Theme 072

VIXX 300 Theme Challenge

A/N: let me start with saying sorry for not updating yesterday. i was in a lot - and i mean a LOT - of pain yesterday. pretty sure i mentioned monday about my middle ear infection. well, yesterday it decided "hey! the meds from the doc are finally starting to work to make her feel better, so why not use the last of my strenght to make her life hell?" or something like that. anyway, i spent most of the day either sleeping or trying not to howl in pain (it sounds like i'm trying to make a joke, but no i really was holding in cries of pain). again, sorry for missing yesterday, i'll post the theme that was meant for yesterday today as well as the one for today now

Title: Mischief Managed
Pairing: Luck
Related Chapter: 23, 29, 38, 52, 62, 80, 97, 101, 109, 121, 140, 169, 197, 264,
Word Count: 418


Leo smiled to himself as he watched Hongbin let out a small curse. Playing little pranks on the handsome man had become a hobby of his ever since he had returned from visiting his parents. It was childish, Leo knew that, but seeing Hongbin’s reactions made it worth it.

“You know what,” Hongbin sighed, trying to wipe the wet spot from the back of his pants, “I think I’m just going to go home.”

“Already?” Sanghyuk frowned. Leo pouted, feeling both annoyed and sad to see his master react that way.

“Yeah,” Hongbin sighed, “you think Hakyeon hyung would mind if I borrowed some pants from him? These are really wet and, well, it’s cold outside.”

“I’ll go get some,” Sanghyuk nodded before leaving his friend and cat boy alone in the living room.

“You don’t have to be so hostile,” Hongbin frowned, eyes slightly narrowed as he looked over at Leo.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Leo replied, making a show of cleaning his tail.

“Yes you do,” Hongbin bit back a growl of frustration, “look, I’m not going to take him from you. Hyukkie is my friend, my best friend. He’s like a brother to me.”

“So?” Leo glanced up at the other and instantly regretted it. Hongbin had this look in his eye, like he knew something Leo would rather him not know.

“Sanghyuk is like a brother to me,” Hongbin said, “and he feels the same way about me. Anyone he’s ever dated has needed to get my approval before the relationship went anywhere because Hyuk trusts me judgment.”

“Oh,” was all Leo managed to say, suddenly feeling very scared that he’d messed up any chance he had with Sanghyuk thanks to the things he’d pulled on Hongbin.

“Yeah,” Hongbin nodded, face softening, “right now, I have no problem with you. but if you keep pulling crap like this?”

“Found some pants,” Sanghyuk said, re-entering the room and cutting off anything Hongbin was going to say, “These should fit.”

“Thanks,” Hongbin smiled, stripping himself of his own pants and putting on the new ones, “I’ll bring these back tomorrow night, ok?”

“Alright,” Sanghyuk smiled.

Once Hongbin was gone, Sanghyuk sat back down on the couch and called Leo over. The cat boy curled up against his master, resting his head in the other’s lap as he thought about what Hongbin had said. He still didn’t like the other, but he had to play nice if he wanted Sanghyuk and he really wanted Sanghyuk.

A/N: not sure if this fits the theme, but I like it. I know a bunch of you probably saw the theme and thought this would be Harry Potter themed. I was tempted, but *shrug* seen too many stories based on Harry Potter so that kind of killed any desire to do that. the 6th cat-boy Luck story.

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LeeJi98 #1
Chapter 243: Aww model-desinger thing ;_; I wish you would write a long version of it ;_;
DeathDarkSoul #2
Chapter 242: Mind if I use this plot for my story? I'll give credit :) I'm just running out of ideas and most of my ideas are too cheesy
; u ; lol and I need new chappies for my 'VIXX Luck One-Shots' xD
Chapter 301: Congratulations author-nim on finishing the 300 themes ! /throw confettis/ Too bad I was on a long hiatus and couldn't follow the flow of your updates. Sorry T.T It's sad tho, to think there'll be no more updates on this themes. Thankyou for writing, really! I've always adore your way of writing every since I found your fics. You made me fall in love w readings all over again hihihi~ And just in time too, I'm here and it's finished omg. Good job, author-nim! /clapssss/ Saranghaeyo~~~
MyCuteBunny #4
Chapter 301: hOlY mOLY ITS DONE OMFG YOU DID IT OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I TRULY ENJOYED READING YOUR THEMES AND THE LAST THEME MADE MY NIGHT UGH I JUST WANNA THANK YOU FOR PUTTING SO MUCH EFFORT INTO WRITING MUCHLESS EVEN THINKING OF WRITING A 300 THEMED FIC SO THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I AM DEFINITELY LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED FOR YOUR FUTURE FICS hehe I'm gonna miss looking forward to your updates for this but I'm pretty sure I'll re-red this whole thing again so its okay :"-) Once again thank you so much for your hard work you are an amazing writer that I really look up to <3
Chapter 301: Oh my goodness. This is so sad but thank you so much for writing all of these. I can't wait to read the continued fics and such. It's gonna be weird not to see this in my updated list all the time
LittleMissShawol98 #6
Chapter 301: its over. its finally over. good job eonnie. (wait are you older?) its done, and as per normal, i'll stick to your fanfics again. heh your faithful reader is gonna wait for a new series to come out, no matter how long. a pat on the back and a huge cookie for ya. authornim jjang!
HighUp_HUE #7
Chapter 301: *wails a river* ITS DONE?! NO PLES!!! Huhu this has been and will always be my fave fic collection!!!!

Anyways, great job! I love all your works, and I cannot wait for the full versions of the themes you decide on sharing to us!!
Chapter 301: Wow its finished already... congrats ^^
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 301: Congratulations!!! You finished this! *applause*