Like you, Love you


From birth, Krystal had already been that little princess to everyone – that little princess who grabs the attention without doing anything – that little princess who gets everything she wants.

And that little princess, who fell in love.

In a normal person’s heart, they’d have that special someone next to the one they love the most. Even though they already love someone and dedicated their lives to them, it would be impossible not to like someone else aside from them. How can a person differentiate like from love when she’s torn between the two people important to her?

How exactly is like different from love?


“Soo Jung, it’s bed time and daddy’s going to tell us a new story!” Soo Yeon, her 6 year old sister, who prefers to be called as Jessica yelled and that was her cue to come running back to their room wherein Soo Yeon was already tucked in her bed while softly playing with her hair and their dad, sitting at the chair beside the bed.

Soo Jung immediately jumped into her own bed and looked intently at their dad. It quite confused her that they were going to have a new story when in fact, they were never really fans of stories but she loved listening at their dad’s voice just to lull them to sleep while Soo Yeon was a different one, she loved stories especially those with happy endings. Every little child’s fairytale.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Tara who lived in a far away kingdom. She was so beautiful that every boy from different kingdoms asked for her hand even at a young age. They wanted to secure their future with that human they often regarded as an angel but Tara believed she was to be married to someone she loved,” their dad paused and smiled at both her princesses.

While Jessica was Ms. Prim & Proper, Krystal liked to do sports outdoors. Her princesses were different but they were exactly alike and their bond was very strong for anyone to break. He wondered how her girls would be when they grew up. Even from a young age, they were admired and praised by many friends and acquaintances and both owned beauties that are completely different with one another but nevertheless, her girls were perfect. He just wished that they’d remember his lesson that night.

“So Tara escaped from the kingdom and disguised herself as a mere commoner but still, in every turn, guys would swarm her like bees to their hive and then she met, Eric, a common man who lived life full of happiness. They easily got along because just like her, Eric was so easy to get along to and then after so many things that they have done happily, she concluded that maybe he was her happily ever after,” he continued and paused once again to see the reaction of her two daughters,

Krystal was clearly confused because of her furrowed eyebrows but he couldn’t blame her. She was only 3 and his story was something for teenagers and there was Jessica who smiled giddily at the story.

“But, a prince charming named, Jared, came into her life so unexpectedly. Eric was soft, Jared was rugged. Eric was this, Jared was that. Tara would never run out of comparisons but as Jared slowly made his way into her life, she felt something she haven’t felt before. Her heart started beating whenever he was in a close area and she would even feel something happening on her stomach whenever he smiled and that’s when she realized she had already fallen in love with him,”

Jessica squealed cutely and hugged her pink teddy bear tightly to hide her blushing face while Krystal who didn’t understand a thing pouted. Their dad laughed softly and patted their heads.

“Daddy, I don’t understand anything,” she complained and crossed her arms over her chest,

“You’ll understand when you’re older, Krystal. You will,” and he gave her younger daughter a wink.

 “You’ll know the ending tomorrow ok?” he said and kissed their foreheads softly. Jessica groaned but slept in no time at all anyway.


But they never really knew the ending because he had already left them.

That exact night, their dad died with a soft smile.


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Died? O.O
How come?!?
Poor kryssie... she was only 3

This was so well written. I'm gonna stalk you for more krystal fic now~
update soon please :)
love the intro
LoveK-Pop4ever #2
Oh god! Why???
ikrystal #3
Their dad died??
Update soon..
Looks gooo