Prom Dress


Prom's coming up and, with the encouragement of his boyfriend Baekhyun, Chanyeol decides to be brave.



So this was it. Chanyeol clutched at Baekhyun’s hand, his stomach doing summersaults. He had never been so scared in his life. Not only would he be letting the whole school know he was gay, but-

“We’re here!”

Baekhyun’s voice shocked him out of his thoughts. He glanced out the car window, then up at Baekhyun, then out the window once more.

“Hey, Yeol.” Chanyeol turned to face Baekhyun again, and was rewarded with a gentle kiss. He smiled.

“It’ll be fine. I promise.”

Chanyeol’s smile didn’t falter.

“I know.”


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CrystalCat74 #1
Chapter 1: didnt expect chan wearing a dress.........anyway it was pretty random :))
xxoxoxoooo #2
Chapter 1: Well that was random XD