Love Never Changes

I Couldn't Stay Away

2 weeks later

"Jessica, how could you be so damn stupid!" Jongin groans, as he stomps his way into his office with his sister following closely behind. Jongin throws his hands into the air, in frustration, before slumping down into his chair. "Seriously. What were you thinking? Or were you not even thinking at all?"


"For the millionth time, I'm sorry!" Jessica replies, placing her belongings ontop of the couch on Jongin's office. "I told you, I didn't know that those blueprints were top secret! You guys never tell me anything!"


Jongin rolls his eyes. "Gee, I wonder why."


"Besides, I didn't know I was speaking to a reporter... I thought he was harmless."


"God, how could you be so stupid and oblivious?" Jongin groans, loosening his tie to feel less constricted. "Sometimes, I think that mom's right... You have horrible taste in men! You're so vulnerable that you expose all your secrets to everyone! That's how you lost that highschool boyfriend of yours in the first place!"




"Fine... I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have brought that up." Jongin says, slamming his fist onto his desk. "It's just, I messed up. I thought Kyungsoo was the one that told Minho about it... And now, he's mad at me for not trusting him."


"You're an idiot." Jessica says, rolling her eyes. "If I had someone as loyal and decent as Kyungsoo, I wouldn't even think twice."


Jongin nods his head. "About what I said about you having a horrible taste in guys... I don't really mean that." 


"It's fine... You were right." Jessica sighs, leaning her head back. "I attract alot of s. Anyways, about this fight with Kyungsoo what happened?"


Jongin sighs. "It'a long story-"


"As long as it prevents me from doing actual work, it's fine!" Jessica quickly replies. "Well are you gonna tell me or not?"


"We go into a fight." Jongin explains. "He had lunch with Minho. Can you believe it? Kyungsoo actually went behind my back and had lunch with that after I specifically told him not to!"


"That's it? That's why you were upset?"


"And then, I heard that the blueprints were leaked so I... I kinda assumed Kyungsoo told Minho about them."


"So what are you more upset over? The fact that Kyungsoo had lunch with Minho? Or the fact that you still can't trust people after what happened between you and Taemin?"


"Don't bring him into this-"


"Jongin, I get it. Taemin was your first love. Blah Blah Blah. He broke your heart and now you have trust issues, but, Kyungsoo's not Taemin. He's not cheating on you nor will he cheat on you in the future-"


"I know that! I just- God. You know how I am... I'm bad with people. I'm not good at trusting someone. I mean, I built this company and the thought of it crumbling right in front of my eyes because I let someone I know destroy it, would destroy me. I would never forgive myself."


"I know, but, maybe it's time to think about other things that's important to you..." Jessica replies. "I mean, the company's always going to be here, Jongin. But, Kyungsoo? He's not always going to be. Hell, he can leave-"


Jessica stops, when she sees Jongin's hurt eyes. She sighs, before she completes her sentence. "If you don't want him to leave, then go fix this instead of talking to me about it."


"How?" Jongin pouts. "He doesn't even want to talk to me-"


"Well, have you even tried to talk to him?" Jessica questions only to get a quick shake of the head from Jongin. This causes Jessica to roll her eyes in response. "You're hopeless. You can't just expect him to make the first move! Go out there!"




“Eh?” Kyuhyun says, eyes widening. Kyuhyun, one of Kyungsoo's closest friends, has been friends with Kyungsoo since they were in middle school. Kyuhyun was always someone Kyungsoo could trust whenever he was in a certain situation that conflicted him. Kyunhyun waits for Kyungsoo to put down his drink, before continuing his sentence. “You got fired?”


“Well, I didn’t- I mean, I…”  Kyungsoo groans, before laying his head on the bar table. It was almost nearing midnight and Kyungsoo knew that he should've been home by now, but after having a couple of drinks and catching up with his old friend, Kyungsoo just felt so drunk and unable to move. “I don’t know, okay?”


“Jongin and I got into a really big fight.” Kyungsoo explains. “So I don’t think I can go back to work as of right now."


“So what are you going to do?”


“I don’t know. Maybe find a new job?” Kyungsoo replies. “I mean, going back to the company would be pretty awkward now. Everyone probably thinks that I got fired and all.”


“I meant about Jongin, you’re not even going to try to talk to him?”


“It’s been 2 weeks... If he wanted me back, he would’ve came after me by now.”


Kyunhyun sighs, staring at the devastating sight in front of him. “Well, Jongin seems to be pretty dense… He was never really the one to chase after someone. That idiot’s probably waiting for you to chase after him.” 


“Why should I be the one to apologize? He was the one that blamed me for leaking information about the company.” Kyungsoo replies, crossing his arms with a stern, confident look on his face. 


