News, DNA, and More News

Mama of Exo

            “I am sorry, but the family will not be taking any questions. All that is needed to be known is that they are the victims of a terrible car collision and will be suing the man for the hospital bills. Thank you for your cooperation.”

            “Can we know the driver’s name?”

            “No comment.”

            “Who were the males that ran into the scene earlier today?”

            “No comment. I apologize.”


            The TV screen went black as Mr. Mo, the young man from before, turned it off. Julie was currently sitting up in her bed, watching the news, with the others surrounding her. Mr. Mo, Julie was told, was the XO Orphanage’s lawyer, head security guard, and vice president of the education board for Seoul University and Young-Hwa University. Apparently, Mr. Mo had the power of persuasion that they called “Charm Speak.” The older man she didn’t know was not in the room, currently, as he had other “patients” to attend to at the hospital she currently resided in. Soo Man had told her that he was known as Dr. Sun Oh, Adrianna’s personal doctor and the head director of the Oh Hospital located in the middle of Seoul. Julie didn’t even have to ask how he knew her grandmother – it was obvious she probably helped pay for the hospital before she died. He had the power of healing.

            The hospital had five floors, a one floor basement, and was used for supernatural creatures with powers and humans alike. Every medical surgeries and checkups one could think of was done in the hospital for both supernaturals and humans.

            “I didn’t want to sue the man, though,” Julie said, suddenly. Jackson gave her a hard look.

            “He went out of his way to hit you. He knew who you were and that does not sit well with me. He will be sued for the hospital bills,” he answered her. Her instincts told her not to go against his order.

            “Where are my sons?” They looked at each other.

            “Dr. Sun Oh will be bringing them in, but…,” Youngjae trailed off, looking around the room nervously.

            “‘But’ what?” Julie asked, feeling panicked at their silence. “They aren’t hurt, are they? Please, tell me they are not h-hurt.” Her voice cracked at the end, causing everyone to look up at her with wide eyes.

            “They’re not hurt,” Yugyeom said, quickly. “They just…,” he shared a look with Lee Soo Man and looked back at Julie, “look different than you remember.” She felt a wave of relief wash over her until the last sentence was processed.

            “What do you mean they don’t look the same?” The door opened, and Dr. Sun Oh walked in with a smile. Walking in behind him were twelve toddlers, huddled together with scared faces. They scanned the room until they landed on their mother, smiling wide and running to her.

            “OMONI!” Sehun yelled as he threw himself on her bed, crawling up to her with tears running down his face. She hugged him to her chest.

            “Gwenchana?” She asked him, looking him over. He nodded and moved so the others that climbed on the bed could have their turn. Julie hugged them all, smiling wide, when she suddenly got a good look at them. They did look different than how they were before the accident. “Wha-What…?” She trailed off, looking them over.

            Xiumin was chubbier than he was before with slightly bigger eyes and lighter hair; Luhan had his doe eyes, but his hair was a lighter color and he had grown taller, slightly; Kris had darker hair than his natural chocolate brown hair, was a tad shorter, and had his eyes a lighter shade of brown; Suho was the least changed, physically, but Julie could tell he had grown a tad shorter than before; Lay was his usual self with an adorable haircut, but his eyes had become a tad lighter and his fingers were longer than they were before; Chanyeol was taller than his brothers, as usual, but he was louder than before; Baekhyun had a more angled face and was smaller than before, but was still loud; Chen was the loudest out of the three, still, and had a different face structure than before (Julie could hardly tell it was her Chen!); Do had his wide eyes, but he was a lot chubbier than before and was a lot shorter; Tao had darker circles under his eyes and had paler skin like hers; Kai was darker skinned, still, but had the color of her hair as his own and was, noticeably, quieter than before; and Sehun was the most changed with a chubbier body, longer hair, smaller eyes than before, and his face was more angled. Julie could tell they were her sons, but they…were so different than what she remembered.

            “They were not hurt in the crash, either,” Dr. Sun Oh said, suddenly, snapping her from her thoughts. He was staring at her, seriously. “Ms. Randi, we had them tested for all types of drugs and they have recently been under a deep sleep while connected to IVs. Do you have any recollection of why they would have been put into a coma-like state?” Julie sat there, dumbfounded with wide eyes.

            “N-No, I am sorry, I don’t,” she said, hugging Sehun to her chest while the others babbled to each other or explored the room. He nodded and looked at Lee Soo Man.

            “There was…another thing I came in here to ask you about,” he said, looking back at her. Lee Soo Man straightened up, narrowing his eyes at him.

