
Be With Me (EDITING)

Your POV:

It's been almost two months since the day of the concert.  EXO has been going overseas constantly for their tour and I finally found two part-time jobs at a daycare and a small school.  My parent's trip was coming up soon and Eunsun was just about 8 weeks. 

Somehow my brother and sister-in-law managed to keep Eunsun's pregnancy a secret from our parents.  It was a little surprising because I could see Eunsun's tiny baby bump whenever she wore tighter clothing, but maybe my parents were too busy to even realize some changes.  Of course, I didn't say anything because I had promised them. 

Speaking of work and all, I grabbed my backpack and ran to catch the bus.  When I arrived at the daycare, it was just about noon.  Thankfully I was able to check in before it really struck noon.  I greeted my co-worker, Subin.  She's younger than me and had started working here about a month before I came along. 

This week we were supposed to work from noon to 5pm, which worked out very well for me.  So after my shift at the daycare, I went to the little school, and luckily it was only a few blocks away. 

When I got there, I greeted the other workers that were around and went up to the classroom that I was assigned to for the night.  All of the students were already there studying, but they all stood up to greet me as I walked in.  I was working as an English tutor for the school, so it wasn't hard at all. 

After work, I went straight home.  When I got home it was almost 10 pm and the kitchen light was still on.  Curious, I took my shoes off and went to the kitchen to see who was there.  I took a peek around the corner and saw my mom sitting at the table looking down at something.  I walked in and sat next to her.

"What are you doing this late?" she asked as I sat down.

"I just got home from work," I replied.

"Oh...  Don't over work yourself, alright?"

"I won't.  What are you looking at?"

"The bills."  She sighed.  "We still need to pay back a lot more even though you and Eunsun are working."

"Don't worry too much, I'll see if I can get some overtime or something."

"I just told you not to overwork yourself."

"I know, but I'm fine.  I don't want you and dad to worry so much."

She sighed again and looked to me.  I smiled to her.  She lifted her hand and the side of my head.  Then she took the bills and put them back into the drawer. 

"I'm going to bed now.  You should get to sleep, too," she told me before she left.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

I turned off the lights in the kitchen and made my way to my room.  When I got to my room, I threw my backpack to the floor and went to go take a quick shower.  Then I came back and heard my phone ring. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, what's up?" It was Jongdae. 

Before EXO started leaving for their tour, I went over to their dorm whenever I was bored since I didn't have a job at the time.  Every time I went over there, Jongdae would always be home, so he and I got closer.  Well, I got closer with all of the members, but Jongae was always there to talk with. 

"Nothing.  I just got done with work."

"Oh.  Are you tired?  Did I call you at the wrong time?"

"No, I'm okay.  Working at the school isn't as bad as working at the daycare."

He laughed.  "Okay then.  Well, I hope your having fun with that."

"It's okay.  So, what are you doing?"

"Yesterday was our concert and today we had a whole day to relax.  We'll coming back to Korea tomorrow, though."

"Oh really?  What time?  I think I can come meet you guys."

"Umm... we'll probably land around 10 o'clock in the morning."

"Alright.  You guys are lucky that my shift is in the afternoon for the day care this week.  Next week I'm working in the morning."

"Ahh... really?  Well, that's good that you can come-- actually, it'll be crazy at the airport and I don't want you to get hurt, so wait for us at our dorm."

"Okay.  I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

"Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight, oppa."

I hung up and finished drying my hair.  Once my hair was dry enough, I threw the towel into the laundry basket and turned off the lights and went to sleep. 


Jongdae's POV:

After sightseeing and some practice, I back to my hotel room.  I laid myself on the bed and stared up to the ceiling.  There wasn't really anything else I wanted to do, and I was pretty sure some of the members felt the same. 

I reached for my phone and went through all of my apps and contact list.  Suddenly, Areum's name caught my attention.  I thought that since I haven't seen her in a while and it's been a while since the last time we talked, it'd be nice to call her.  And I did. 