Kyunhyun rolls his eyes. "You guys are both so stubborn."


“Enough talking about me… We’re here to celebrate your graduation.” Kyungsoo says, before raising his glass and slapping Kyunhyun on the back. “After all those years, you finally became a doctor. And to think that I thought you would drop out like me.”


“Everyone still talks about you-“


“As what? The college dropout?”


“No." Kyuhyun replies. "I mean, at first everyone was pretty shocked when they heard that the rank 1 dropped out, but after they realized that you needed to support your family, they stopped spreading rumors. After that, everything went back to normal. Don’t you have any plans of going back to school and finishing up?”


Kyungsoo shakes his head, gulping down another drink. “I’ve never really thought about it.”


“Is it because of what happened to Hyunshik?” Kyuhyun asks, hesistantly. “Was he the real reason why you quit?”


Kyungsoo places the drink ontop of the bar table, before he responds. “No, but he did make me realize that the hospital is a scary place to be in."


“Hyung, just because your past experiences of being in a hospital were bad, doesn’t mean that you should fear it for the rest of your life.” Kyuhyun says. “You can’t live the rest of your life fearing death. It’s bound to happen to us one day…”


“But tuition’s so expensive.” 


“That’s a lame excuse.” Kyuhyun replies. “With your grades in high school, you could get a full scholarship to any university you apply to!”


“So are you going to reconsider it?”


“I’ll think about it.”




Jongdae ends his phonecall with Kyungsoo and quickly returns his cellphone into his pocket. In the midst of his work, Jongin had suddenly called him into his office to discuss a "private" matter. It shocked Jongdae at first but he was quickly delighted with the idea that he might be getting promoted. In the end, it turned out that Jongin just called him in so that he could talk to Kyungsoo, since the latter was supposedly not talking to his so called boyfriend. “I don’t know, he seemed pretty pissed when he heard your name.”


“I know that but what’d he say about meeting with me?” Jongin quickly asks, his eyes about to bulge out from the anticipation.


“Again, he said that he was still pissed." Jongdae responds, watching as Jongin lets out a loud groan before slumping into his seat. "But he did agree to go hang out with me."


"What? Since when did-"


"For a CEO, you are pretty dumb. Do you not get it? This is your chance to talk to him. On saturday afternoon, you go instead of me and try to work things out. What could go wrong?" Jongdae states, throwing his hands in the arm. "I mean, of course Kyungsoo might probably never want to speak to me again.. but I'm still getting that day off on Monday right? It was our deal-"


"Yeah, yeah. Just get back to work and keep an eye on Kyungsoo." Jongin replies. "Call me if something else comes up."




"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." Kyungsoo apologizes, once he arrives at the table. "There was a ton of traffic-"


Kyungsoo watches as the man turns around to face him. He gulps at the sight of Jongin, wearing a white collared shirt and navy blue suit.  It was funny how 2 weeks could change a person. Jongin's eyes were droopyer than usual, it was as if he hadn't been sleeping for a while. Kyungsoo figured it was because of work. It never came across his mind that maybe Jongin was like this because of him. 


"Hi." Jongin says, gesturing Kyungsoo to take a sit beside him. Fortunatly, Kyungsoo complies. 


"Hi." Kyungsoo responds, taking the seat across from the latter. An awkward tension filled the table and made it uncomfortable for Kyungsoo to speak. In the end after a couple awkward glances, Kyungsoo gains the courage and speaks. "I was supposed to be meeting with Jongdae... Did you have anything to do with this?"


Jongin nods his head. "Yeah."


"Figures." Kyungsoo replies, rolling his eyes. "Jongdae would never pick such an extravagent place to have a beer in. I should've known from the beginning. But why did you get him involved in this? Why couldn't you have just spoken to me instead?"

"You wouldn't speak to me." Jongin reminds him, as his eyes are fixed on Kyungsoo. "Hell, you've been ignoring my calls and texts all week. Jongdae was the only way to get you to come here and have an actual conversation with me."


"And who's fault is that?" Kyungsoo scoffs, feeling irritated once again. "This all started because you thought that I betrayed you. You actually thought that you meant so little to me-"


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?" Jongin says, apologetically. "What do you want me to do, Soo? Beg? Do you want me to kneel down in front of all these people and ask for your forgiveness?"


"Jongin, don't be stupid. You'd look like an idiot. I could see the headlines now, The CEO of a multimillion dollar company making a fool out of himself in front of a nobody.  That's a hell of a story. Don't you think?"


"You're not a nobody." Jongin says, gently caressing Kyungsoo's cheeks. "You're mine."


 "And what's that worth, Jongin? Huh? Will being yours solve everything?"