            “That is not necessary, Dr. Sun Oh,” he said in a harsh tone. Dr. Sun Oh looked at him and back at Julie, hesitant to follow what he wanted to do and what he promised not to do.

            “What? What is it?” Mark asked, suddenly. It made the two men jump, momentarily forgetting there were young males in the room. Mark got annoyed. “Boss. Tell us.”

            “It seems there was an extra test done that was not supposed to be done on one of your children,” the doctor said, quickly. Lee Soo Man sighed, annoyed, and stood up, facing the wall.

            “What test?” Julie asked, watching Lee Soo Man’s reactions. It was silent for a while and it made her angry. “What test? Doctor Sun Oh and Lee Soo Man. If this test is detrimental regarding my children, I need to know. Now.” Lee Soo Man sighed and looked back at her.

            “In our records, we have the twelve boys’ blood type, biological mother’s name, previous illnesses, previous disabilities they may have had, and practically everything else. When the tests were done on your children early this evening at the other hospital, there was a DNA test that was used on Xiumin by accident. These are his previous birth records,” he said and handed her a beige folder. She opened it, saw the picture of Xiumin, and smiled at it before looking at the rest.

            Biological Mother: Kim Lee Jin

            Biological Father: Tree of Life

            Ethnicity: Korean

            Blood Type: AB

            Previous Illnesses: Chicken Pocks

            Previous Injuries: None

            Power(s): Unknown


            Julie put the file down and looked back up at him. Lee Soo Man took the file back and handed her a piece of paper with squiggly lines and printed words written across it.

            “This is the new result we have after doing the DNA test on Xiumin,” he said as he handed it to her. Julie looked at it.

            Name: Kim Min Seok

            Biological Mother: Unknown

            Biological Father: Tree of Life

            Ethnicity: Korean

            Blood Type: B

            Previous Illnesses: None

            Previous Injuries: None

            Power(s): Frost


            Julie’s eyes widened. “What…what does this mean?” She asked, looking up at him with her wide eyes. Dr. Oh and Soo Man looked at each other.

            “You can imagine our shock when we read it, ourselves. We ran another test to make sure the results we were given were correct – and accurate – a little bit ago,” the doctor said, handing her another paper. “Right after we put your DNA into the system to make sure we would know who you were, just in case, we ran another test. This is what showed up.”

            Name: Randi Xiumin

            Biological Mother: Randi Julianne

            Biological Father: Tree of Life

            Ethnicity: Korean

            Blood Type: B

            Julie placed the paper down and held her stomach, head spinning.

            “This is…is wrong,” she muttered, breaking out in a sweat. “Xiumin isn’t…he isn’t…,” the boys took the paper off of her bed and read over it, eyes widening. Julie laid her head back down on her pillow, Sehun moving with her, content.

            “Ms. Randi, that machine doesn’t lie,” the doctor said, silently. Julie stared at the ceiling, begging it to make her return to normal. “Xiumin is, biologically, your-,” in one swift movement, Julie moved Sehun to her other side, leaned over the side of the bed, and puked in the trash can the nurse had put there earlier for regular trash. The twelve children turned and looked at her, eyes wide as she continued to puke in the trashcan. She felt her hair pulled behind her and saw the white shoes belonging to Youngjae. When she finished, she sat back in her bed, and continued to stare at the ceiling.

            “Do you not want them to be your biological children?” Lee Soo Man asked in a detached voice. Julie couldn’t hear him; the words wouldn’t process in her racing mind. All of a sudden, the heat machine started beeping really loud as her world grew black.



            Julie didn’t notice the dark room she was in. She was too deep in her thoughts to care. He’s mine? But I never gave birth to him…I never gave birth to anyone…What’s going on? Are they all mine? I can’t be their biological mother…I mean, I already take care of them as if they were my own, but being my biological children is different. I never wanted kids of my own; I wanted to adopt. A light began to shine in the middle of the dark void she stared into.

            And you did.

            But they weren’t mine. They weren’t blood related.

            What’s wrong with that?

            I know how I act…I didn’t want children because they would act just like me. I was a terrible child…worse than the auntie and uncle’s twins. I don’t want them to turn out like me and make the same mistakes I did.

            But you know what was wrong with you, so you can stop them from turning out to be like you. You will see the signs and help them stop. You are smarter, now. You will have help. You won’t be left alone like before, and they won’t be left alone like you were. You can do it, Julie. Just-


            What was that?

            You’re being revived. You’ll be gone before long. Just-

            “Miss Randi…”

            Just what?



            Julie. Believe in yourself. Wake up.

            Wake up.

            “Wake up.”

            “Wake up, Ms. Randi.”

