Begin Again

L.Joe's Bride

Chapter 14: Begin Again

“You have a meeting with the board members in an hour, Ms. Kim.” Namjoo reminded me.

I looked at her and smiled. “Okay.” I replied and she bowed at me then went to her desk again.

I went back to reading the reports for the month. I’m really getting tired of reviewing these things. Mr. Lee should be the one doing these! I mean, I’m still learning. It is good to have someone more skilled who would review the money in and money out in the company.

I am not degrading myself. I’m just stating the truth. Mr. Lee stayed longer in this company. Maybe he could do better than me. No. Not maybe. I’m sure he could do better than me.

This is the sad thing about companies. The heir would always be the son or daughter. We don’t have any choice but to comply. If we don’t, we get disowned.

So, even if there are more deserving people who are serving the company, they can’t do anything. They would always be the lower one because blood will always be thicker than water.

I sighed as I turned the page to the last. At last!

“Lee Group of Companies?” I asked myself as I read the report. “21% of our shares comes from Lee Group of Companies?”

I immediately called Namjoo.

This can’t be. The Lees have nothing to do with us anymore. Why do they still have shares in our company?

“Yes, Ms. Kim?” Namjoo entered my office.

I looked at her. “Do you know something about the Lee Group?” I asked her. “I read the reports and I just learned that they hold 21% of the shares of the company.” I continued.

Namjoo looked at me. “Ah, that.” She told me when she got my point. “They were with the company since 5 years ago.” She replied.

I gaped at her. “Come again?” I asked.

Namjoo looked at me weirdly. She’s probably confused on why I am asking this.

“Lee Group has always been in the company even before I started working here, Ms. Kim.”

I took a deep breath and leaned on my swivel chair. I sighed again and massaged my temples.

How can Dad do this to me?

How could he hide from me that the partnership went through even if I broke off from the engagement?!

I feel so betrayed.

For every day of my life in the past 5 years, I have always worked hard because I have implanted in my mind that I have to make up for the loss of a great partner in business. It was my drive to get through those 5 years abroad.

How could my Dad not tell me that the partnership pushed through?

Now, I feel like I am deceived.

Well, I am really deceived. I feel like I went out of the country for nothing. It feels like everything I’ve done had just gone to waste.

Now, I’m thinking about the ‘what ifs’ again. I shouldn’t but I can’t help it.

“Are you okay, Ms. Kim?”

I was brought back to my senses when Namjoo spoke.

I looked at her and smiled weakly. “Ah. Yes.” I replied.

Namjoo looked at me and doesn’t seem to believe me. “Are you sure, Ms. Kim?” She asked.

I nodded. “I’m sure. You can go back to work now.” I told her and she bowed at me then went out.

I shut my eyes and massaged my temple. I need to talk to Dad now.


“Mr. Kim, your daughter is here.” Mr. Kwon told my Dad as he opened the door to his office.

Dad looked at our direction and nodded at Mr. Kwon who immediately bowed then walked away.

Dad looked at me as I entered his office. “Sit down for a minute.” He motioned to the couch.

I looked at him for a second before walking to the couch.

I looked around. His office is no different with mine. They both have the same wood elegance and the couch is leather. Like mine.

Dad walked to me. He sat across me. “What brings you here, Hana?” He asked.

I handed him the folder of the financial report for this month. He raised his brow at me before taking it.

“So, did you see an anomaly in the report?” He asked me as he opened the folder, looking through it.

I shook my head. “The only anomaly I could see there is 21% share of the Lee group.” I stated. Just right then, he looked at me.

“What’s wrong with that?” He asked.

I looked at him. “The partnership pushed through?” I asked him.

Dad looked back at me. Maybe he already got my point on this.

My point is: it shouldn’t have pushed through. I broke off from the engagement. There should be no partnership between our company and the Lees.

Dad sighed and closed the folder. “The Lees wanted to push it through because their son wanted to do so.” He told me.

I narrowed my eyes on me. “Lee Byunghun?” I asked. Dad nodded. “Why?” I asked again. My voice is rising because I am getting frustrated over this matter.

Why would Lee Byunghun want to push this through?

“Mr. Lee told me that their son didn’t want to work without the partnership.” He began. “Byunghun wouldn’t even go out of your room in your old house when you left.” He sighed.

I froze.

“You don’t know how much I felt like when you left me. I had to shut myself inside our room. I had to shut everyone out of my life.”

Suddenly, L.Joe’s words were lingering inside my head again.

“So, we had to do the partnership.” Dad concluded. “If we didn’t, then the Lee Group would’ve died down by now.”

I shut my eyes in frustration. “Then why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “I should’ve known this!” I exasperated.

“I was afraid it would get to your way.” Dad said. “You are still new to the company. I don’t want anything that would distract you from learning all the basics. I wanted to mold you to become the best for this company.”

“Still, you should’ve told me.” I spat. “I worked hard for this company, Dad. I studied day and night because I felt so guilty that the partnership won’t take place because of me.” I said as the tears fell.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“I never had social life, Dad. Because I thought I didn’t need it.” I sobbed. “I was deprived of having friends because I thought of the company first.” I wiped my tears. “I wanted to work hard to make up for the lost partnership. But this,” I breathed. “This is disappointing.”

Dad sighed and looked at me. “Look, Hana.” He started. “I don’t intend to keep this from you. I swear, I wanted to tell you. I wanted to make you come back to Korea as soon as the partnership was sealed but I was afraid you would hurt again. I thought time could heal your broken heart.” He told me.

I cried even harder. “Time healed my broken heart but now the scar is bleeding again.” I told him.

