The awakening of a miracle (and something else).


Sungyeol is a hopeless gryffindor trying to figure out his own life. Myungsoo did not believe in miracles. Howon is too worried about quidditch to care about anything  or anyone. Woohyun and Sunggyu have their own needs.




Sungyeol: Gryffindor. Quidditch's chaser.

Myungsoo: Slytherin. Quidditch's seeker.

Woohyun: Gryffindor. Quidditch's chaser.

Sunggyu: Gryffindor. Book-shameless-.

Howon: Gryffindor. Quidditch's captain; keeper.

Dongwoo: Hufflepuff. Quidditch's beater.

Sungjong: Ravenclaw. Smartass.


Disclaimer: I don't own INFINITE, neither Harry Potter world. I wish I did, tho.


If a wizard's heart is torn apart, it becomes different. It becomes dark, we're talking about deep magic, that one running through your veins and taking everything from you, tearing your soul, taking over your mind. It was the dark magic the responsible for rising The Dark Lord, many, many years ago. Since then, the Wizard World was fully aware of what they'd have to do. Their goal was the peace, and peace they shall have, since apparently no one was trying to raise hell again. It's depressing, however, the amount of people living in those shadows; shadows of an awful time, they were all full of scars, full of hopes. Destroyed hopes. Distant dreams. Even ten years later, the society is drowning in fear and there is no such a thing as a sear capable of predicting the time they'll be one again. 

But not exclusively of sorrow this new time is living, because they have here and there, people allowed to make good. To be good, as good as necessary, as good as they want to be. And Sungyeol is one of them, one of a kind. In fragile people like the gryffindor with such delicate features, it's found the purest magic form: the one who rises from love.


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Keyq1998 #1
Chapter 1: This is do good:) i want sequel xD
Chapter 1: this was great i realised i really love hp AUs asdfghjkl
deliciousyou #3
Chapter 1: The story is great, but I think the ending is hanging :O
I like it ^^
kimchoding91 #4
Chapter 1: This is very sweet story..^^
me too need a continuation about your story... pls hear us!!! tnx!
nnmhmh #6
Chapter 1: this was beautiful my dear and really needs a continuation bc the gift yeol has is not just his healing power, it is also his friendship with myungsoo . and i would love to see how their relationship will continue to grow and solidify . and the effect of the newly found power on them.
Chapter 1: Am I the only one who was searching for the NEXT button? I was too taken in to the story that I had completely forgotten that it's a oneshot.
Beautifully written. I wish there is a continuation though haha
blackstork #8
Chapter 1: My one and only complaint: Why don't they kiss!!!!
Chapter 1: This story is so beautiful and cool, congrats on your first one-shot, really! Keep going with the good work. *-*
Stephanielo #10
Chapter 1: This story is cool. Very very cool. :D