
자유 True Beauty

Affliction [ə-ˈflik-shən] n. - the cause of persistent pain, suffering, or distress that one often has to put up with.


Please note that any text that is in this color means that the words are being spoken in Mandarin.



“Just one meeting left, right Jaesuk?” Mihyun rubbed her weary eyes as she leaned her head against the car window. Her eyes fluttered to a close as she tried to enjoy the little rest she could receive before her presentation.

“Just one meeting, Agasshi,” Jaesuk confirmed with a nod. He glanced at Mihyun out of his review mirror and softened at the exhausted state of the younger. “The meeting won’t start for another twenty minutes, do you want me to drive in circles around the building so you can rest?”

Mihyun smiled at his kind suggestion and shook her head with a small yawn, “It's alright, I have to set up for the presentation. President Kou said that there’s going to be a businessman from China that’ll be present, so I should be there early to greet him as well.”

“Just bear with it for a little longer, Agasshi, you’ll be able to see your friends after this meeting has been concluded,” Jaesuk stated in an attempt to cheer her up.

“Yeah,” Mihyun smiled as she imagined the faces of the boys behind her closed eyelids. “I just have to get through this meeting. Did you make sure Kris safely arrived at Lawyer Zhang's place this morning?"

“I watched him until he was within the confines of Lawyer Zhang's home,” Jaesuk informed her reassuringly.

“It would be nice if Kris could be reunited with his family,” Mihyun smiled at the thought. The Noye had spoken to her earlier about the plans to find his family from before he was taken away, and Mihyun had suggested for him to meet with one of her old acquaintances. Kris had been extremely hesitant at first, but agreed nevertheless when Mihyun personally vouched for his reliability. 

Jaesuk nodded in agreement as he parked the car in their designated area.

“Will you be attending as well?” Mihyun asked with brief surprise. Usually Jaesuk would simply drop her off at the front of the building.

“Your father has been a bit concerned for your safety lately, so he’s requested that I accompany you to wherever you are to travel,” Jaesuk answered as he waited for her to climb out of the car.

Mihyun’s eyes narrowed, “Even to the Noye house?”

Jaesuk hesitated before he nodded. “But,” he quickly added in before Mihyun could voice her thoughts. “I respect your time with them, Agasshi, so it should be fine to bend the rules a little."

“I really don’t deserve you, Jaesuk,” Mihyun chuckled lightly as she shook her head.

“You took the words right out of my mouth, Agasshi,” Jaesuk smiled as he held the front door open for her.

“Han Agasshi, they are all waiting on the second floor,” the secretary immediately greeted the pair with a bow. She snuck a peek at Jaesuk who was standing beside Mihyun and flushed a bright red before quickly ducking her head.

“She likes you, you know,” Mihyun whispered knowingly as the two climbed onto the elevator. She glanced up at the elder and nudged him gently with her elbow. “What do you think about her? She’s very pretty.”

“Is she?” Jaesuk responded with an arched eyebrow.

“Don’t be like that,” Mihyun chuckled as she turned forward. “You’re almost about to hit your 30s, Jaesuk, don’t you think it’s time you found somebody to settle down with?”


Mihyun rolled her eyes as she uttered a slight scoff. She immediately straightened out her face and stiffened her posture when the elevator doors slid open, much to Jaesuk’s amusement. The two walked down the hallways with purpose until they arrived at the familiar meeting room.

“You think you can survive for another two hours?” Jaesuk asked as he glanced down at the girl.

Mihyun pushed a small, tight lipped smile onto her face. “I’ve been surviving my whole life, haven’t I?”

“On the contrary, I think the boys have made you weak,” Jaesuk murmured with amusement as he pushed open the doors to allow her to enter first.

“Ah, Ms. Han has arrived,” President Kou announced as he greeted the girl right away. “As punctual as always.”

Mihyun greeted him with a bow as she shook his hand. “I thought I should arrive early to greet our foreign guest.”

“Always so reliable,” President Kou smiled as he clapped the girl on the shoulder. He was joined by another group of businessmen, all owners of important titles from presidents to directors. “Ms. Han, this is President Zhou, he’s been looking forward to your presentation. We have all put you in very good words to him.”

