Accidents in the kitchen!

Our Unexpected Life
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A/N=Since all the characters have been introduced now you all can request for the couples by these names.....

Woohyun and Chorong=WooRong Dongwoo and Bomi=DongMi Hoya and Eunji=HoJi Myungsoo and Naeun=MyungEun Sungjong and Yookyung=JongKyung Sungyeol and Namjoo=YeolJoo Sunggyu and Hayoung=GyuYoung

Thank you very much for the upvotes,comments,subscribers and the love for the fanfic! I am grateful to you all :D


Koala_panda has requested for MyungEun BlackCOUPLEII has requested for MyungEun LuRongLu has requested for WooRong DW0512 has requested for JongKyung Hzelnuts has requested for GyuYoung Dyoseobomi has requested for GyuYoung Shiningbeasts has requested for YeolJoo

Thank you for requesting and please do let me know how it is!

Anymore requests anyone has then just comment me and I'll add it in for you :D

PinkFinite all entered their private music room again but this time Dongwoo and Namjoo joined them.

''Alright people grab your instruments and let's get going with the music!'' Sunggyu ordered.

Eunji and Woohyun were in charge of the singing since those two were the best singers of A Pink and Infinite.Hoya played the drums,Yookyung played the piano,Sungjong played the acoustic guitar,Naeun grabbed the saxophone,Myungsoo took his bass guitar,Sungyeol had the electric guitar,Chorong played her keyboards,Sunggyu played the trumpet,Hayoung took her harp and Bomi had her flute.

''So what do you two play?'' Woohyun questioned.

''Well I can play the xylophone!'' Dongwoo told.

''Take the xylophone out of the cupboard then!'' Chorong told him.

Dongwoo took out the xylophone out of the cupboard and got busy into fixing it into the right place.

''How about you Namjoo?'' Chorong nicely asked.

''I don't know how to play any instruments.'' Namjoo sadly shook her head.

''Can you sing?'' Eunji asked and Namjoo shook her head again.

''I know!'' Naeun clapped her hands. ''You can play the triangle since no one in our group plays that!''

''Great idea!'' Chorong praised and gave Namjoo the triangle.

''How do you play this?'' Namjoo questioned.

''Just in every 5 beats just hit the triangle with this metal stick!'' Chorong gave her the metal stick and triangle. ''Don't worry it's really easy!''

''Hey are you guys sure all the instruments go together? I don't really think they can even be in tune.'' Dongwoo commented.

''Why don't you and Namjoo sit down and see our work before commenting!'' Hayoung told.

Namjoo and Dongwoo sat down and looked at PinkFinite.All of them had different instruments,which was not the same at all and each person didn't have the same instrument as the others.PinkFinite all played their instruments with Woohyun and Eunji beautifully singing together.Dongwoo was wrong...PinkFinite all played the instruments in harmony and in tune that it all sounded perfectly well together.

''Guess I was wrong!'' Dongwoo spoke out.

''So whatcha guys think?'' Chorong asked.

''It's good but I might ruin it.'' Namjoo hesitated. ''I'm the only one that doesn't play an instrument!''

''It's alright Namjoo! I'm sure you will be able to play the triangle.'' Chorong smiled. ''Guys let's take a break since I'll be teaching Namjoo for a while!''

Chorong sat down with Namjoo and began teaching her how to play the triangle.PinkFinite all decided to chill around and talk to one another.Yookyung decided to use the oppourtunity to play the piano and get the notes right.She was busy,playing the piano but then stopped when her fingers began to ache.

''Tsk stop it already!'' Sungjong commented.

''Eh?'' Yookyung looked at Sungjong.

''You work too hard! Why don't you relax and rest for a while!'' Sungjong sat next to Yookyung on the chair. ''See how red your fingers are!''

Sungjong pulled Yookyung's fingers and massaged them for a while.Yookyung smiled at her friend's thoughtful gesture.

''Thank you!'' Yookyung smiled.

''You need to rest once in a while okay! I know you want to play the piano well and you do but health is important too.'' Sungjong advised. ''I don't want a injured or sick Yookyung in our group okay?''

Yookyung nodded her head.

''Great that's what I wanted to hear!'' Sungjong eye-smiled.

Sungjong saw that Yookyung had a hair strand on her face so he took one of his fingers and lightly brushed the strand away from her face.He smiled at his friend whilst looking at her face.

''You'll do great so don't worry!'' Sungjong informed.

Sungjong patted Yookyung's head and nodded his head at her.

