. “And really short.”

“Oh,” Jongin said, understanding finally dawning upon his face. “No, it’s nothing. He looked familiar, so I was surprised, that’s all. He reminded me of someone.”

“Someone? Who?” Taemin asked curiously. He and Jongin had known each other for most their lives, and yet he could not recall anyone endowed with such peculiar features.

“A hyung I met long ago.”

“A hyung?” Taemin repeated, puzzled.  “Wait, you couldn’t mean that hyung? The one that saved your life or whatnot when you were young?”

“Yeah,” Jongin replied, smiling nostalgically. “That hyung. I haven’t seen him since, but I remember he had huge eyes too.”

“Oh,” Taemin deflated visibly. He had heard the story of that hyung too many times to find it interesting. “But shouldn’t he be on his way to the capital already?” he asked as he began picking at the food, attention already wandering. “Maybe he’s already arrived at the palace. He can’t possibly be some little beggar boy on the street.”

“Yes, that’s true...” Jongin conceded uncertainly. Taemin gave him a pat on the back, which Jongin shrugged off with a look of disdain (don’t touch me with your greasy paw), and added, “Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon enough when we get back.”

Jongin nodded. “Sure,” he said. With a nonchalant smile, he shoved another mouthful of rice into his mouth. Taemin nodded approvingly and followed suit.

In any case, Taemin figured, that hyung wouldn’t be going anywhere any time soon. They’d surely keep him under careful watch in the palace, like a little bird locked in a large, splendid cage. But it would be a cage nonetheless.




“What about this one?” Kyungsoo asked, handing Baekhyun a winter cape to try. It was late afternoon, close to dusk, and the two had wandered into a shop to stock up for colder weather. The small, dark space was crammed full with reams of cloth and premade robes and coats. One white hooded cape lined with soft fur and stuffed with goose feathers caught Kyungsoo’s attention. For all his cheekiness, Baekhyun always did look his best in simple, clean white, Kyungsoo thought. The owner stood close by, nodding enthusiastically at Kyungsoo’s choice.

Baekhyun the coat—it was thick and of good quality, sure to keep him warm through the chilly season—and shook his head. “It’s too expensive,” he said, much to the disappointment of the owner. Ignoring the merchant’s words of encouragement, Baekhyun reached to a second shelf and unfolded a dull black cape of noticeably inferior craftsmanship. “This one,” he said decisively, handing it over to the dejected salesman.

Kyungsoo frowned at Baekhyun’s choice but nodded slowly in agreement. It was true that they couldn’t quite afford the coat he had in mind, fitting though it may be. With a look of resignation, he reached for a similar cape off the same shelf for himself. It looked as inexpensive and unexciting. Baekhyun interceded his arm before he could grab it.

“Here, this one,” he said, turning Kyungsoo’s attention to an icy blue cape displayed prominently at the shop’s center. In one quick motion, Baekhyun grabbed the cape, swung it around Kyungsoo’s narrow shoulders, and secured it with a bow at the base of his neck. Taking a step back, he marveled at how beautiful it looked against Kyungsoo’s ivory skin.

Kyungsoo too stared at the cape forlornly—its high-grade cotton felt nice against his skin and it was both warm and light. But he undid Baekhyun’s bow

 “No,” Kyungsoo said with a shake of his head. “I can’t take this.” Shrugging the cape off, he sought to hand it back to the merchant manning the shop, but Baekhyun was quicker.

“We’ll take this,” he said, ing the cape in the excited merchant’s hands.

“Excellent choice, sir!” exclaimed the salesman, happily accepting Baekhyun’s silver. “I’ll pack it for you right away!”

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo frowned heavily at Baekhyun, who responded with a cheeky smile. “You look good in it!”

“Byun Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo protested, eyes large and serious, “you know we can’t afford that right now.”

Baekhyun shrugged, “Sure we can. Oh, and also this.” He tossed a small bundle to the merchant before Kyungsoo could blink.


Baekhyun smiled at the shorter boy and ruffled his hair again, mussing it into a disheveled mess. “Don’t worry,” he said, voice uncharacteristically gentle, “we’ll be fine. And I can’t have your highness going around looking like a beggar forever.”

“Baekhyun, I—”

“Turn around,” Baekhyun interrupted as the merchant handed him back their purchases.


“Turn around!” he insisted.

Reluctantly, Kyungsoo spun so that his back faced Baekhyun, bracing himself for another of Baekhyun’s strange and unwelcome antics. But to his surprise, Baekhyun tugged apart the fraying ribbon that tied together his unruly hair; a cascade of long black strands tumbled down his back.

“Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo growled, about to whip around with a glare. But Baekhyun held him in place by the shoulders and told him to relax. Gathering his hair again in a gentle grasp, Baekhyun took out the new ribbon he had just purchased—a delicate blue fabric that matched the cape exactly—and wound it artfully around Kyungsoo’s silky strands to create a tight ponytail.

“There,” Baekhyun said after he finished, smiling at his handiwork. “Looks so much neater!”

Kyungsoo blinked. It was a strange tingling feeling, to have another’s fingers run through his hair, and yet he felt a sense of loss when Baekhyun retracted his hand. Kyungsoo hesitantly brought up his own hand and gingerly touched one loose end of the inch wide ribbon. He marveled at its soft texture and beautiful color. Baekhyun smiled wider and tugged Kyungsoo out of the shop before he could say another word.




Outside, the sky had already darkened and the streets were lit by occasional lanterns. In the haze of a colorful artificial glow, the town adopted a new and wilder spirit as the crowds grew boisterous. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo strolled leisurely amongst a sea of people, enveloped in a companionable silence even with the commotion. Every now and again, Kyungsoo would peer at Baekhyun with his large eyes and part his lips as if to speak, but always then close them again in silence. If Baekhyun noticed, he gave no indication. Rather, he walked on, humming lightly to himself with a smile.

And in that moment, with the lights from nearby lanterns flitting across Baekhyun’s face, his whole being radiated with a carefree happiness that held Kyungsoo momentarily spellbound. A natural worrier himself, Kyungsoo found it shockingly easy to fall under the sway of Baekhyun’s optimism. It was as if the latter had some super power that easily dispelled Kyungsoo’s anxieties, holding them at bay so that Kyungsoo could breathe easy again, if only just for a moment.

And of course, it was usually just for a moment. The spell always broke quickly enough.

As they walked, Baekhyun suddenly drew to an abrupt stop, causing Kyungsoo to bump into his back. Kyungsoo scrunched his nose in displeasure and peered questioningly at Baekhyun. “Yah, Byun Baekhyun, what’s wrong?”

Baekhyun ignored Kyungsoo. For a few moments, he stared merely stared ahead, as if deeply entranced. Then, impatiently, he turned to Kyungsoo and said, “Do Kyungsoo, are you blind? Do you not see that paradise on earth that I see?”

The tone annoyed Kyungsoo, but also piqued his interest; he quickly glanced over Baekhyun’s shoulder. The sight he saw drew out a gasp. “Baekhyun!”

What the two young men saw was nothing other than an opulently decked two-story structure from which seemed to flow an endless stream of beautiful young women dressed in lavish yet revealing robes. They fluttered about the entrance like a flock of butterflies, beckoning to lustful men with each melodious giggle and artful wave of their delicate wrists. Like prey drawn helplessly to their beautiful yet toxic predators, the men floated soullessly towards the women, seduced in mind and body.

With a reddened face, Kyungsoo quickly averted his gaze and slapped hard at Baekhyun’s arm. Baekhyun, who was all but drooling, winced at the pain and turned to Kyungsoo with a pout. “What was that for?”

“It’s improper!” Kyungsoo replied, but his voice sounded unnaturally wobbly. The strange tone caught Baekhyun’s attention, and he studied his companion more carefully before quickly noticing the unusual hue to Kyungsoo’s pale face; he burst into a fit of laughter. “Oh Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun cried through his laughter, “Don’t tell me you’ve never been to a brothel before!”

Kyungsoo blushed deeper, if that was possible. “Of course not”! he exclaimed. “They are all places of depravity and they corrupt men’s souls. I would never—”

“—Wait, have you ever even touched a woman before?”

Kyungsoo sputtered incoherently in reply, which only drew louder guffaws from Baekhyun. “Stop laughing!” Kyungsoo screeched indignantly. “It’s not as if you have either!”

“Oh, but I have, young Kyungsoo,” said Baekhyun with a proud smile. He swung an arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders and added with a wink, “I’ve done far more than you could ever imagine, o innocent one.

“What d’you say; shall I show you the ropes today?” he whispered conspiratorially into Kyungsoo’s ear. With his hot breath glazing over Kyungsoo’s earlobe, Kyungsoo all about shivered. Having achieved the effect he wanted, Baekhyun snickered, which effectively snapped Kyungsoo out of shock.