Mihyun gave him a small smile of gratitude before she turned to face the foreign stranger with an outstretched hand. “It’s nice to meet you, President Zhou.” She glanced upwards when her handshake wasn’t returned, and stared at the frown that adorned his face.

“Why have you presented me with just a young girl? Are you trying to waste my time?” President Zhou muttered angrily at the man that stood beside him.

Mihyun’s smile slipped just the slightest bit and she slowly retracted her hand back to her side.

“I apologize, President Zhou. I will inform the other men that you wish to have the child’s presentation removed in order to not waste any of your time,” the man responded in a quiet tone. He then turned to President Kou to translate the words in a hushed tone.

President Kou’s grand smile slipped as he listened to the words whispered in his ears, and his eyes narrowed at the information. His eyes darted from Mihyun to the foreigner, mentally debating who held a more meaningful position in his company before he would chose a side. Mihyun clenched her jaw once she processed the apologetic look President Kou granted her and watched as he opened his mouth to agree with the foreigner.

Jaesuk stepped forward with narrowed eyes and quickly interrupted the President before he could utter any words. “You seem to misjudging Han Agasshi based on her age, President Zhou. Han Agasshi is currently ranked as the top student at Whimoon High School and has already received grand offers of complete scholarships to the top universities around the world. She has an IQ of 186, one that surpasses even the greatest geniuses of the world, yet you ridicule her intelligence and capabilities because of mere –”

“Jaesuk, that’s enough,” Mihyun spoke out firmly as she shot him a warning glance. Jaesuk immediately pressed his lips together at the command, and bowed his head apologetically. She turned her chilly glare to the men in front of her, sending ice cold shivers down each of their spines. “I am fine with removing my presence from this meeting if that is what you’d prefer to happen. However, I should warn you that the information I was going to present would have been crucial to any future partnership that would have budded between your company and any other one in Korea. Have a good day.”

Both President Kou and Zhou almost immediately realized the mistake they had just made once the girl spun on her heels to leave.

“Child, if you could speak Chinese why didn’t you say so in the beginning? If this information is as important as you say it is, by all means, present!” President Zhou spoke in a state of slight panic.

“I’m seen as an insolent child in your eyes, aren’t I, President Zhou? Then I will by all means act like one, and will not differentiate my personal matters with my business matters. I will not discard my pride nor be the bigger person in such an instance,” Mihyun stated in a clear and sharp tone. Her eyes flashed a dangerous color as she stared staight into the eyes of the man before her. “The possibility of any business transactions occuring between your company and Han Corporations has now been diminished, and this will damage your proceeds over 100 times more than it will hurt mine.”

“Ms. Han, please reconsider his miscalculated assumption, President Zhou didn’t—” President Kou uttered in an attempt to salvage what he could.

“President Kou,” Mihyun cut in with a hard voice. “I had been meaning to pass a blind eye over the funds you have been sapping from Han Corporations under the guise of it being a “charity” due to the long relationship our companies have had with each other, but I see that your loyalty isn’t nearly up to par. You’ll be receiving a contract termination file within a few days.”

She began to make her way out of the room with Jaesuk right on her tail before she stopped momentarily. She glanced over her shoulder and added in, “And a lawsuit,” before finally taking her leave.

“You certainly know how to make a grand exit,” Jaesuk gently humored as the pair made their way downstairs. His attempt to cheer the other up was in vain, as Mihyun’s mood was completely spoiled with the turn of events. “At least you will get to see the boys earlier now, Han Agasshi.”

Mihyun’s mood lightened up the slightest bit. “Let’s get going, alright Jaesuk?” she sighed in a quiet voice as she climbed into the backseat of the car.

Jaesuk nodded obediently as he shut the door behind her before making his way to the driver’s seat.

Mihyun slipped off her shoes and pulled her knees up to her chest before wrapping her arms around them. She released a long and slow sigh as she leaned the side of her cheek to the caps of her knees.

That hadn’t been the first time her abilities were underestimated because of her young age, and although she had expected to be used to it by now, she just couldn’t. All of the sneers and judgments she always received were simply constant reminders of her childhood – or lack thereof.

When she was young, she never had time to waste on any of the normal childish things like playing tag with friends or dressing up dolls. While other kids stalled maturity with video games and water gun fights, her child hood consisted of the exact opposite. With no petty activities to stunt her mental growth, she had matured rapidly during the early years of her adolescence, leading to her current state.

