Hanging out

Be With Me (EDITING)

Your POV: 

The day before my parents had to leave on their trip, they came home early from work and finished packing.  I took off from my job at the school and came home to clean the house and watch Minkyung since both Eunsun and Myungdae got to do some overtime at their work places. 

In the evening, I helped my mom cook dinner.  The four of us ate and then I cleaned up while my mom finished packing and my dad played with Minkyung. 

Around 9 pm was when Eunsun and Myungdae got home.  The looked absolutely exhausted and it worried me.  Both of them had been taking overtime for the past couple of weeks to earn a bit more.  It was helping out quite a lot, but it would do no good if they got hurt or was overworking themselves too much. 

"Dad already put Minkyung to bed," I informed the couple. 

They nodded in response and went to eat their dinner before going to sleep right away.  I, too, went to bed around the same time. 

The next morning, my parents woke up bright and early to throw all their luggage into the car.  After they had packed their luggage into the trunk, they came to wake me up since I volunteered to drop them off at the airport.  I threw on a big sweater that I found sitting on my desk chair, it was Baekhyun's, he had forgotten it a while back. 

After dropping them off, I drove back home.  By the time I got back it was about 8 o'clock.  I entered my house and put the keys away before walking towards my room.  But before I could reach my room, I heard Myungdae's door creek open.  I turned and found a teary eyed Minkyung clutching the door handle. 

I motioned him to come to me and asked, "What's wrong?"  He put his arms up, indicating that he wanted to be picked up, so I picked him up and held him close. 

"I had a bad dream," he cried. 

"Don't cry," I cooed and patted his head while heading to the kitchen.  "Auntie's here now.  You don't have to cry." 

I comforted him for a while and then placed him on the counter while I started breakfast.  He sat still on the counter and watched me move about in the kitchen. 

"Do you want some cereal?" I asked and brought out some boxes. 

He gave a little nod and pointed to one that I was holding in hand.  I poured some cereal in a little bowl for him and then got out the milk. 

"Auntie," Minkyung started as I poured milk into his cereal.  "Will grandma and grandpa be back soon?" 

"Yes, they'll come back very soon," I answered. 

He nodded his head and began to happily eat his cereal. 

As I was finishing up cooking breakfast, Eunsun came into the room. 

"Good morning," she greeted the two of us. 

"Morning, mommy," Minkyung sang. 

"How did you sleep?" I asked. 

"Wonderfully," she replied and smiled.  "Best sleep in a while." 

"That's good." 

I set the table and soon Myungdae joined us.  Once we finished eating, Eunsun cleaned up and washed the dishes while Myungdae took Minkyung to wash up. I went to get ready for the day as well because I had told Myungdae and Eunsun that I would take Minkyung out so that they would have a chance to relax. 

After I had just got done changing, I got a call from Jongdae. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"What are you doing today?" Jongdae asked. 

"Well, I'm about to take my nephew out for a bit." 

"Oh, mind if I join you two?" 

"You don't have a schedule today?" 


"Okay.  Well, we'll be at the park.  It's near my house, all you have to do is go down the street a little more and you'll see it." 

"Great!  I'll see you there."

We said goodbye and then I hung up.  I grabbed my bag and phone before walking out of my room to get Minkyung.  He was playing by himself in the livingroom already dressed and ready to go. 

"Ready to go, Kyungie?" I asked while grabbing his shoes.

"Yes!" he exclaimed and ran over to me.

"We'll be meeting a friend of mine at the park, okay?"  I helped him put on his shoes and then slipped mine on.

"Is it Uncle Baekhyun?"

"No, he's busy.  So, my other friend will meet us."

"Ohh... Okay." 

Once we had our shoes on and we said goodbye to his parents, we headed off to the park.  When we got there, Minkyung ran straight to the playground.  I watched him run around and climb all over the place until I saw Sehun and Tao from the corner of my eye. 

They came running towards me and gave me a big, crushing hug.  I was happy with the affection that I was receiving, but I couldn't fully enjoy it because I couldn't breathe.  I struggled a little and tried to wiggle out of their grasp, but they were quite strong. 

"Would you guys let her go?" I heard Jongdae's voice say.

They let go and stood in front of me.  Then Jongdae appeared from the side.  He was wearing an annoyed expression as he joined us.  I smiled because it was nice seeing them again. 

"Sorry, these boys wanted to tag along," Jongdae said gave a side glare to his younger members. 

"It's okay.  The more the better right?" I said, looking at the taller guys.

"So, where's your nephew?" Sehun asked.

"Over there," I pointed.  "Minkyung!  Come here!"

Minkyung came running as soon as he heard me call him.  When he finally got over to us, he stared up to the three unknown men standing next to me.  


Jongdae's POV:

Areum's nephew, Minkyung, was very cute.  He stared up at us curiously with his big eyes before hiding slightly behind Areum's legs.  I knelt down so that I was eye-level with him and scooted closer. 

"Hello, Minkyung-ah," I greeted him and gave a little wave.

He smiled shyly and bowed.  "Hello."

"You're so polite."

"This is Uncle Chen," Areum butted in.  "And this is Uncle Sehun and Uncle Tao.  These are my friends."

"Hi," Minkyung said.

"Awe, you're so cute," Sehun complimented him.

"Thank you."

"You can go back and play now, Kyungie," Areum told him. 

He nodded his head and ran back to the playground to play.  The four of us then went to find a bench to sit on.  While Tao and Sehun played a game on Tao's phone, Areum and I talked. 

"What have you guys been up to?" she asked. 

"Nothing really.  We have a schedule tomorrow, though," I replied. 