“Absolutely not,” snapped Kyungsoo as he slapped Baekhyun’s arm away. “We’re leaving. Right now!”

“Aww, come on,” Baekhyun insisted, already drifting towards the seductive young women and paying no heed to his raging companion. “You’ve got to man up some day!”


“Here, I’ll introduce you to that pretty one over there. I’m generous, aren’t I?” Baekhyun asked, walking further and further away with his back turned to Kyungsoo. “Or maybe you’d prefer someone shorter, to match your own stature? That petite one over there looks okay too, yeah, Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo? ...Kyungsoo?”

But by the time he thought to turn around, it was already too late. Kyungsoo had vanished.




Kyungsoo was around the corner, walking down a narrow side path that Baekhyun had ran past without noticing. He muttered angrily to himself with each step he took. After all, Byun Baekhyun was really, truly an abominable blight to his existence.

Although now that he thought about it, he realized that he had always known this to be true, from the very first time he had laid eyes upon the older boy.

It must have been at least years ago, when they were both so so young. Kyungsoo remembered it to be the winter that his voice had begun changing, always coming out in frustrating squeaks. Winter in the far north was a freezing, prolonged season; he must have met Baekhyun right in the dead of it.

That day, even though Kyungsoo was in the shelter of the central palace, he had been swathed in layers of garments, transformed into a rotund bundle of fabric that brought admiring smiles from attendant adults.

Baekhyun was less lucky. Bowing from his knees on the stone floor, his thin body was cloaked in tattered cloth, surely mere remnants of the grand clothing he had once owned. Kyungsoo remembered feeling sorry for him, because he had detected the shivers that racked the boy’s freezing body. And yet there was also something strangely resilient in the couched figure of that young boy, and it must have been this that caught the eye of Kyungsoo’s father.

Perched on his throne up high, he announced in his booming voice that Byun Baekhyun, son of that traitor Byun Guangmin, shall be permitted to live but shall henceforth serve as slave to forth prince, Do Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo started. Young though he was, he knew his position in the imperial pecking order; he had never before received a slave. With a wry smile, he realized that this too was part of Byun Baekhyun’s punishment, to serve a master who lacked wealth and power and who would never amount to anybody at all.

Baekhyun seemed to know it too. He lifted his head and stared at Kyungsoo with his piercing eyes, eyes b with hatred and despair, as if seeking to kill young Kyungsoo a thousand times over with sight alone, yet powerless to do so. Kyungsoo, never before exposed to such vehemence, shrunk in his own skin and, to his shame, cowered visibly in his seat. The boy Baekhyun smirked.

“You wish me to serve this weak, cowardly little fool?” he asked, voice raspy from exhaustion and lack of use, but no less lacking in ridicule. “Surely you jest.”

His taunting voice drove Kyungsoo’s father into a deep rage, frightening everyone, it seemed, except Baekhyun, who continued staring at Kyungsoo with eyes that mocked. Frantic eunuchs heralded beefy palace guards, who quickly marched in with huge wooden paddles. With their large hands, they pushed Baekhyun to the ground so that the boy lie prostrate, and then they swung their paddles at him mercilessly. Kyungsoo watched wordlessly with wide, unblinking eyes as Baekhyun clenched his teeth in pain, letting out only the occasionally desperate grunt.

And somehow, Kyungsoo knew that through it all, Baekhyun’s spirit and dignity remained in tact. He knew because Baekhyun had glared at him with his eyes full of hatred until he collapsed and lost consciousness.



Kyungsoo thought of those eyes again and cracked a smile. How differently Baekhyun looked at him now. Losing their look of hunted rage, those drooping eyes more often than not curved into crescents that accompanied an odd, geometric smile. True, Baekhyun never stopped being annoying, but all the same, Kyungsoo recalled his surprise at Baekhyun buying him the ribbon and the feeling of Baekhyun’s long fingers running through his hair and smiled fondly.

As he traipsed down the quiet alley, he decided that he would go find Baekhyun again after all and drag him out of the brothel to save him from moral decay. And maybe humiliate him somehow in the process. It was really the least he could do for his dear friend.

Just then, a flurry of footsteps interrupted the calm silence of the dark alley. Startled, Kyungsoo looked around frantically before pressing himself against the back of a wooden house lining the side of the road. He carefully hid himself in the shadow of a crevice under the foyer. One set of footsteps preceded the others. It drew closer and closer, and then came to a full stop right before the crevice. With a thudding heart, Kyungsoo held his breath, willing the person the go on. But alas, the person did not heed Kyungsoo’s prayers; whoever it was, he had discovered Kyungsoo’s hideout.