She was only 16 years old, an age in which most would spend their time uploading pictures to social media websites or attending parties - the years of a teenager's life that were to be enjoyed. That of course, wasn't the cast for Mihyun. She had been stripped of those luxuries since the day she was born.

Never would she be accepted by the peers of her age because of her mental maturity or the adults because of her physical immaturity.

And it .

A lot.

The familiar faces of the Noyes drifted into her head, and she unknowingly let her lips curve into a small smile. Perhaps that was why she loved those boys to such an extent that she would sacrifice her own being for them. Because for once in her life, she found the place so many people searched for, so many longed for.

A place free of the typical judgments of society – free of stereotypes, of scornful glares of jealously. She found her place of acceptance, her home. A home, a true home, wasn’t a place you had come from, but instead a place where you are wanted.



“What do you think you are doing?” Mihyun’s voice came out tight and strained as she stared at the group before her.

She had arrived at the Noye House with high spirits, determined to desert all the negative energy that had spouted from earlier that day. Once she stepped into the familiar cage, however, all positive thoughts immediately disappeared. Instead of seeing a group a happy faces, she was met with the sight of guards roughly restraining the Noyes.

Jongin was sprawled out on the ground, loud growls emitting from his throat as two of the guards held him down. Sehun and Chanyeol were shoved up against the walls with their arms twisted painfully behind their backs. Baekhyun attempted to shield Luhan of any rough hands, and wrapped his arms protectively around the elder’s shoulders as a guard gripped each of his arms tightly.

And then there was Kyungsoo, face as white as snow and bottom lip tucked into his mouth as he bit down hard on the flesh. He stood with his head hung in shame, tears rolling down his cheeks as Jaemin shouted profanity at him.

Mihyun had walked in just in time to hear the shouts of, “You’re lucky we’re even giving you this chance! Do you know how hard it was to get somebody to take in some stupid retard like you? We had to pull so many strings just cause you’re so goddamn stupid! God, why did we even take you in the first place?!”

He didn’t get to shout anymore insults before he was interrupted by Mihyun's presence. Her blood ran cold and her body stiffened at the sight of the cruel treatment imposed on the people she held dear.

“I asked what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Mihyun shouted angrily, her voice climbing to a volume she had never reached before. All motion in the room froze at the echoing voice, shivers running down even the spines of the Noyes from the cold tone.

Jaemin was the first to snap out of the fright, and he glared hard at the girl in front of him. “We’re taking this retard to the dock. He knew this would happen if he didn’t get rid of his stupidity, so it’s all on him that he hasn’t gotten any smarter.”

“Don’t you dare insult Kyungsoo,” Mihyun growled in a low tone as she took a intimidating step forward. Her glare darted to the sides and she commanded the guards to release their hold on the boys in a low, authoritive voice. There was clear hesitance in their eyes, unsure as to whether they should listen to her, or the son of their boss. The decision was made when she snapped again, however, and they quickly fled the room with their tails between their legs.

Jongin immediately climbed to his feet to sprint to Kyungsoo’s side once he was released. He wrapped his arms tightly around the quivering smaller, and began to whisper words of reassurance into his ears. Kyungsoo fisted handfuls of Jongin's shirt as he clung to the male, streams of tears running down his cheeks as he shook profusely.

“Come with me,” Mihyun commanded as she stared at Jaemin. Her cold voice of authority sounded almost unrecognizable to even her own ears.

“W-Why should I?” Jaemin bit back in a feeble attempt to maintain his dominance.

Mihyun simply shot him a a loathesome glare in return, and he was quick to follow her outside of the cage. The tension between the two as they walked was so strong that you could have split it into two. Jaemin flinched when Mihyun abruptly spun on her heels to face him.

She took a long breath, calming herself down just enough so she wouldn't mindlessly lash out at the other. “How much?” Mihyun asked in a calm tone. Truthfully, even she was surprised as how normal her voice sounded when she wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out. The images of Kyungsoo's sobbing figure flew back to mind, and she hid her tightly clenched fists behind her back. “How much are you selling Kyungsoo for?” 

