Collection of the Best Fanfictions


These will manly be EXO fanfictions, with maybe some other groups. You can suggest fanfictions (yours or someone elses) to add to the collection~

Your efforts are appreciated, and I hope you can discover some of your favorite fanfictions through this!

LiveJournal mirrors will be added IF it exists, as well as Tumblr mirrors, etc. 

This exact collection will be available on Livejournal mirror soon!




Thanks for checking this out!


The format for the master list goes as following:

Title of Story-Author




The first chapter is the masterlist, which is a list of all the stories we will talk about. The other chapters are organized either in gender, popular ships, or group. 


To contribute to our list, please comment using the following format:

Link to the story Author, Title, Group, and Ship.


Thank you!


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