she thinks~


“hyung how long are you going to stay there?”  jongkook says over the other line of the phone. He has been calling me for the pass 4 hours and has been asking the same question and I have been answering the same answer

“an hour more.. I guess” I said with a deep sigh.

“hyung you’ll freeze to death” he argue ,that kid and his stubbornness

“I can’t jong” I told him

“well I’m coming there to pick you up” he said  stubbornly and a bit worriedly and before I could protest he had already hung up the phone.

I sigh again ,  jongkook was right though I would freeze to death if I keep on sitting on this iron bench in this cold  November. But I really need to see her ,I need to see that smile  that used to brighten my day and my whole world . if I had just told her the truth if I had just ….   Why did I lie??? ….

If  I had just told her the truth …. She would have  been right beside me now... and i woldn't have been this borken..



taehyung :

one and only son of a multibillionaire internet enterpreneur

he is a 2nd year in high school

jongkook :

he is taehyung cousin

unlike taehyung he came from a middle class family

he is a junior in high school

he is the most popular guy of his class

he is a flirt.

jiyun :

she is the class president

she is a 2nd year in high school

she has a younger sister

soyon :

she is a jonior in high school

she is jongkook's frenemy


other charecters will be added in the future..




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