“Not a price you can afford,” Jaemin scoffed with crossed arms. His confidence returned to him now that he knew Mihyun hadn’t brought him somewhere to slaughter him or something of the sort.

“I’ll pay you double,” she responded without missing a beat. “So don’t you dare give Kyungsoo away.”

“Why the hell do you want him, anyways? The retard is pretty much useless – can’t work, hell, can’t even speak right!” Jaemin exclaimed incredulously. His breath was quickly knocked out of him when his back painfully hit the stone wall behind him.

“Don’t insult Kyungsoo,” Mihyun growled quietly under her breath. Her eyes flashed a dark color that sent chills running up Jaemin’s spine. The grip she held on the front of his collar tightened, and he gulped fearfully as she stared him down.

“W-What do you think you’re doing? I thought yo-you were supposed to be some prissy like know it all that says no to violence? Are you being a hypocrite now?” Jaemin stammered slightly as he tried to salvage any masculinity he had left.

“I think you’ve misunderstood something. I am neither kind nor forgiving. I won’t turn a blind eye to the wrong doings of others, nor will I be the better person and forgive their actions with only small scolds,” Mihyun stated in a low tone as she stared straight into his eyes. “Did you think that the way I treat the boys is the way I would treat everyone? Don’t you dare lay another finger on any of those boys again or I will smash your life to pieces, are we clear?”

Jaemin fell silent for a long period of time, both due to the sudden fear that generated in his chest and the fact that he couldn’t come up with anything clever enough to respond with. Finally, he summed up enough courage and forced a smirk to slide onto his face, “You’ve been treating those boys with such kindness and gentle words, but this is your true character, isn’t it? Don’t you think you’ve been too fake with all the things you’ve been doing for them lately? I know all about you, Han Mihyun. I know that you always try to lend a hand to those who are unfit to exist in society. Who do you think you are?  You’re just a phony pretending to be some angel, aren’t you?”

A victorious smile spread across Jaemin’s lips, and he raised his eyes to meet Mihyun's, expecting to see her orbs swimming with self doubt and cowardice. He was taken aback, however, to instead see pity and sympathy present in her eyes.

“So pitiful,” Mihyun murmured as she stared straight into his eyes. “So pitiful and pathetic.”

“W-What?” Jaemin exclaimed in a shrill tone, eyes wide with surprise from her ridiculous accusation. “Pathetic? How am I pathetic?!”

“You assumed that because my actions are what you consider as ‘too kind’ that they must have been done with an intent other than simple kindness, correct? So it’s pitiful that both yourself and the people you’ve been exposed to are too self absorbed and greedy to extend a helping hand to those in need. The things I’ve done should have been the natural instincts of all human beings, in which we should all want to help each other out; they’re actions that we shouldn’t have to think twice about enacting. These things that you've deemed to be "too kind" are things that should be commonly done in an ideal society. Therefore, I don’t appreciate being called a fake just because I choose to separate my actions from the tainted social norm,” Mihyun responded with a tight jaw and narrowed eyes.

Jaemin’s jaw gaped slightly open as he soaked in the words the younger girl was chiding him with.

“You are pitiful, Jaemin, because you have become so accustomed to the dirtied society we live in that you can’t believe that people would actually do things for others just because it’s the right thing to do. You are pathetic because you hold all acts of kindness with suspicion, always looking for the ulterior motif,” Mihyun continued, her breaths coming in short huffs. “And I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the way you must haved lived in order to see everything with such a negative point of view.”’

“The reason why I might extend my kindness a little farther than others might is to make up for all the areas in our world that are lacking, for all the selfish, wastes of humankind like yourself,” Mihyun’s voice strained as she took one step away from him. “Because our society could do with a little less cruelty and a little more kindness, and these Noyes, no, these people, these human beings with beating hearts and blood pulsing through their veins… they’re the first ones in line that deserve it.”

“That’s why I think you’re pitiful,” Mihyun concluded, so close to breaking into a batch of tears. Her emotions had gotten the better of her during her well needed rant, but she refused to shed even the slightest tear in front of Jaemin. “And that’s why I think you’re pathetic.”

