Lost Romeo (1004) [Hiatus]




Sunggyu doesn't want to die


Woohyun doesn't want to hold on


Hoya doesn't want to see


Dongwoo doesn't want to care


  Myungsoo doesn't want to believe


Sungyeol doesn't want to stay.




And Sungjong?

He just doesn't want to know.




And chapter 3 is up! 'Lost Romeo (1004)' 22/05/2016


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MissPanda16 #1
Chapter 4: Wow wow!! Too much suspense >.< but I love it xD
Thank you for the update^^ see you~
Chapter 4: it seems minho know everythings about gyu..i love their bond of friendship :3
in the end it's cliffhanger rite? i wonder how gyu's reaction.. he must be absolutely shock seeing 'her' after several years..

i love the way u describe it..i love ur writing style, please update soon..i beg u -/\-
MissPanda16 #3
Chapter 3: Omg poor Sunggyu >.<
Thank you for the update^^ see you~
magnoliafrankie #4
Chapter 3: OMG the suspense is killing me!! Is she a he now and is it Sungjong? And what is Minho's mission? OMG so many questions. Anyways I love this story so far.
Joudaaa #5
Chapter 3: Omg I knew it ! I knew that ' she ' is actually a ' he ' now and it's probably Sungjong .. idk , but what did Minho mean when he said " she's my mission " ? If ' she ' is really Sungjongie does that mean he's gonna die or something? No waayy !!!
nadisungjong #6
Chapter 2: woahh!!! i like it!!! please update soon!!! jebal!!!
MissPanda16 #7
Chapter 2: Wouaaah!!! Things are starting to be interesting, I can't wait to read more ;)
Thank you for the update, see you~
Chapter 1: Wahhhhh!!! A great start and it makes me looking forward to the next chappie. Especially when there are also B.A.P in this story <3 Fighting, author-nim! :D
MissPanda16 #9
Chapter 1: Wow, I just love the way you describe everything, can't wait to read more ;)
Hwaiting^^ Thank you for the update :D
See you~
rei_zha #10
Chapter 1: Finally you update it^-^
Don't expect it will be a detective story, really curious how is sungjong and myungsoo and the rest of infinite will connected