''Thank you Sungjong-ah!'' Yookyung tightly hugged him. ''I'm glad I have a best friend like you!''

''Don't worry about it kiddo!'' Sungjong tighly hugged her back as he ruffled her hair. ''I'm always happy to help you and cheer you up!''


''Now we're going to our next lesson!'' Sunggyu informed Namjoo. ''Home economics!''

''Home economics?'' Namjoo asked.

''He means Cooking!'' Hayoung told. ''Let's go!''

PinkFinite all walked out of the music room and entered the classroom that had ovens,stoves,hobs and other kitchen equipments needed for cooking.

''Welcome class! I am Miss.Kwon and I will be teaching you cooking today!'' Miss.Kwon greeted. ''As you can see we have 4 new students with us.Jung Daehyung,Kim Kai,Kim Namjoo and Jang Dongwoo with us who are all going to be in your class.Please do take care of them!''

All the students nodded their head.

''Alright without wasting any more time,I'm just going to inform you the pairs that are going to be going today.'' Miss.Kwon informed and said all the groups names of PinkFinite. ''Sungjong and Yookyung,Sungyeol and Namjoo,Dongwoo and Bomi,Hoya and Eunji,Woohyun and Chorong,Sunggyu and Naeun and Myungsoo and Hayoung!''

''What?!'' Sunggyu looked at Miss.Kwon. ''There must be some mistake!''

Sunggyu actually wanted Hayoung as his partner and tried to persuade Miss.Kwon to change his partner but Miss.Kwon didn't agree so Sunggyu had to be with Naeun.

''Hey I'm not going to be a bad partner you know!'' Naeun gave Sunggyu a look.

''No it's not you! I wanted Myungsoo as my partner.'' Sunggyu lied.

''Myungsoo? Don't worry I'm a better cook so we'll do better than him!'' Naeun smiled.

''Yeah.'' Sunggyu gave her a smile whilst looking over at Myungsoo and Hayoung.

''So Namjoo what should we cook?'' Sungyeol asked.

''I don't know!'' Namjoo replied.

''What dish do you know how to cook the best?'' Sungyeol questioned.

''I've never cooked before.'' Namjoo informed.

''Never cooked? Really?'' Sungyeol was surprised.

''Yeah.'' Namjoo nodded her head.

''Okay I'll teach you how to cook the easier dishes first then!'' Sungyeol smiled.

''Sungyeol do you want the fish or the lobster?'' Miss.Kwon showed the two seafood to YeolJoo.

''Oh my god!'' Namjoo was so scared that she clinged onto Sungyeol.

''Hey it's alright! It's not alive!'' Sungyeol chuckled.

''I think I'm go--'' Namjoo suddenly closed her eyes and her lifeless body was about to fall down on the floor when....

Sungyeol quickly reached out for her unconscious body and grabbed it before she could hit the ground.Sungyeol had his arms around her waist whilst his hands were on Namjoo's head.

''Namjoo? Namjoo?'' Sungyeol called out but Namjoo didn't reply. ''Miss.Kwon I think she fainted.''

''Take her to the medical room then.'' Miss.Kwon told.

Sungyeol quickly carried Namjoo by placing one of his arms around Namjoo's waist and the other around her legs.Her head were on Sungyeol's forearm and Sungyeol looked at the poor scared girl with worriedness.Sungyeol quickly walked over to the medical room and placed her on the bed.

''Wow it's only the first day yet Sungyeol seems to get luckier everytime.'' Bomi pouted.

''Maybe Namjoo can be your sister in law!'' Hayoung teased.

''Really?! That would be great! I would love to have such a cute and adorable sister in law like her.'' Bomi smiled.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 62: Myungeun couple
lengocthuylinh #2
Chapter 62: Maybe Woorong is the new arc 😆
Chapter 61: i miss this😭😭
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 60: Thanks for come back and update it ❤️
Chapter 59: Awww we...look like you come back!!..i miss this..
ekayohanna #6
Chapter 58: I miss this story, I always check if you update the story
Chapter 58: Wow an update after so long. Even I can't wait for them to be back. Really hope for their love stories to start
Wahyuni1998 #8
Chapter 58: I like it , I always like every chapter of this story, i like all character but i much love Hayoung and Sunggyu infinite here hahaha i love it ?
Chapter 57: I definitely started this story for woorong a few years back, I hope they get together soon. I love all the other couples too ofcourse ~ will definitely wait for an update ^^