"Oh.  Are you guys done with your concerts?"

"No, we still have a few left, but we'll be done soon.  But once our tour is over we have to start practicing for our next comeback."

"Seems like you guys will be pretty busy."

"Yeah.  It's tiring, but when I'm with these guys, I don't think about it too much."

She smiled.  "That's good." 

Before I got to say anything, little droplets started to fall over us.  I looked up and saw dark clouds hovering above us and within seconds it started to pour down.  We rushed to get Minkyung before running to a big tree that would cover our heads somewhat.  As we waited for the rain to stop or lighten up, we shivered from the cold. 

Minkyung was riding on Areum's back, but then Tao took him away and carried him when the rain had lightened up.  We got into the car and I blasted the heat so we would feel warm again.  Then I drove to Areum's house.  When we got inside, we took our shoes off and sat in the living room while Areum went to get towels for us.  Then two people walked out from the bedrooms and looked at us. 

"Mommy!  Daddy!" Minkyung shouted and got up when he saw the two.

"Minkyung-ah!  Did you have fun?" the woman asked and bent down to hug the little boy. 

"Yup.  And I met Uncle Chen, Uncle Tao, and Uncle Sehun."

"Oh really?" she looked over to us.  "I'm Eunsun, Minkyung's mom.  Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too," the three of us and stood up to bow.

"I'm Areum's older brother, Myungdae," the male greeted.

"I'm Chen and these two are Sehun and Tao." 

Just then Areum walked back into the room and tossed us each a towel. 

"Areum talks a lot about you guys," Eunsun smiled. 

We looked over to her and saw that she was slightly blushing as she dried her wet hair.  My lips curled up into a smile as soon as I saw her blush.  Then Eunsun invited us to stay for dinner. 

As Eunsun and Myungdae went to cook dinner, Areum showed us her house.  Although it was small, it felt nice and cozy.  After our small house tour, we went to eat dinner. 

Once we were done with dinner, we went to sit in the living room again.  Eunsun, Myungdae, and Minkyung left to their room, leaving only the four of us.  Then we decided to watch a horror movie and turned the lights off. 

While we were watching there was a jumpscare part and of course we all jumped in surprise.  While the two maknaes grabbed onto each other, Areum clutched onto my shirt.  I looked down to her and sneakily put my arm around her.  As we continued to watch the movie, there were many more jumpscares and creepy parts, and all that just made Areum keep cuddling closer and closer to me.  I didn't mind at all, I really liked it actually... a lot.  I wished for the moment to last forever. 

Then, once we finished the movie, our manager called us asking us where we were.  I knew he wouldn't like it if I told him we were at Areum's house because he has something against her or something, so I just said that we were just about to head home now.  After the phone call, we got ready to leave.  At the door, Areum waved goodbye to us and watched us leave before going back inside. 




Hia!  here's an update for you guys!  and thank you guys soo much for subscribing!! i have 30 subscribers now!! :D  it makes me so happy that so many people are reading and enjoying!! and thank you to jesstephi  and luyoona12 for upvoting! i really really appreciate it!  so thank you soo soo much!! :D  and some Chen moments with you!! ;)






So here's more Jongdae moments!  I hope you guys enjoyed! 

Lately I haven't been feeling like writing, (though I'm trying so hard >.<) but at the same time I want to?  If that makes sense.  I think I just don't have to motivation to do so.  I, like, have ideas and stuff for new fics and all, but I just don't have the motivation to write.  And if I force myself to write it either becomes unfinished because I don't know how to contine the story or it comes out crappy and beyond cringy...  I don't know what to do right now, but I'll keep trying to update for you guys :) 

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200 subscribers?! Thank you guys so much! It's so amazing, love you all! ^-^


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Chapter 35: omg i thought this fic was finished but not yet x|
Chapter 35: Jongdae is really sweet but Baekhyun :((((

ps: stay safe!!!
Chapter 34: omg that kiss!!!! please Baekhyun don't play with her feelings :( she already has so much drama family to get hurt by you. He should break up with Taeyeon and date Areum! they're meant for each other
Chapter 32: They should really send their mom to a psychologist because she clearly have mental issue at the moment. The accident turned her into a somewhat monster.
Chapter 31: She need to go back to school? So she did not finish college there?

I actually like Jongdae more than Baekhyun in this, he’s such a sweetheart and ultimately he’s there for her.
Chapter 30: Her problems are piling up.
Chapter 29: That line I still like you, it confused me too, I thought that they never confessed to each other. So her telling that to Baekhyun means that he did know? Or I’m just assuming things?
Chapter 25: Atleast her sister in law is still sane for not aborting her child. She just got tons of problems in her plate.
Chapter 24: I read this in one go and I was planning to comment on the last chapter but I just can’t help myself because my head is starting to ache because of the drama of being poor.
I get that they are poor but then again I thought that she had graduated from the US, then why don’t she look a job that would fit what she finished in college? I mean if you’re a graduate from the US most probably you’d get a higher paying job. It’s stupid that she went to the US to study just to get home and get a part time job as an English tutor. Going to the US I though that it is through scholarship grant or whag but then I get that they paid for it, how poor are they in the first place if they get to send her to college in US but the daily life they can’t support. They are all working.
Her brother is already married why don’t he and his wife start a life of their own? Why live still with his parents, I got flabbergasted when the mom suggested abortion, you can swallow all that and say that you’d kill your own child?
Also for a poor person to have a two car, wooooow. They could just sell those to get money.
Chapter 33: ugh I really dislike Taeyon! She's older than Baekhyun but she's acting like a jealous possessive girlfriend.. and Baekhyun is like a fool. Poor Areum :(