the delivery boy


Yukwon is the dance student from Suwon who's hopeless in the kitchen and who might have a crush on the delivery boy from the restaurant.


Title: the delivery boy
Chapter(s): 1/1
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Life
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Yukwon/Daehyun
Word Count: 2176
Author's Note: Okay, so for those of you who aren't really familiar with this pairing, Yukwon is actually older than Daehyun and that's how I usually write them, but it's been flipped in this story. Thank you for clicking on this and I hope you enjoy!


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I need more of this au. How did this have only one upvote?!
Chapter 1: Everything just screams cute here
This was uber cute! I'd love to see more of their dates! Yukwon really is so cute in this! ^A^