She and I are pretty close now... I would say.  Well, I only think that because we've been talking a lot with each other lately.  Plus, I feel like we understand each other pretty well now. 

The next morning, we finished packing and we made our way to the airport.  We boarded onto the plane and headed back to Korea.  On the plane, I sat next to Baekhyun.  He seemed stressed out, probably because of the 'dating scandal' even though it all happened about 4 months ago.  I felt bad for him, but then again his mood seemed to go up and down depending on where he was.  For example, when he went into deep thought mode, he would feel down, but when he was with us, Taeyeon, or Areum, he was able to push away all of the negative thoughts.  We've all tried to cheer him up and make him think of other things, but it doesn't really work in the end.  So, we've learned to just leave him alone most of the time. 

I was the first one to step into the lobby when we arrived at the dorm building.  When I entered, I saw Areum sitting in the seating area.  She had earbuds in and was staring down at her phone.  I couldn't help but smile looking at her.  Then I went over and sat next to her to see if she noticed.  And when she did, she looked up and smiled.

"Hey," she greeted me while taking her ear buds out. 

"How long have you been waiting here?" I asked.

"Just for a little bit.  How was your flight?"

"Same old, same old."

She laughed and we both got up.  Then she tried taking one of my bags, but I wouldn't let her take them.  I laughed at her cute expression when she started pouting.  Everything about her was cute and I really liked that. 

Up at the dorm, after we had put all our luggage and whatnot away, we hung out in the living room with Areum.  We only got to talk for a little bit before she had to get going to work.  Then we had to go practice for our next concert that was coming up.  




Hello my readers!  another update!  i hope you guys like it!  :)






So here's more AreumxJongdae moments!  I hope you guys liked it! 

I kinda want to get this whole editing done, but at the same time this was my first successful fic and I want to make it better...  I don't know!!  I also have a whole bunch of stories I have in mind and on draft...  We'll see how things go. 

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Chapter 35: omg i thought this fic was finished but not yet x|
Chapter 35: Jongdae is really sweet but Baekhyun :((((

ps: stay safe!!!
Chapter 34: omg that kiss!!!! please Baekhyun don't play with her feelings :( she already has so much drama family to get hurt by you. He should break up with Taeyeon and date Areum! they're meant for each other
Chapter 32: They should really send their mom to a psychologist because she clearly have mental issue at the moment. The accident turned her into a somewhat monster.
Chapter 31: She need to go back to school? So she did not finish college there?

I actually like Jongdae more than Baekhyun in this, he’s such a sweetheart and ultimately he’s there for her.
Chapter 30: Her problems are piling up.
Chapter 29: That line I still like you, it confused me too, I thought that they never confessed to each other. So her telling that to Baekhyun means that he did know? Or I’m just assuming things?
Chapter 25: Atleast her sister in law is still sane for not aborting her child. She just got tons of problems in her plate.
Chapter 24: I read this in one go and I was planning to comment on the last chapter but I just can’t help myself because my head is starting to ache because of the drama of being poor.
I get that they are poor but then again I thought that she had graduated from the US, then why don’t she look a job that would fit what she finished in college? I mean if you’re a graduate from the US most probably you’d get a higher paying job. It’s stupid that she went to the US to study just to get home and get a part time job as an English tutor. Going to the US I though that it is through scholarship grant or whag but then I get that they paid for it, how poor are they in the first place if they get to send her to college in US but the daily life they can’t support. They are all working.
Her brother is already married why don’t he and his wife start a life of their own? Why live still with his parents, I got flabbergasted when the mom suggested abortion, you can swallow all that and say that you’d kill your own child?
Also for a poor person to have a two car, wooooow. They could just sell those to get money.
Chapter 33: ugh I really dislike Taeyon! She's older than Baekhyun but she's acting like a jealous possessive girlfriend.. and Baekhyun is like a fool. Poor Areum :(