My Bandmate's Wedding Singer

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They resent it, but I'm happy even just for it, even just to be able to sing.
Even better, I get to sing, for my bandmate, ...on his wedding day.







Disclaimer: This is just fiction and does NOT reflect the real people nor events in any way.

and please DO NOT click subscribe if you're going to unsubscribe later...just bookmark or something...the story already need to subscribe...because unsubscribers annoy me so just...yeah better not subscribe at all.(of course, comments are very appreciated though) Thanks.


Precaution: PLEASE READ:

This is NOT for weak minded/hearted people who see everything from rose tinted please click out if you're one of those who can't bear see anything unpleasant about oppars. Because i just realized i put them in somewhat bad light here, but only because this is told from a certain perspective and not other members' perspectives. And some events...i'm not sure if all peeps can handle(nothing too dramatic, really)...cuz for some maybe writing bad future things is some sort of taboo...idk....if you think so, then please click out now, cuz this fic is just a fic, and requires matured readers to be able to not get upset reading yeah please consider n be informed before clicking next.



In no way I'm trying to curse SS501 since i've no witch powers so yeah(well, even if i have such powers i won't use it to curse them anything bad duh)...this is just a spontaneous idea that hit me after watching a perf. T^T...i hope you'll enjoy it(at least the perf)...n remember, this is just a fic...please don't hate me for my inspirations~i don't hate any members. The main protagonist is simply chosen because of the performance that's the whole inspiration to this oneshot.

And in no way i'm trying to undermine the status of wedding singers...cuz they're not of low status at all(and who cares those oldish thingy like status anyway?psh)...but this is just fiction. and you i like to blend reality and fictional things in my fic together? yeah so don't get confused. in the end, it's just a fiction after all.

Oh, and this is NOT or romance. just a weird random idea.

It's nothing fancy...and i know it's kinda too random n out of nowhere...but no need to tell me if you hate it lol. cuz i'm kinda happy with it though i'm aware the oddness n out-of-nowhereness.

and the brown part is flashback.

Sorry in advance if this causes discomfort n if it .

Thank you for your kind understanding.





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to those who subscribe eventho it's ended, thank you. just wanna say i've added translation of the song so you can get the feelings i tried to convey...


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Chapter 1: I may not fan of ss501, but I can comprehend the situation Jungmin had and his fellow members. I love how you describe everysingle points, his feelings and others too. it's kinda sad tho :(
Chapter 2: Hmm sequels are nice but i think this one ended perfectly like.. Even if it wasnt happy ending..
But then again maybe if you feel like it i guess.... Idk
Chapter 1: .........
This is too sad T.T
I wonder tho
How will they be after few years...
But youngsaeng getting married at 45 like.. Then i will get married at 38? O.o /slapped/ omg what xD
/hides forever
Chapter 1: This will be my worst nightmare as a SS501 fan. I don't want them to forget how they started, I don't want them to forget the things and people that made them who they are. Lastly I don't want them to be estranged to each other.
I know it's one of those realities in life but I don't want his kind of reality for them.
Such a nice story... But i hope this won't happen in real life... I hope they'll really keep their promise... :))
Chapter 1: Omooo i feel sortu for my mini... i like the story .. waiting for the next chapter.. fighying :-D