MAMA Imagine #2

Mama of Exo



Mama Imagine #2



Xiumin, Luhan, and Kris: One Month Pregnancy


            “OMONI!” A voice yelled from one point of the house. Julie’s ears perked up, feeling a tinge of fear at how loud the voice was and a tinge of amusement. She opened to answer when the voice yelled, again. “A-Agi…,” they trailed off before yelling again. “Agi neun…eodie issseubnikka?” (B-Baby…where is the baby?) Julie giggled.

            “Not here, right now!” She yelled back, listening to the irritated sigh of the child. She heard feet running across the floor and a body jump on her back as she sat on the floor.

            “Where…did it go?” Kris asked from her back. She looked back at him with a small smile and shrugged.

            “I don’t know,” she answered, hiding her smile. Another body pounced on her back, making Kris groan.

            “M-Maybe…Xi-Xiumin h-hyung a-ate agi?” Luhan asked, voice clipping as he thought of what to say. Kris gasped, eyes wide.

            “Xi-Xiumin h-hyung eats agi?” He asked. Luhan nodded vigorously, making Kris look at Julie’s one-month-bulge stomach as he crawled off of her to be in front of her. Julie felt a tinge of worry.

            “Kris, gwenchana?” She asked, feeling worry climb up into her. She felt Luhan crawl higher up on her back to look at Kris better. Kris looked at her with wide, watering eyes and wrapped his tiny arms around his stomach.

            “N-Nan agileul s-sipeossseu,” he whined as tears ran down his face, hugging her stomach. (I wanted the baby.) Julie frowned and patted his back, feeling slightly amused and guilty. Luhan reached over her and patted his back as well, feeling guilty.

            “Kris-,” Julie began when the kitchen door flew open and a little voice interrupted her.

            “Omoni!” Xiumin called as he entered the room. He froze when he saw his younger brother glaring at him with a teary face. Kris pointed at Xiumin and bawled.

            “H-Hyung a-ate the a-agiiii!” He exclaimed, dragging his words out as he bawled. Xiumin looked at him with wide eyes while Luhan and Julie stared at him, nervously. He walked towards them and patted her stomach, noticing the bulge. When he didn’t get what he wanted, Julie assumed, his own eyes started watering up.

            “I-I…ate the agi?” He whispered to her, eyes wide. She shook her head in denial, but Luhan had already yelled a muffled “Neh!” to make Xiumin feel bad. Xiumin started bawling with loud, wailing cries as he patted her stomach. “M-Mianhaeyo, agi! I…I knew…I sh-shouldn’t h-have eat-eaten uncle’s m-mystery m-meat ch-cheeseburger!” He continued to bawl while Julie took a mental step back.

            “Uncle Mark gave you a cheeseburger?” She asked, confused. Xiumin froze and looked up at her with wide eyes. She narrowed her own. “When?” Xiumin, caught in the act of telling on Mark, made more tears roll down his face as he patted her stomach, upset. Luhan sat up on her back, giggling slightly while he patted their backs.

            Well. You are definitely my son, Julie thought as she gently explained to the two of them that Luhan was just messing around with them. Luhan ran off, making the other two chase after him, yelling. Julie rubbed her stomach. If anything, I ate the baby.


Suho & Lay: Two Months Pregnant


            “Julie!” Yugyeom called, bringing her attention from her food to the boy sitting across from her at the table. He smirked. “Did you finish your pickles and ice cream?” Recently, Yugyeom loved to be evil and make the babies anxious when they shouldn’t be. The two boys left at the dinner table looked at them with wide eyes.

            “I-Ice c-cream?” Suho whispered, confused. He looked at his brother.

            “P-Pickles?” Lay asked as well, trying out the word he hadn’t heard before. They nodded at each other, slightly, as if they had come to an agreement, and looked at them determined eyes.

            “Jang-ajji wa aiseukeulim juseyo,” they said in unison, smiling wide. Julie looked at them and laughed heartily. They pouted when they thought she was laughing at them.

            “Ani, Ani,” she said, quickly, trying to stop the thoughts in their head. “Omoni just thought it was funny how you both said you wanted pickles and ice cream at the same time.” They smiled, understanding. “Did you eat all your dinner?” They looked down at their half-filled plates and frowned, shaking their heads. “If you finish it all, Omoni will give you pickles and ice cream. Okay?” They nodded and finished their food, watching excitingly as she got up to get her vanilla ice cream and bottle of dill pickles (the only kind she can actually stand to eat) from the freezer and fridge. She cut up the pickle and put it in with the two spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream. She set the bowls in front of them, each with their own spoon, and watched as they took a bite of their ice cream.

