Abandoned Identity



  [ahy-den-ti-tee, ih-den-]

- The condition of being oneself or itself, and not another: 

- Character as to who a person is



They say there are two sides to every individual - the side in which one wants to be portrayed to others and the side in which one's true personality lies

To put it to simple terms, they are known as the external side and the internal side respectively.

Everyone goes about their day, revealing only their external side.

Their internal sides will always be hidden from others.

However, not everyone is able to return to their real identity once the day ends.

This is a story that revolves around 31 individuals.


31 individuals whom are no longer able to differentiate the truth from the lies.

31 individuals whom are going about their day, certain that they are who they are.

31 individuals whose true identities have been abandoned.


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lkimgirl #1
wow, you can grab my attention with only the foreword up... i'm really interested with this... fighting for the update. ^^
upbeategg #2
looking forward on this :)