Stay With Me



Hey guys, it's Roo here with another one-shot. This one is on the longer end and it's something I haven't really explored fully before in my craft. So needless to say it was a challenge, but it was also a fun challenge and I think I might expand and try my hand at more dark, thriller-esque storylines.  In a nutshell, the story is centered around an OC, Duk Hwa, who has gone mad over underground rapper Woo Jiho, otherwise known by his stage name, Zico. It does leave you with a bit of a cliff hanger and there is a lack of detail in terms of Duk Hwa's background. This was done intentionally because not everyone has the same brand of "crazy" and this is a one-shot, so I kind of wanted the reader to come up with their own ideas as to why things went down the way they did.

Anyway, I hope you do enjoy it. Bye guys. (:


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Chapter 1: Omg.... That was so creepy but so good!!!!
This chick needs to get her s together and pah the rent before kidnapping someone! It's really creepy though ;;