[EXP] Tears of Green

Eosophobia I [Explanatory]


…Dear readers, to yet another explanatory chapter of Eosophobia, providing you with more information on the first part! This seventh chapter has been a pretty eventful one. Bit by bit, our quintet of angels is discovering their new environment, which can be both intriguing and terrifying. As their journey continues, they will be learning a lot more… and so will you! Not only will we provide you with more student cards, we'll also be teaching you about the mysterious occurrence of Bileam. Let's go!


Bileam // the Devourer or Destroyer of People

According to an ancient legend, the moon emits a blue radiance once every few centuries. The change in hue is faint, barely even noticeable, but the occurrence is of high importance for the angels since it indicates the birth of a Bileam. A Bileam is an angelic being that possesses not one, but all graces, making it incredibly strong and in some eyes even dangerous. Throughout history, the Guard has implemented a special task force to hunt down these monstrous beings and kill them before they get too strong, since they could form a direct threat to the population of Gihon.


People introduced













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