The Green House Dome


Jongdae was a lonely child trying to live in an adult and complicated world.


He was a child genius and he knows he can never escape the eyes of many, especially his rarely seen 'parents'


But he had a place to run to


A place he knows, his 10 year old heart could soar


In the Greenhouse Dome



That was where he meets his 'friends'


Friends who were not obviously human and wanted to take him away from this cruel world.


Now all Jongdae had to do was to grab those 11 hands outstretched to him.



Ayo~ Fantasy AU Yehet!


Kid Jongdae!


The usual angst


But it ends happily for Jongdae-or I hope it does

Love me well ;A;

*whispers Chen-centric*





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Chapter 3: Please update more juseyo, I love your story~
Chapter 3: ohmYLORDDDDD!!! YESSSSS!! THIS FANFICTION IS FRICKKIN AMAZINGGGG!!!! JONGDAE ACK!!!!! SO ADORABLEEEEEEEE!!! (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥ ahhh~ anyway will we see everyone else's first meeting with Jongdae? or something? BECAUSE I LOVE THIS!!!! AHHH! (๑>ᴗ<๑) chencentrics are one of my favorite to read!! ~(*^*~) and yes yes we understand you, it's very hard for an idol but nevertheless they still take it with a smiling and or teary eyed face but they do that for the fans! (‐^▽^‐) and Kris leaving hurt them a whole lot, like they said it was like loosing a brother.....................EXO SARANGAJA!!!
Chapter 3: i want to read more gaaaaahhh <3
Chapter 3: I wish too...
Chapter 2: omg this was soooo awesome! can't wait to read more <3
Chapter 2: oh my god!! this is so beautiful! a little sad, but still beautiful~
oh, i feel bad for jongdae, having expectant parents that don't give d attention he deserves.. I'm so curious about everything~

i wonder who was Xiumin's old friend? is he jongdae's reincarnation? oh okay, i should shiut my mouth~

author-nim, this is really great and awesome~!!! <3333 love it so muccchhh!!!!!
Chapter 1: Ok..just getting curious from only reading the foreword.. so he's just a 10 years old boy?? And just wondered is this from 3rd point of view or 1st pov? Since in the earlier paragraph it seems like from 3rd pov but then when he met his friends its turn to 1st pov.. annd now i'm getting confius of the diff in 2nd and 3rd pov..ok,myb i need to sleep rite now so google tomorrow.. -_-
Chapter 1: omg this sounds amazing <3!
Chapter 1: /squeaaaaaalllllsssssssssssssss <3 <3 <3