Dad stood up and sat beside me, giving me a hug. “You’re a strong girl, Hana. You can stand up again.” He told me.

I shut my eyes and hugged him back.

“You can do this, okay?” He told me as he kissed my hair. “I know you would.”

I hugged him tighter. Why did his hug felt different?

Jiho had hugged me many times when I cried but this hug is different. It’s like hugging all the assurance I could get. It’s like hugging all the positive vibes.

Maybe because it’s a father’s hug that I feel this way.

And one thing is for sure, I miss my Dad.


“Why aren’t we starting yet?”

I whispered to Mr. Lee as we sat in the Board room with the Board Members. It was weird because all the Board members that we’ve had the meeting last time are all present here.

Why aren’t we starting yet?

Mr. Lee looked at me. “We’re waiting for someone.” He replied. “He’s the one conducting the meeting.” He added.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Who?” I asked. I thought Mr. Kwon would lead this meeting.

As if on cue, the door opened and I wished earth could eat me up right now.

It’s Lee Byunghun and another man. Maybe it’s his secretary.

Lee Byunghun looked at me. His gaze pierced my being, I had to look away. I didn’t know why no matter how hard I try to not be affected by his stare, I still do. I can’t help it.

The board members greeted him and he bowed at them. L.Joe walked to the podium and showed his presentation.

We’re talking about a new project. About opening a new resort place for vacations and business matters.

“Good day, ladies and gentlemen.” He began. “Sorry for being late.” He continued and the board members told him ‘it’s fine’.

Well, it’s not fine. He’s not professional enough to be late on meetings. Who knows if some of the board members here have something to do after this meeting? They would have to compromise with it because he’s late and he delayed their appointments.

“Are you alright?” Mr. Lee asked me.

I exhaled and looked at him. “Do I not look alright?” I asked him.

He blinked at me then he motioned my right fist which is squishing the poor pencil and my left fist is crumpling the poor proposal paper.

I immediately let go and sighed.

“Is something bothering you?” He asked again.

I shook my head. “No. I’m fine.” I replied. Lied for the thousandth time whenever being asked if I’m okay. I’m not okay.

I’m never going to be okay if I continue seeing Lee Byunghun around often.

I looked L.Joe’s presentation. He is talking about buying a land in Jeju and transforming it into a resort. His plan was flawless. He had prepared the things we would do for the resort. He prepared new tricks too.

The board members seemed to agree with him. Even Mr. Lee.

Everyone turned to me.

“Do you agree with this project, Ms. Kim?” Mrs. Jung asked me.

I looked the presentation again and sighed. “The presentation is good.” I told them and they all nodded. “But I think there are a lot of resorts in Jeju already. It’s saturated.” I spoke.

L.Joe raised his brow. “This is why I’ve designed new tricks. To make our resort different. To gather more attention.” He replied.

The board members nodded then they all turned to me again.

“Perhaps, we can say that it would be a good idea.” I began. “But how many percent sure are you that this will succeed?” I asked him. “This project needs a huge fund. This couldn’t bear to crash down or we’ll go bankrupt.”

The board members seemed to have gotten my point and nodded.

“Business is about taking risks, Ms. Kim. If you won’t gamble, you won’t gain.” L.Joe replied. “It’s like loving a person. You don’t stop if it hurt, stop if it died.”

I froze with his words.

Why do I feel like he’s not talking about business anymore?

“If you don’t stop if it hurts, you would die.” I replied and I heard the board members whispering to each other.

Mr. Lee even nudged my side. “What’s going on?” He asked me. He must have sensed that we are going out of the topic already.

But I ignored him and glued my eyes on L.Joe, who is smirking at me.

“You sound like you know what I am talking about, Ms. Kim.” He told me.

I smiled sarcastically. “I believe we are talking about business here, Mr. Lee Byunghun.” Hell, Anastasia Steele’s aura is radiating from me. I swear.

He chuckled weakly. “Well, indeed, you aren’t lost in our topic yet.” He spoke.

I narrowed my eyes on him.

“If you aren’t convinced with this project, then maybe you could come with me this weekend to check the spot I’ve picked out.” L.Joe suggested.

What? Is he indirectly asking me to be alone with him?

I cleared my throat to keep my cool. “So, you’ve even picked a spot for this project already.” I told him.

He smiled. “Well, to tell you the truth,” He looked at the board members. “…this project is already approved by the President.” He said.

I widened my eyes in shock. Dad already approved this? How could he-

“We also do approve, Sir.” Mr. Lee spoke.

I looked at Mr. Lee in disbelief. “What?” I asked him. How could he conclude alone on things like this?

Mr. Lee looked at him. “The President has approved it. Maybe it’s really a project worth risking for.” He beamed and the board members nodded.

“Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, Ms. Kim.” Mrs. Jung told me and the other members nodded.

I swallowed and shut my eyes. “Fine.” I replied.

I better not regret this.



First chapter without Zico in a while. :)

#HanJoe stans... Kkkk.

Comment more. :)

Thanks for reading! :3


- RChampagne <3

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 29: chappie 29: such a sweet ending............
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 28: chappie 28: yahooOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 21: chappie 21: poor namjoo......
but,, jeohan fighting!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 11: chappie 11: i really wanna ship for joehan....
but, l.joe's attitude now just make me mad........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 9: chappie 9: i'm really in a big curiousity now.....
did l.joe still love hana or not ????
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 3: chappie 3: WHAT?????!!!!!!
l.joe already has a girlfriend???!!!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 10: I am 99.99% sure L.Joe will win. No I'm sure. But I'm just going to pretend that ZiNa will happen.
blahzeloo #8
Chapter 28: really good story!!!
omgmyung #9
Chapter 29: I love your story :"))