            “Ew!” Suho said, pushing his bowl away with a disgusted face. Lay just sat there, thinking, when he started to giggle and smile as he ate the rest of his bowl. Suho looked at Lay and then back at his bowl.

            “You don’t want it?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head. She reached to grab it, saying, “alright, more for me, then,” when he grabbed it suddenly, scarfing the rest of it down. Julie giggled and watched as they ran away into the living room with happy faces.

            “I cannot believe they actually ate that,” Yugyeom said, disgusted. Julie just laughed as she put the bowls away.

            “I cannot wait until their wives want pickles and ice cream and they offer to eat it with her,” she muttered, making him laugh.

            “Omoni!” Tao yelled, annoyed as he waddled into the room. “I-I want p-pickle a-and i-ice c-cream, too!” Oh, good Lord.


Beakhyun, Chen, Chanyeol: Three Months Pregnant


            “Omoni!” Baekhyun called from the hallway. Julie stood up, hiding the toy behind her back. She looked around the room, franticly, to find a hiding spot for the toy as she yelled a “Neh!” from where she stood. She heard feet patting on the floor and three of her sons walked through the door with smiles on their faces, smiles widening when they landed on their mother.

            “What do you need, babies?” Julie cooed, kneeling down carefully as she mentally patted herself on the back for hiding the toy effectively. They stood in front of her, smiling.

            “When is the agi coming?” Chen asked, staring at her round belly. Julie looked down at her stomach, marveling at it. She smiled, gently, as she rubbed it,

            “When they want to, of course,” Julie answered, smirking at their irritated faces.

            “Yeah, Omoni,” Chanyeol butted in, acting childishly. “But when?”

            “Soon, okay?” Julie answered. They huffed and sat down.

            “Am I going to have a little brother?” Baekhyun asked, expressionless. Julie smiled wider.

            “I don’t know,” she answered, truthfully. “But it you might. Why?” Baekhyun shrugged, averting his eyes from his mother’s eyes while the other two did the same. Julie felt a tinge of worry and picked up Baekhyun, holding his close to her side while she wrapped her arm around the other two, pulling them to her other side. “What’s wrong with having another baby brother?” Baekhyun looked up at her and started to bawl, shocking Julie. “Waeyo? Waeyo, Baekhyun-ah?” He opened his mouth and wailed, causing the rest of them to jump.

            “I-I d-don’t w-want,” he sniffled, taking a deep breath, “a-another b-baby b-brother!” He cried, upset. Chen and Chanyeol looked at him, at each other, and started to bawl, too, while Julie sat frozen with wide eyes. Julie cocked her head, patting and rubbing their backs as she cooed silently to them.

            “Why don’t you want another brother, boys?” Julie asked when they were mostly calmed down.

            “B-Because,” Baekhyun began, looking around as if he was thinking for a reasonable reason. “I-I d-don’t w-want a-another o-one.” Julie just giggled, kissing his head.

            “What about you two?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. They looked away.

            “O-Omoni w-will f-forget a-about u-us,” Chen whispered, tears gathering in his eyes again. “U-Umma f-forgot a-about u-us wh-when n-new b-baby c-came.” Chanyeol nodded, glaring hard at the floor.

            “B-Baby b-brother…Tae-yeol,” Chanyeol whispered, looking up at her with sad eyes. “K-Killed U-Umma.” Julie’s eyes widened in shock. How did they know about what happened?

            “H-How did you two know about that?” Julie stuttered out, eyes wider than saucers. They looked up at her.

            “Lee Soo Man,” Baekhyun said without stuttering. “H-He t-told u-us U-Umma w-was g-gone w-when h-he c-came back a-after a l-long t-time.” Julie’s eyes narrowed, anger rising up in her. How dare he tell them their original mother died! They cowered back, looking at her in fright.

            “U-Umma u-used t-to l-look a-at us l-like th-that,” Chen sobbed, hiding behind Chanyeol while Chanyeol hid behind Baekhyun. Julie’s eyes softened as she held her arms open. They ran into them, hiding in her chest.

            “Babies,” she said, gently. “Listen to Omoni carefully, okay?” They nodded and looked up at her. She looked into their eyes, seriously. “The baby brother that hurt your first Umma is not the baby inside Omoni, arraso?” They glanced down at her belly, back up at her, and nodded, slightly. “This baby inside Omoni will never hurt me like what happed to your Umma. The other baby hated your Umma and hated your brothers and you. This baby will love Omoni and love your brothers and you more than you can ever imagine.” They averted their eyes.