Under the dim moonlight, Kyungsoo could only make out the outlines of a formidably tall figure. As it stepped closer and closer, Kyungsoo felt his body numb in fear; he opened his mouth to scream. Baekhyun, he wanted to shout. But a large hand clamped his lips shut before he could make a sound.

“Shh,” the stranger whispered. “Don’t scream, please. I won’t hurt you.”

The voice was deep and gentle, if a little out of breath. Kyungsoo knew he had little choice, small and defenseless as was he, so he nodded slowly in acquiescence. The stranger relaxed slightly and slumped against the wall.

The stampede of foosteps came closer. Kyungsoo could hear men’s voices shouting—he’s gone this way, I saw him. Kyungsoo nervously awaited their arrival and wondered how he would get out of this mess if they caught him. He wished Baekhyun were here. Baekhyun would know what to do, clever street-smart Baekhyun. But there was only himself and the stranger here, and he resigned himself to fate.

The stranger, as if sensing his anxiety, quietly patted him on the back to a slow rhythmic beat. Kyungsoo found the large hand surprisingly soothing.

Soon enough, the crowd of unknown chasers came and went, never discovering the two in hiding. Kyungsoo heaved a sigh of relief. Moments later, after ascertaining that the men had really gone, he stepped out from the shadows on shaking legs. The stranger followed suit, and for the first time, Kyungsoo was able to catch a good look at his face. To his surprise, it was none other than the tall young man from this morning who had trotted into town on his magnificent horse and who had captured Kyungsoo’s attention with his unreadable dark gaze.

But different from his aloof expression of hours prior, he now wore a sheepish grin as he stood apologetically before Kyungsoo with a bowed head.

“Sorry about that,” he said, voice a smooth baritone. “I didn’t mean to get you involved. They’re...well I can’t quite explain, because it’s complicated, but sorry nonetheless, and I—”

“—I-it’s alright,” Kyungsoo interrupted. He winced as he heard himself stutter; he always did when nervous before strangers.

“Oh.” The young man seemed briefly at a loss for words. Staring mostly at the floor, he snuck curious looks at Kyungsoo now and again. Then, “Say, my name is Kim Jo...Kim Kai. What’s yours?”

The question startled Kyungsoo. “What?”

“Your name! I mean, you did help me out today, and I want to remember you and thank you properly when I get a chance, if that’s alright with you—”

“—You’re bleeding.”

Kim Kai, perhaps better known as Jongin to us, glanced down at his arm and noticed that a mass of red had already seeped through his expensive, cream-colored robe. Cursing, he quickly pressed the palm of his hand against his wound to stop the bleeding, but this seemed only to exacerbate matters. Kyungsoo watched anxiously, unconsciously wringing his small hands.

“Well, it’s alright,” Jongin finally mumbled in defeat. “I’ll have it looked at when I get back to my quarters.”

“I c-can help.”

Hesitantly, Kyungsoo tore a strip of fraying fabric from the hem of his own old robe and, taking Kai by the hand, carefully wrapped it around the wound, tying it tightly to apply pressure.

“T-there, it should last until you see a d-doctor.”  

Kai stared at his makeshift bandage for a few moments before donning a brilliant smile. “Thank you!”

Kyungsoo nodded expressionlessly and took a step back, turning to go. “It’s not a problem. Please do not think of it, it was only my duty. I will take my leave now—”

“No wait!” Jongin exclaimed, unconsciously reaching out to grab Kyungsoo’s arm, “you haven’t told me your name yet!”

Kyungsoo was just about to tug his arm away when, at this moment, a shadowy figure sprung from the rooftop and landed lightly by their side. The figure swung out his thin, deadly sword at Jongin like a strike of lightening, and it was only due to years of training that Jongin quickly let go of Kyungsoo and rotated to the side. The swordsman stood his ground, weapon raised in anticipation of his next strike.  For his part, Jongin also clenched his fists and lowered his knees in defense.

Kyungsoo, only recovering from his shock, gasped lightly when he saw the face of their assailant. “Baekhyun?”

It was indeed Baekhyun, though he too looked different in the night. Gone was his carefree persona—he stared at Jongin with sharp, narrowed eyes that blazed with enmity and his sword glinted dangerously in the moonlight.