Jaemin stared at her with a tensed jaw, his eye twitching at the sound of being called pathetic. Yet, despite how much her words made his blood boil, he couldn’t bring himself to throw his fist forward like he was itching to do. He knew she spoke truth in her words, and that simply made him even angrier. He was a few years older than that 16 year old girl, yet how was she so much more knowledgeable than him? The thought made him even angrier.

Finally, he could stand it no longer and simply shoved her backwards to give him a clear amount of space to stomp angrily away from her.

Mihyun let out a shaky breath as she ran her fingers through her hair, taking some time to calm herself down. She leaned against the wall she had previously walked Jaemin against and clutched at the cloth in front of her rapidly pounding heart. She didn’t know where she had gotten the courage to say such words, but she was glad she did, for it felt as if a large burden had been taken off of her chest. Her lips curved slightly upwards and a quiet, tinkling laughter escaped her lips.

She could breathe again.

A broken sob forced her to snap her eyes open, and she stared in surprise at the 6 boys standing before her.

“Kyung… soo?” she asked with a cocked head as she stared at the tears that poured from his eyes. “Why are you all here?"

Rather than replying, Kyungsoo simply broke into another round of tears as he ran forward to throw his arms around her shoulders. “Th-th-than-thank-nk y-you-you!” he managed to choke out as he clung to her shirt as if his life depended on it.

“Don’t scare her, Soo,” Jongin chuckled as he pried the sobbing male off of her. He gave Mihyun a sincere, grateful smile as he took Kyungsoo into his arms.

“We kind of… followed you,” Baekhyun admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. “Just to make sure Jaemin wouldn’t attack you or anything…”

“We heard what you said,” Chanyeol spoke up, his eyes gleaming with affection and gratitude as he stared at the girl in front of him.

“Oh,” Mihyun replied simply, suddenly feeling incredibly embarrassed from the stares she received.

“Let’s do it,” Sehun stated suddenly as he stared them all in the eyes. He was met with eyes of confusion, unsure of what exactly he was refering to. “The rebellion, let’s do it.”

Mihyun’s eyes widened in surprise as she processed Sehun’s abrupt words. “Are you… are you sure?”

“Yeah,” Chanyeol slowly spoke up in continuation. “You said we’re humans, right? We’re human beings with beating hearts and blood pulsing through our veins… so, so it’s time that we’re treated that way.”

“It won’t be easy,” Mihyun warned as she stared at their eager faces. Her heart began to pick up in its beats as her mind processed the words that were being uttered before her.

“We know,” Sehun smiled as he discreetly wrapped his hand around Mihyun’s smaller one to give it a light squeeze of reassurance.

“You could die,” Mihyun whispered quietly, her eyes wide with dread.

Her words were met with a long pause.

“We know,” Baekhyun breathed as he leaned against Chanyeol who in turn wrapped a tight arm around the boy’s shoulders.

“It might not end as a success,” Mihyun continued with furrowed eyebrows, her eyes fluttering with a series of different emotions – worry, anticipation, nervousness, excitement.

“God Mihyun, you were the one who was all for it in the beginning, now are you trying to persuade us out of it?” Chanyeol laughed good heartedly. “Make up your mind!”

“I just… I just want you all to know what you’re getting into,” Mihyun responded quietly as her eyes flittered from face to face.

“We know,” Sehun stated firmly. “We know what we’re getting into. We know the sacrifices we’re going to have the make, as well as the consequences that might occur as result. We know it all. But… you’ve been the one fighting for us all this time.”

Sehun discreetly took Mihyun’s hand into his own to give it a light squeeze. The corner of his lips twitched upwards as he stared straight into her eyes. “So now it’s our turn.”



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Pxnellyxq #1
Chapter 30: Jongin with his famous smirk at the end, my god
Chapter 28: Aww cute, he's playing with the flower haha
Chapter 27: Yes fight for her!
Chapter 26: No, I'm not crying. You are.
Chapter 23: dont tell me. oh my god. He never got treated right, at least give me something not to cry over. Whyyyyyyy
Chapter 21: wuu the story is thickening its plot!
Chapter 17: That's sweet talk but I wonder about the kiss. I mean I would be embarrassed? I can't run around kissing guys' forehead all the time haha
Chapter 15: I can't help myself but ship Mihyun and every guy she encounters. And how kyungsoo be able to refrain himself from falling in love with her? She literally gave him everything, supports and also secure attachment.