"It might." Jongin replies. "You're talking to one of the most powerful people in this nation. I've got connections within this nation and abroad. Tell me what you want and I'll do it. I've said I'm sorry already, why can't you just accept? Can't we just move on from this? I miss you, Soo."


"Jongin, I get it. You're used to people giving you what you want to hear. You want them to go easy on you because you know you can manipulate them, just because you're Kim Jongin." Kyungsoo says, as he stands up. "If you don't have anything else to say, then I'm leaving."


"Why are you being like this?" Jongin questions, following Kyungsoo out of the resteraunt. "Stop being so damn stubborn-"


Kyungsoo quickly turns around, with a look of disbelief on his face. "Me? So I'm the stubborn one, now? Jongin, did it ever occur to you that maybe your the one being stubborn? Why can't you just meet with Minho? What's so wrong with just one meeting? Do you hate him that much-"


"Yes!" Jongin shouts, but quickly composes himself after he becomes aware of his surroundings. He didn't want to make a scene in front of some many people, whom might potentially be his next buisness partners, but he found it difficult to restrain his frustrations. "Yes, I do hate him that much. I hate him so much that it frustrates me that you still keep in contact with him. But knowing you, you'd never listen to me if I asked you to stay the hell away from him. But god damn it Soo, can you just stop pushing this subject? I don't want to meet him."


"More importantly, I don't want you to meet him." 




"I'll make myself clear. If that bastard does something to you. Hell, if he stands even a little too close to you, I'll ruin him. I'll make sure to make his life a living hell. He'll have to quit his job and relocate to the province... So stop seeing him."


"Screw you." Kyungsoo scoffs, as he stands up from his seat. Who is Jongin to tell him that he can't be friends with someone because he had a rough past with the latter? Kyungsoo's had enough and quickly pivots his foot towards the exit. 


"Stop running away from this... from me." Jongin sighs, fastening his pace to catch up with Kyungsoo's. Sighing, Jongin grabs Kyungsoo's wrist and quickly turns Kyungsoo around to face him. What he sees next shocks him. "Why are you crying? , Soo. What's wrong?"


Kyungsoo doesn't respond and instead continues to sob.


Jongin draws himself closer to Kyungsoo and quickly caresses Kyungsoo's crying face. "Is this because of Minho? Fine, if it means so much to you, then I'll-"


"I feel like I know nothing about you... Minho knows more about you than I do. It's like you still can't open up your heart to me no matter how much I pound myself inside." Kyungsoo sobs, as he continously pounds his fist on to Jongin's chest. "I- I hate it."


"Soo, please look at me." Jongin begs, but Kyungsoo doesn't look. Instead, Kyungsoo continues to avoid Jongin's gaze by watching the floor. This only upsets Jongin more, causing Jongin to have a more demanding tone in his voice by his next statement. "Soo, look at me."


Fortunately, Kyungsoo complies with Jongin's demands and meets his gaze. He watches as Jongin smiles slightly, before leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on top of his lips. The kiss wasn't rough or intense, instead it was sweet and comforting. It served as a reassurance that everything was going to be okay between them. 


"What are you talking about, love?" Jongin smiles, pulling Kyungsoo into his embrace. "You know me more than anyone I know."


"I do?" Kyungsoo hiccups, causing Jongin to laugh softly. "But... but what about you're past? I know nothing about who you were in the past?"


"Because the past doesn't matter." Jongin replies. "The reason why I don't want to meet with Minho is because I don't want him back into my life. Let's say I did meet up with him, then what? It's not like I'm going to forget everything that happened because of one meeting. I'm still going to remember everything... so what? It's better to leave the past behind me than try to fix it." 






"I won't nag you anymore to meet up with him." Kyungsoo says, breaking the hug so that he could see eye to eye with Jongin. "I'm sorry for forcing you to before. I thought I was doing the right thing-"


"It's fine, as long as were okay now." Jongin says. "We are okay, right? You love me again?"


This time it was Kyungsoo who initiated the kiss. Kyungsoo tip toed slightly to match Jongin's height and placed a soft kiss on top of Jongin's lips. "Who said I stopped?"

A/N: As you can see, Kaisoo doesn't have a huge time gap like Chanbaek and Hunhan. I just thought, it wouldn't make sense because their dispute was so small. Anyways, sorry I haven't been posting much! I've been really busy, but hopefully I'm still able to write an update once a month??? See you on the epilogue!

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 25: Baekhyun-ah ㅠㅠ
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 16: Chanyeol you're playing with fire
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 11: Sehunnie you're a fool
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 4: Poor Baeekie
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 2: Typical rich boy Jongin
Chapter 2: I just had to comment after reading that first paragraph (again) because I have a petty ! I'm 4'11" and I rarely's not true!
Chapter 34: Love it
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 34: That was great fic ☺
mistymountains 193 streak #9
Nice story!