The Heart of the Garden

Chanyeol was laughing in his dream. He was wickedly laughing and laughing. He had no idea what was going on. His laugh was throaty and evil. Chanyeol wanted to desperately stop this dream. He tried to pinch himself, but it did not work. Gritting his teeth mentally, he pinched harder. And this time he was sucessful. He sat up with a jolt, waking the others around him up. Coconut shells made up a corner of the small hut they managed to make. The evil laughing echoed in his mind, over and over, haunting him. Wrinkling his brow, he stood up and stretched.

"Up already?" Kai spoke with a groggy voice. Stretching his arms, he stood up and packed everything up.

They were all packed in 10 minutes and were walking. It seemed like this island didn't end. The sun was starting to appear, it's light making everythng yellow. 

They walked and walked, determined to get to their friends. They all had determined faces. The trees were nearing, and quick. Soon, they saw something. Brown and red. Golden. Gasping, Kyungsoo realized they were almost at fall, which was close to the end! He broke into a sprint. The boys were hot on his heels, following them. Leaves of brown, orange and red were now showering them. 

Their feet crunched in the leaves and Sehun nearly tripped and fell into a pile. The piles of golden leaves were humongous and creepy. They didn't want to find out what was going to happen if they fell into one. Cautiously making their way in the thicket of trees, Xiumin bit his lip nervously. 

"This way..." Kai suddenly blurted out. Since he was telekinesis, he had a sense of direction, so without protest, the boys all followed him.

They walked for a while, drinking the little water they had. The trees which had seemed so far now stood a few minutes or hours away. Excitement riled up the inside of Kyungsoo. He felt as though something was waiting for him inside, and he couldn't wait to see it.

Before they arrived a distanced latch though, something stopped them. A gust of wind. Kyungsoo questioningly glanced at Sehun who shrugged.

The gust of wind became harder and then someone appeared in their eyes. He was tall and towered above all the boys, around Chanyeol's height. Someone with a black t-shirt, black jeans, black boots and a long black cape trailing behind him. He held a scepter that was black as well. Behind him were two people, short and stocky. All their faces were hidden under a cloth that was used as a mask.

"Welcome. I see you've made it this far. Good job warriors." His deep voice resonated through the entire area. Luhan gasped as he looked at the others. Their powers! That explains half of it. They were warriors so they must be special or something. This was utterly exciting for him.

"Can we go." Kyungsoo pointed at the latch that was so close...yet still so far away.

The man laughed. Chanyeol shuddered and widened his eyes as he realized the man's laugh. Evil and throaty. The man of his dreams laughing right now. Shivers ran up his spine as he gawked at the man.

"Come on then." The man smirked and paced over to the latch. Uncertainly, the boys followed him, all questioningly looking at each other. They reached the latch and then the masked man opened the door and pushed them in.

"Good luck getting out." He cackled and walked away, his two 'servants' following him. 

Baekhyun was suspicious. They got in the garden place too easy. It was way to easy. Something bad was bound to happen. 

Kris and Suho both awoke when the sun hit their face. They hands were raw with the rope constantly rubbing on them. Grimacing, Suho struggled to sit up while he suddenly heard a singing voice. The voice they heard at the maze, except it was much sweeter here.

The door swung open and a gorgeous girl with a white dress stepped in. She saw the boys in the room and halted. Her eyes unsurely darted across them before she walked past them and toward something behind them. She had an elegant figure and beautiful hair.

"Who are you?" Kris demanded. The girl turned around and raised her eyebrow.

"Hanji." She simply stated before bustling around the kitchen, making breakfast. She was curious about these men. Who were they and why the hell were they so good looking?

Kris struggled with his hands again before speaking, "I'm Kris and that's Suho." Hanji turned around and both of them ducked their head in a sort of bow. Smiling slightly, she walked toward them and undid their rope. It was hard to see these boys struggle.

"Kani and Gina are my sisters. Kani is the older one." She informed them before pulling them out of the kitchen and seating them at a table wrapped in vines.

Two girls appeared, bickering and laughing. They looked like close-knit siblings. Suho smiled affectionately at them. Perhaps they would see him as a brother. Kani abruptly stopped among seeing the boys. She awkwardly bowed at them and introduced herself. Gina stared at them with wide eyes.

Hyejin ran out of the door, leaving the 4 of them in awkward silence.

"Why are you guys here?" Kani broke the silence. Kris and Suho glanced at each other. Honestly, they had no idea where they were. Maybe these girls would give them answers.

"We came from outside." Kris answered, playing with a leaf on a vine.

Gina's eyes widened as she stared at them in awe, "Outside?" Her voice was hushed as though she was talking about something magical.

"From that maze?" Kani pointed past them. Suho and Kris arched their necks and turned to see a gray outline. The maze they were in. How the hell did they get here?

"Yeah." Kris nodded. He ran an exsasperated hand through his blond hair, deep in thought.

Suho nodded as well, "Our 10 other friends are stuck there. We have no idea where they are. Why were we put here?"

Hyejin walked into the room with two huge trays of delicious looking and smelling boys as she answered the boys' question. "Well boys, I think you guys are here to save us."

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lizsz1010 #1
hope u win! awesome so far!
Chapter 2: kaisoo <33