            “Omoni w-will for-forget a-about us,” Chanyeol whispered, heartbroken. Julie shook her head, grabbing his face, gently, and turned him to look at her. She looked over his face, seeing his fear and sadness written all over his face.

            “How can I explain your fears are wrong?” She whispered, heart breaking as tears filled her own eyes. “Omoni won’t forget about her original babies. How could I do that to you?” She caressed his face and turned to Chen, caressing his face as well. “Omoni is not your previous Umma. She did not see what smart, handsome, and strong babies she had. I am not her; I see how smart you three are; how handsome you three are; how strong you three are. If you try your hardest, you can do anything you want!” Julie caressed his face, again, and turned to Baekhyun with a sad smile. “I cannot forget you even if I tried. I love you all too much. Even when the baby comes, Omoni will still play with you; Omoni will still feed you; Omoni will still tuck you into bed and cuddle with you if sneak into her bed in the middle of the night. Nothing will change that. Okay?” They sniffled and nodded, a fresh set of tears coming down from happiness. Julie opened to comfort them when she felt a sharp kick from inside her. She gasped, holding the spot as she felt another kick from a bit next to it. They looked at her with wide eyes.

            “Agi?” Baekhyun asked, patting the bulge. “Gwenchana?” He put his ear to her stomach, as if he expected an actual vocal answer, and pulled back with a gasp when he felt a kick to his cheek. He held his cheek with wide eyes and started to jump around, excited. “Y-You s-sure?” He asked as he placed his cheek to her stomach, again, waiting for the kick. When he felt it, he jumped and started giggling. The other two put their faces on her stomach, waiting for something. After a while, they were kicked, too, making them jump back with squeals of happiness. Julie giggled.

            “See, the agi loves you, too!” She exclaimed, smiling. They nodded and wiggled their bodies happily. Julie felt another kick, but to her bladder, this time. Julie gasped and held her stomach. They jumped up, shocked and tears watered their eyes. “Sorry!” She sighed as she felt a bit better. “You know how you get the urge to go to the bathroom?” They nodded, confused. “The baby just kicked me there. It’s alright, though. I am okay.” They smiled widely and continued to put their ears on her stomach until they were kicked away by the other nine.

            Aish. Kids these days, Julie thought with a smile on her face. I wish they would fall asleep right now. I really have to pee.


Do, Tao, Kai, and Sehun: Fourth Month of Pregnancy


            Do stared at Julie with his wide eyes, calculating something in his head. Tao, Kai, and Sehun did the same, but whispered to each other with small frowns. Julie fed the others, watching them from the corner of her eye. Finally, everyone was finished and waiting to be let out of their high chairs. When Julie got to the four boys, she didn’t let them out and just stared at them.

            “What’s wrong you four? Do you have to go potty, again?” She asked, worried. They shook their heads vigorously and started blabbing in baby talk. They started to whine “Out!” so Julie let them out of their high chairs, watching them run to Yugyeom. He played with them, smiling gently down at them. Julie sighed and took the dishes to the kitchen with Jackson and Mark’s help.

            “Julie,” Mark said, worriedly as he stared at her. “Maybe you should go to sleep; you look really tired. We’ll finish these.” She looked at the pile of dishes, hesitantly, but nodded when they gave her a reassuring smile.

            Julie left the kitchen, smiled at her children as she kissed them goodnight, and walked up the stairs, carefully. Julie went into her bathroom, took a shower, and dressed in her regular pajamas. She lied down on her bed, staring at the ceiling as she thought. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard small footsteps walking down the hallway with small whispers, stopping right in front of her room. She heard a small knock and a muffled, “Umma!” Julie stood up and opened the door, letting in the four little shadows. She smiled as Sehun and Tao sat on her feet while Kai and Do opened their arms to be held. She swooped them up and carried them to her bed, but they whined.

            “Ani, ani,” Kai whined, not wanting to go to the bed as he wiggled more into her, his face in her neck. She stopped and turned to the balcony she had outside her window with baby proof bars around the edging of it. She opened the door and sat on a big chair under the awning with the four of them on her left side. They looked up at the stairs in silence.

