
Idols'Dating Café
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the bell rings, non of the students are in the class, 

the teacher blow the whistle, ''Blue team and Red team, please get into the court''

it's the day of the competition, Baekhyun, UEE, Sulli and Chanyeol represent thier school as a team. They all get into the court and start to warm up before the game. Everyone was doing well as they practice but something is wrong with Chanyeol, he keeps doing the normal warm up and didn't even make a shoot. 

Baekhyun: 'Hey bro, you are alright?'

Chanyeol 'yeah i am fine' [holding the ball in his hand] 

Baekhyun: ''then why don't you throw the ball?''

Chanyeol: i am just waiting for the real game [he gives out excuses but Baekhyun still find it weird. He was about to ask but the refree blow the whistle as the sign of the game to start]

Chanyeol is the starter since he is tall, as soon as the game start, he quickly grab the ball and pass it to UEE. UEE drag the ball against two players from the opposite team. it was difficult but she didn't give up, after awhile, she made it through and pass it to Sulli who is at the 3 points line. Sulli could have made the shoot but it was too risky since the opposite team are attacking her, so she throw the ball back to Chanyeol who is in front of her. Chanyeol move the ball backward instead of moving in making all the students in the audiences shout ''what are you doing? it is the wrong goal'' 

As soon as Baekhyun sees Chanyeol move backward, he seems to understand what he was going to do, so he give sign to Sulli to stay close to the basket and make UEE block two of the protective line from opposing team. As everyone is in sync, Chanyeol throw the ball to Baekhyun quick as lightning , Baekhyun recieve it and pass it to Sulli. Sulli quickly shoots in and they finally made their first goal in 10 mins by scoring 2 points. and the student goes ''YEEEEEYYYYY''

UEE pass Sulli and pat her shoulders, you did well. Of course the opposing team isn't happy about it, first score is really important in basketball. After the first shoot, Sulli and Baekhyun keeps on shooting and they are 9 points away from their opposing team. This make the opposing team lost their manners and temper. they start to play fouls. The opposing members start to push Chanyeol and try to hit Sulli with their body since she was smaller then them. Then the first set end, and they have 15 mins break 

Baekhyun: ''Yah, be careful. they are starting fouls for free shoots. Make sure you hold back your temper guys''

UEE glare her eyes with fire at a tall girl from the opposing team --+++++++ then Baekhyun hits her head softly. 

Baekhyun: ''yah! listen and forget all those anger''

UEE: 'but that girl was too much, not only me but i see her hit Sulli's head with her elbow as well''

Chanyeol o.O: huh? [he rubs Sulli's head] are you okay? 

Sulli: i am don't worry [she knock her head twice] 

Chanyeol then sit down and spray the medicine on his right hand, again he was spot by Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun: are you sure you are okay? 

Chanyeol: even i am not, i have to finish this game [he smiles at Baek] 

Baekhyun: you dickhead. just pass be the ball and don't try to shoot if possible. 

Chanyeol: since when did you become so serious? alright i will [he laughs and the second game starts] 

Everyone got back into the court, this time the opposing team get the start ball and shoot 3 points. They are close behind now, and they even play fouls to get free shoot, they gain two more points. Now that there are only 4 points different, it is very risky. Sulli finally steal the ball from the tall girl of opposing team and attempt to make a shoot but the girl use her elbow to hit sulli's head again, a hard hit that Sulli fall flat to the court. The whistle can be heard, Sulli was laying still for awhile. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and UEE run toward her in worries,

''are you okay?'''-B 

''sulli?'' UEE

Chanyeol grabs Sulli hands and pull her up ''sul? Sul? are you alright?'

Sulli looks at him and shake her head hard ' i think i am'

the refree come and check if she is hurt, and then he gives a yellow card to the tall girl, Chanyeol's team gain free shoot by Sulli. Sulli made it into the basket with both shoot and the game continue. This time the score is on

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I tried another y plot of Jungkook x Rose, I hope you guys enjoy it. and also, request are still open. I will try to update soon.


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