            “Julie…can you hear me? You need to wake up, now.”

            Julie’s eyes opened and she looked around, a bright light blinding her eyesight. She shook her head and blinked, noticing the bright light go smaller until she saw the doctor’s face above her own with a small flashlight used for medical reasons.

            “There we are,” he muttered, smiling slightly as he clicked off the light and stuck it into his pocket. Lee Soo Man was suddenly in her vision, giving her a disapproving look.

            “Don’t do that, again.” She looked at him, confused.

            “Do what? What happened?” The doctor sighed, exhausted. She sat up, getting a clear look at the new room she was in. It was white all around and the doctor was wearing scrubs and a clear face mask over his face. He moved it up.

            “You had a seizure from the shock of Xiumin becoming yours, biologically,” he answered. “I had to get you moved in here so we could operate on you. We almost lost you, you know, but you’re fine. We took some more tests and should get the results back soon to see what truly caused the seizure.” Julie nodded. The doctor called Mr. Mo in, made him carry Julie to a wheelchair, and had him roll her back to her room the five boys and her sons were still in. The minute she entered, the children bombarded her with their crying and yelling, latching onto her when she was picked up and placed onto the bed.

            “Bad Omoni!” Suho said, sniffling with an angry face on. “No again.” She chuckled and nodded, hugging him to her.

            “Neh, Ho-nnie,” she whispered into his hair. “Omoni will not do that again.” The children, satisfied with her answer, went back to being happy and playing with random things. Julie looked at the clock, seeing it being ten o’clock at night, and gasped. They looked at her, panicked. “It’s past your bedtime!” They began to whine, making her give them a stern look. “Aniya! Don’t whine to me,” she scooted over and patted the opened side of her hospital bed. “Come lay down with me and go to sleep.” The boys walked over and climbed onto the bed (with her help) and lied down next to her. She watched as they fell asleep with a soft smile on her face when the light turned off. She looked up to see the five boys waving to her and giving her a soft “good night” before going home. She let herself be succumbed into a world of darkness.



            “Ms. Randi,” a soft voice said, waking her up. “It’s time to wake up, Ms. Randi.” Julie opened her eyes, instantly seeing her kids were nowhere to be seen and a nurse was in her room, taking her IV bag away. She looked at Julie and smiled. “Good morning. I set your food right there-,” she nodded towards the little table above Julie’s lap, “and do not worry. The five boys from yesterday came back in this morning and took your sons home. The Doctor wants you to stay here until noon or so as he has to give you another checkup.”

            “Wae?” Julie asked as she began to eat her bacon, thinking of Baekhyun while doing so. The nurse looked at her with wide eyes and turned her eyes away, again.

            “Um…I am not sure,” she answered quickly. Julie narrowed her eyes at her.

            “Wae?” The nurse sighed and turned to her.

            “Apparently, you were under a deep sleep with your sons and were, um…,” she trailed off. Julie cocked an eyebrow at her.

            “‘Were’ what?”

            “A man came and threatened your life to the doctor,” she answered, again. “Apparently, you fit the description of a bad person and he wants you in his custody until further notice. But the doctor won’t allow it because you’re um…,” she trailed off – again. Julie sighed, annoyed.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “You’re pregnant!”


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Chapter 36: I loved this story so much.. I don't know if it's finished or not.. But if it's still not then I hope you will come back one day and complete it.. Will wait for that as long as I could.. Thanks for this awesome story.. Stay safe :)
Taz_27 #2
Chapter 36: I really love this! So it ends with JB and his sister meeting again. So now she has a total of about 27 children but only 19 are babies and newborns. What if her herself gain power from her children. Since she was always called shield maybe it's something like that or maybe she has the power of a shield and since her children are really loving her and most the time listen to her. She like a leader/mother of supernatural babies. What if.. she's starts running a house/orphanage for supernatural babies??? Like they live in her house and maybe the built another smaller house next to main one? JB said they are there to fight a how is that going to work when these cute small babies with supernatural powers that can be nice, but mess with mom you'll die. What exactly are they? demons are they trees as well or maybe just random supernatural beings
Chapter 36: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 36: Oooh this is really good, although some parts were a bit odd for me, like the constipated babies >.> wasn't ready for that
Chapter 36: Please update soon. I will be waiting. Fighting.
Chapter 29: noooo
Chapter 36: Please update soon!!!...
Animaripali2005 #8
man it would've been cool if i showed up with bts
like bruh 7 boys and 1 girl
anyways it was good
update sooon
Chapter 35: BAMBAM Alive!!!... Omg please update soon!!!!....