            “So,” she whispered to them, bringing their attention to her, “are you four going to tell me what you are hiding from me?” They shared looks and smiled wide, Sehun jumping onto her swollen chest. She grunted in slight pain, but shook it off so she could hold him with a smile.

            “O-Omoni,” he whispered, smiling wide. “Agi c-coming.” She nodded, smiling wide.

            “Yes, Sehunnie,” she whispered, “the agi is coming soon.” He nodded, wiggling with excitement. She just chuckled and watched as he lied back down next to his brothers. After a while, they fell asleep. She picked them up and carried them to her bed, laying them down so she would have enough room and they would not be on top of each other. She kissed their foreheads, smiling as she got into bed. “Goodnight, my loves.” With a final close of her eyes, she was asleep.


            “Omoni!” Someone whispered, shaking her awake. She opened her eyes to see Tao sitting there with a happy smile on his face. “Kaja!” She sat up and watched as she was pulled out of her room by the small bundle of happiness. She was taken to a room they had designated as the baby’s new room while Mark moved into Jackson’s room – as it was previously his. They had organized everything and had finished it the week prior, Julie not allowed in until it aired out as the fumes were bad for the baby. He opened the door and she gasped.

            The baby blue wall they had painted was ruined with splotches of green, purple, and dark blue all over the wall. On one side of the room, away from the crib, pictures were painted of twelve little boys, five older looking boys, and a lady carrying a bundle in her arms. Names were written in each child’s handwriting under their designated picture. Along another wall, animal stickers were pasted on the wall with a small table with coloring crayons and pens were placed. Next to the baby’s crib were twelve stuffed animals with the names of her children stitched into them on the chest. Julie had gotten those for her kids the day prior but hadn’t given the stuffed toys to her kids, yet.

            Looks like they got into the secret bag I tried to hide, she thought bitterly as she stared at the room. Streamers were all around the walls, taped crudely to it, and tissue paper was pasted to the wall with splotches of yellow covering them. She looked at the four boys with big smiles on their faces. Truth was, she loved the animal stickers and the stuffed animals, but the paint, streamers, and tissue paper taped and glued on the wall slightly upset her. All in all, she hated it and loved it at the same time. She kneeled down and opened her arms, making them run into them with giggles.

            “L-Like i-it?” Sehun said in broken words. She nodded with a somewhat fake smile on her face.

            “I wish you didn’t paint on the wall without help, but it looks beautiful, baby,” she said, smiling. They averted their eyes in shame, but smiled wide when she complimented it. She walked over to the pictures they painted of themselves on the wall, looking at them. “Did you boys do this so the agi would know whom you were when they saw you?” They nodded vigorously.

            “Agi a-always kn-know us,” Do whispered, smiling shyly. She giggled at his cuteness and nodded, smiling at the wall as she ran her fingers over the dried paint.

            “The agi will love this,” she said, smiling down at them. “You four are so smart and thoughtful, they will love it so much and always know whom you are.” They ran into her arms and she looked up at the clock on the wall: one in the morning. She sighed and took them to her room. “Let’s go back to sleep, okay?” They nodded and jumped into the bed with smiles.

            That better be washable paint that I can clean off with water when the child is old enough to want to change their room, she thought bitterly as she drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 36: I loved this story so much.. I don't know if it's finished or not.. But if it's still not then I hope you will come back one day and complete it.. Will wait for that as long as I could.. Thanks for this awesome story.. Stay safe :)
Taz_27 #2
Chapter 36: I really love this! So it ends with JB and his sister meeting again. So now she has a total of about 27 children but only 19 are babies and newborns. What if her herself gain power from her children. Since she was always called shield maybe it's something like that or maybe she has the power of a shield and since her children are really loving her and most the time listen to her. She like a leader/mother of supernatural babies. What if.. she's starts running a house/orphanage for supernatural babies??? Like they live in her house and maybe the built another smaller house next to main one? JB said they are there to fight a how is that going to work when these cute small babies with supernatural powers that can be nice, but mess with mom you'll die. What exactly are they? demons are they trees as well or maybe just random supernatural beings
Chapter 36: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 36: Oooh this is really good, although some parts were a bit odd for me, like the constipated babies >.> wasn't ready for that
Chapter 36: Please update soon. I will be waiting. Fighting.
Chapter 29: noooo
Chapter 36: Please update soon!!!...
Animaripali2005 #8
man it would've been cool if i showed up with bts
like bruh 7 boys and 1 girl
anyways it was good
update sooon
Chapter 35: BAMBAM Alive!!!... Omg please update soon!!!!....