
A high schooler girl named Katrina, full in loved to this guy name Bj. She kept it a secret even to her best friend Mia, But the same day her best friend Mia told her that he like Bj. From then Katrina support  Mia for Bj even if she like him too. Then a new girl name Daniela transfer to their school. A rumors spread that Bj and Daniela are dating. What would happen next? 



  • Katrina
  • Mia
  • Bj
  • Daniela
  • More Character coming soon!

Things to know about them:

Katrina- She's a high school student, She nice to everyone, Her best friend named Mia, She's totally in love to this guy named Bj, Found out that her best friend likes Bj too, She's in choir, She always smile and look happy all the time that hide her true feelings. she like to give it all.

  Mia- She is also a high school student, likes this guy named Bj, she's crazy when it comes to loved but she's shy if it comes to talking to guy she like, She's a fashionista and athletic, she's the one of the leader and teacher of Tennis club. love shopping!!!! 

Bj- A first son of a Military family. a high school student, liked of many girls, grandson of the retired army the principal. he act just like normal teenager when his with his friends. his actually have soft kind and funny.

Daniela - a transfer student from Japan. a rumor spread that his dating Bj, she really pretty that many guy flirt with her even if she don't want too. she really nice but many girl dislike her. 


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