Chapter 4: it seems minho know everythings about gyu..i love their bond of friendship :3
in the end it's cliffhanger rite? i wonder how gyu's reaction.. he must be absolutely shock seeing 'her' after several years..
i love the way u describe it..i love ur writing style, please update soon..i beg u -/\-
Chapter 3: OMG the suspense is killing me!! Is she a he now and is it Sungjong? And what is Minho's mission? OMG so many questions. Anyways I love this story so far.
Chapter 3: Omg I knew it ! I knew that ' she ' is actually a ' he ' now and it's probably Sungjong .. idk , but what did Minho mean when he said " she's my mission " ? If ' she ' is really Sungjongie does that mean he's gonna die or something? No waayy !!!
Chapter 1: Wahhhhh!!! A great start and it makes me looking forward to the next chappie. Especially when there are also B.A.P in this story <3 Fighting, author-nim! :D
Chapter 1: Finally you update it^-^
Don't expect it will be a detective story, really curious how is sungjong and myungsoo and the rest of infinite will connected