Lovely Jinyoung


Jinyoung is just too much.


Hi everyone! 
I'm a new writer in this fandom and as you can see, Jinyoung is my bias (that little )
This is a request thing for Jinyoung otps yayy cause I don't have any plotideas I'd love it if you would give me some :)
I will not write anything including violence and suicide or mpreg, I really can't bring myself to.

I look foward to your requests :)


PS: I'm acutally a writer in the exo fandom (littleviet_) but lately I couldn't bring myself to continue my stuff on that account, I hope I'll be able to though and if you're one of my readers over there, I'm really, really, sorry, all the drama and stuff has gotten to me and I'm taking a break from all that aka hiatus from exo fandom, I'll come back asap tho :) 

PPS: If you've read anything that I've written on my other account and think it's too cheesy then I'm really sorry lmao
         I learnt to change my writing style though, so I wont be writing that cheesy anymore (Ofc I can if you'd like)




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Haninwoozi #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute,,,aahh
Chapter 1: More more more lol
Chapter 1: Authornim~~ dont u want to update this? Pretty pleaseee :((
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeee
tootoothree #5
Chapter 1: I love this! Bambam's timing was spot on. LMAO. xD
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute <3 My feels ><><><><
Chapter 1: so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute agdfsdgfjdjghdjkfghjkhjkfhjfjhgkdfj
can't wait for jinson and markjin
udleyy #8
Chapter 1: i love thiiissss omg so cuteeee><
jithesandpaper #9
Chapter 1: Akjsjskakskjsjsjj so cute!