“Baekhyun, stop! He wasn’t hurting me,” Kyungsoo cried out. It was only then that Baekhyun slowly lowered his sword, though he was no less hostile toward Jongin. Having confirmed that the assailant was Kyungsoo’s acquaintance, Jongin smiled disarmingly and held out his hands to indicate that he too would back down.

Wordlessly, Baekhyun took Kyungsoo by the hand and tugged him away. Kyungsoo allowed himself to be lead, turning back only to give briefest look at Jongin before disappearing into the night.

Kim Jongin made no move to stop them, but watched their departure curiously.



“Baekhyun ah,” Kyungsoo said hesitantly, “I’m sorry.”

It had been some time since they left Kai. Indeed, they had left the whole village behind them and had walked some distance into the forest, making their way to their temple. It had been a silent walk until Kyungsoo made his apology, Baekhyun having abandoned all pretense of levity.

Kyungsoo bit his lower lip nervously as he studied Baekhyun’s expressionless face. “I didn’t mean to worry you like that. I honestly didn’t know I’d run into trouble.”

The two had arrived at their modest home and as they slowed to a stop, Baekhyun finally turned to Kyungsoo with a rueful smile. He took in the latter’s anxiety, those large eyes staring at him earnestly, and chuckled.

“I’m sorry too,” he said, voice raspy. “I shouldn’t have overreacted. I was just worried that they...that they found you and would take you away.” He took a deep breath and allowed the crisp night air to run through his body and cool his nerves. Then he ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair, Kyungsoo who stood staring at him with regret and apology written all over his small face.

            “Let’s go in, it’s been a long day.”

            Kyungsoo nodded and followed him into their creaky temple.


            That night, when even the birds and beasts of the forest had gone to sleep, Baekhyun vaguely felt Kyungsoo shift closer to him on their bed of hay and take his hand, as if to quietly assure him that he was still there. Baekhyun’s lips curved into a sleepy smile and he gave the small hand a gentle squeeze of reconciliation. 





A/N: Wow it is really hard to describe martial arts moves lmao. Sorry about the inadequate writing--please supplement with imagination haha. >.< Thanks for your support! :P 

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Hi everyone, I know it's been forever, but I've decided to rewrite this into original fiction. It will no longer be BL or EXO, but the plot will be advanced. If you are interested, here is a link:


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SeledAss #1
greenislovely #2
Chapter 4: i really enjoyed reading this tale so far. i appreciate the characterizations and the relationships (how you've revealed a little through each chapter) between the characters. i also like the plot twists and turns. i hope that you decide to come back to this in the future. thanks for writing and sharing. :)
Chapter 4: Yo! I hate to be a true nag but will this be updated? I see that its been two years and all but this story has me wanting more. o(╥﹏╥)o
Its cruel to do that. Again, I love your style of writing authornim.
Hopefully you find the inspiration to get this story started again.
foyezza91 #4
Chapter 4: This is really exciting!!!!! act,i almost cry when i look up nd there's no update since 2014...i don't think you want to continue writing this,right? Huhu,heartbreak.ahhh~ btw,this is really a good story.i guess this is the end..? So,fighting!!!!
Sugarfroggy #5
Chapter 4: Pls update! :D
Chapter 4: I think this would be a story that I won't read just once.
anoooo.... is this story in hiatus or something? ToT
I'm waiting for update, huhuhuhu
Chapter 4: ERMAGHEEERD. i was stalking the kaisoo tag and caught sight of this fic (err... hello? Baeksoo + kaisoo = must read. Two favourite OTPS (out of like a trillion, but thats beside the point)) and so what i'm trying to say is... although i was here for the kaisoo... baeksoo absolutely takes the cake in this fic. Unless kaisoos relationships goes on some sort of epic development thingy (in which i will probably cry but love anyways) i definitely hope its a baeksoo final pairing. Its just. The perfect description of a baeksoo relationship in only four chapters and although kim kais this mysterious god right now... i'm really reaally rooting for byun hyun. Hahah.

Keep up this breathtaking fic. The characters and everythibg is absolutely perf. And martial arts too is a major bonus. I shall aim to comment in every update (because this is too perf and even if i didnt tell you, ill probably comment everytime anyways)

I am a newly converted fan of you. Let me go and stalk your stories tag now.
Chapter 4: it's always lovely to drop a comment. and oh, I (once again) swooned by all this BaekSoo things. . . you know, Jongin proposition made me think "that means they will riding horse, yeah?" and the next thing I could imagine was... (ahaha, kindly fill in the blank with ur best dreamy sweet OTP scene)

keep it up the hard work, Good Luck with school★