
Her Guardian Angel

Min-Hee woke up feeling tired and heavy. The night before, she and her mother had been arguing over her mothers work schedule. Her mother Dae-Rin was a woman with a big warm smile that made everyone feel happy but when the father passed away everything changed and she had to get more jobs to pay for the funeral, living expenses and also Min-Hee’s education. With all the work and going home late she got more tired and her beautiful, bright, wrinkle-free face started to look older and lose its colour. Her attitude also changed a lot, from always smiling, being cheerful, happy and fun to annoyed, always frustrated, angry and frowning but most importantly Dae-Rin turned very violent towards Min-Hee. She would hit her while shouting things like “It’s your entire fault! If you weren’t born then he wouldn’t have gone to pick you up from school then gotten hit by a car! You should never have been born, then he wouldn’t have died and I would still have lots of money!”


Min-Hee sneaked downstairs to see if her mother was home or not. Min-Hee was just about to step on the last step of the stairs when her mother walked into the kitchen.

            “Oh, your awake then” Her mother said half-heartedly.

            “Yes mother, I just woke up” Min-Hee said while shaking. Her mother approached her then grabbed her by her hair and pushed her back hard. Min-Hee lost her balance and fell on the floor, she winced at the pain in her legs and back then slowly got up, trying not to feel any more pain.

            “Go wash up, you smell dreadful” her mother scrunched up her nose in disgust. Min-Hee decided that she would just get a piece of fruit then go up to her room and leave her mother alone. When she entered her room she noticed she had a text message from her boyfriend. He was a few years older than her and he was kind, sweet, gentle and a bit mysterious but then again who wasn’t?

They had been dating for 3 years and he had always been there when she needed him. They always had dinner at the weekends when they weren’t busy but recently they hadn’t met up in around 2 weeks because he had been ‘busy’. She was beginning to wonder if he was actually busy or not.


I’m really sorry Minnie but recently I found this girl

She is so nice and kind and pretty it’s unbelievable.

I didn’t mean to meet her but it just happened I’m really sorry

Can we still be friends?

-Myungsoo oppa<3~!


Tears were streaming down her face like a fountain. He had broken up with her. That’s why he was ‘busy’ all the time. Why she didn’t realise sooner, she didn’t know. Myungsoo was her first boyfriend, her first everything! They had done everything together, but maybe she was getting too boring for him. He had done the one thing that he promised he wouldn’t do, break her heart into a billion pieces.

            “Why? Why now?! Why over text message. Are you too much of a coward to tell me to my face oppa?” She cried and screamed. Her eyes were filled with such sadness.

            Searching for some comfort she put her hand to her neck, looking for her precious necklace only to find it was not there. Panicking she threw everything in her room ignoring the fact that her mother could still be in the house and would yell at her for making so much noise.

            “No, No, No where is it?” More tears streamed down her face. Crying from anger, heartbreak, sadness, emptiness and worry she kept looking and looking but in the end nothing was found.

            The day was spent looking for her necklace but she had no luck at all so she went to bed crying.

            “It’s okay, don’t cry. I will fix everything, so don’t cry. Your not alone” A boy, around the same age as her appeared in her dream. He had thin, tired looking eyes and flawless smooth skin that glowed. Short brown hair that looked soft as silk, he looked like an angel but he also had an ordinary kind of feel to him. He approached her in a plain white top and black, tight jeans that sat perfectly on his hips with big white majestic wings on his back. He glowed in front of her.

            “It’s okay, I’m here so don’t cry anymore okay?” His voice was like a melody to her ears so soft and affectionate. He away a tear she never even knew was there. His touch was soft and light, it was as if she was as fragile as a flower and would disappear at anytime.

            “Who are you?” She quietly asked him.

            “I am someone who will always be there for you, even if you do not know it” He smiled warmly at her. It had been a while since she felt that safe and loved by someone. The love and affection shown in the angel’s eyes was so much more strong and sincere then anything she had ever seen in anyone. She felt loved and calm with the angel until she woke up realising that it was just a dream and that, that angel was never real. Without her knowing, tears began to stream down her face.

            After laying in bed for 30 minutes she got up to wash up only to find a long white feather fall out of he bed.

            “What’s this?” Min-Hee said out loud to herself. She placed the feather on her bed-side table then went to the bathroom. After getting dressed she was just about to go downstairs and face her mother when she saw something on the table next to the white feather. It was a small white box with a pink ribbon attached to it. On the side of the box was a note.


Don’t cry anymore. You’re not and never will be alone.

I’m always there for you.



Min-Hee kept the note close to her chest and cried. She cried until no more tears would come out anymore. She opened the box to find the necklace that she had lost.

            “Thank you” She whispered into the note. Un-known to her there was someone in the corner of the room smiling at her lovingly. The person then turned around showing big white wings and flew threw the walls, leaving a thankful girl wondering if she was dreaming or not.

            “I’ll be back, I promise” was the whisper that lingered in the air of her bedroom.

            “I’ll be waiting” She replied to the voice not even knowing who spoke and why the voice was there.




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hyumi7 #1
Chapter 1: sequel...nice story you got there