14. Memories

One Magical Summer

Chapter 14

"My parents forgot Jess' birthday." I look up to the blue sky. There were some clouds on the sky, just the way I like it. "And it's her sweet 16th birthday too." He frowned. "I'm sorry. How did she take it?" I shrugged. "She's pretty mad, but I still want to throw a party for her, so I think I'll talk about this with mom and dad." I sighed. "I wish they care about her more than they care about me. I mean, they pretty much abandon her, treating us so unfairly like this. She's a teenager, and she's in a stage where she needs her friends and her parents." I took a good look on his blue eyes, which are showing affection right now. "It's crazy. Although I really dislike her friends right now, I still want her to have fun, you know." His eyes showed curiosity. "Why don't you like them?" I scoffed. "It's pretty obvious what they're trying to do. They knew about our status, and about our wealth, and the only thing they've been talking to Jess is party, and shopping. They kind of abandon her when she needs them the most." Like last week when she was in hospital, no one came. Jess said her friends had to do some sort of stupid task, but I know better. I know, cause I've been in her place too, before. He held my hands. "Sorry to hear that. My parents too. The presents they bought for me are totally from my dad's secretary. The handwriting is clearly a woman's, and it always have the same message every year. "happy birthday Danny, have a good one." I don't think my dad knows how old I am." I laughed. "I think my parents are the same. We have ty parents." He laughed. "Well, at least you have me. Only the most amazing, handsome, thoughtful fiance in the whole life world." I laughed.  "Oh, we're engaged now? Wait, I didn't recall giving you permission to be my fiance." He smiled and kissed my hand. "I don't need any permission. I know you're actually dying to marry me. You're just... being a girl and won't admit that." I laughed. "Arrogant pretty boy." He smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment." 

"He was my first. First real boyfriend, first kiss. He took me out to my first date. He made me feel loved, and I know what it felt like to be a normal teenager. Not the billionare's daughter who owns stupid Posco." I stared to his dark brown eyes, finding myself lost in them. He smiled, sadly. "I know what it felt like. I had my "Danny"." I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Another story. Then what happened?" I nodded. "After about 3 months, he changed. He never talked about his dreams anymore. We rarely went out on dates. He rarely called me. He wasn't the Danny I used to like." 

"Where should we go tomorrow?" He finally glanced at me, tearing away his gaze from stacks of paper in front of him. I smiled as I played with his pen on his desk. It's been a month since he work in his parents' office, as an intern. "I can't. My father has a big meeting tomorrow." He took a stamp and began stamping papers. "And he wanted you to be there." He sighed. "I'm his succesor, Elle. You understand, don't you." I sighed. We were supposed to celebrate our anniversary since 2 weeks ago. "I'm okay. Wait, now are you really going to throw away your dream? To travel around and own a blog, discovering secrets of the world." He fell silent before finally answered. "We all have to grow up, Elle. I suggest you to do so, too."


"Aren't you supposed to go out and have sweet romantic dinner with Danny?" Jess threw a glance at me before she continued applying mascara. I stopped playing with her hair and frowned. "Well,  he has meetings to attend." Her jaw dropped. "What? Meetings? Wait, he's willing to be a succesor now?" I shrugged. "Seems so. And he also told me to grow up." Jess put her mascara down and sat next to me. "Ew. Gross. He became one of them already." I smiled. "Well, he's still Danny though. Just a tad busier." Jess took a good look at me before she sighed and went to the makeup table. "I hope so."


"My dad is really went too far with this." I shook my head as I glanced to him. He laughed. I miss his laugh. Lately he didn't smile that often, and didn't laugh that much. Whenever I asked him why, he told me it was the work, and it stresses him. And then he would drink one glass of tequila, or whatever he has in mind. "I like it, though. We can have an 'after-wedding-tutorial'. This penthouse really for us?" I nodded. "I'm only 18 for God's sake. Well turning 19 this year, but still!" He smiled. "Why did he give you this anyway?" I rolled my eyes. "He thought it's my birthday. My birthday is next month. Seriously. What kind of dad is he?" He stared at me. His blue eyes staring intently. "What?" He shaked his head. "Nothing. Why don't we move here? It's convenient. Near our schools, and my college, and we're free from our parents." My jaw dropped. "I'm serious. And that's why your dad gave it to you right? It's such a waste if a penthouse costing him millions and not being used, right?" 


I didn't know why, or how. Perhaps he's just that good with people. Or perhaps it's just me who is being stupid. But I agreed. And our parents were okay with our call. They told us we're adults and they trust us, etc etc. My mom bought me a whole new closet for my penthouse, saying that it's more convenient that way. Jess was devastated with me going from home. She told me it would be a living hell, and told me to come home as much as possible. She also told me she would kick Danny in the if he tried to mess around with me. Which she did. 


The first 2 months was pretty normal. I would wait for him to come home, cook dinner for him, and on weekend we would go somewhere nice, or just relaxing. Sometimes I went home, knowing Jess would be lonely without me beng there, and sometimes she would go and play at my penthouse. It was really enjoyable at first, but after 2 months, he came home later than usual, and he would snap at me with no reason. Sometimes he would come home and just drink anything. Wine, tequila, gin, anything he can find. And that's when problems starts to surface. Danny is really nice when he's not cranky, and sober. But when he's drunk, he went really crazy. He would break glasses on our penthouse, and he would hit me, sometimes he would injure me, and then he would just storm off, or just do whatever he wanted to till he get sleepy and then sleep. But then he would come crying when he saw my bruises, and he would buy me a whole bouquet full of lilies, white lilies, my favorite flower, and apologize. He said he would try not depending on alcohol. And as much as I wanted to leave him, I gave him the chance to redeem himself. He still is my first love, and I wanted to make things right. I still believe, at that time, my Danny is still there, deep down. 

Days passed and changed into weeks, and changed into months, and Danny is getting worse by day. I didn't tell anyone. Not even Jess, because I knew she would make a big fuss out of it. Which I don't want to. My love is changed into fear, and I always pretend to sleep when he gets home. He often brought girls home with him too. And he started not to care about what he did to me, to our relationship. 

It was late night, and it was our 9 months engagement anniversary. I waited him to come home, already preparing everything. I thought that it would finally change his behavior towards me. The food, the dessert, the wine, everything was perfect. He showed up 3 hours late, in a drunk state. And then he began yelling at me, he began throwing glasses on the floor, and then he started to hit me. Once, twice, and then he grabbed the shredded glass from the bottle and it cut my wrist, deeply. He went so panicked after that, and didn't know what to do. He was so afraid I might call the police, and then he ran away. Leaving me injured, alone in the house.

I was helped by my servant, who showed up because she left her phone at my penthouse, and was so shocked when she found me on the couch, bleeding and already losing my conciousness. She called the 911, and in short, saved my life.

Jess was furious. She was getting even more mad, knowing that my parents didn't even pay me a visit to the hospital. His parents called me once, and I didn't answer the call. And I heard from Jess that his parents told my parents to keep quiet about this and they would sign the contract my dad has been craving for. And they agreed to that. Of course, our engagement fell apart, and I sold the penthouse. Danny didn't take this news very well. He went to my house, and I wasn't there. Jess, being Jess, she went mad about the way he treated me. And she went pretty crazy about it. And then Danny just pushed her and began hitting her furiously. Luckily my security guards was there at that time, and they stopped him from doing more than that. 

I stopped talking, realizing my tears has been falling out of control, and I forced a laugh. It sounded hoarse. "Sorry." I wiped my tears. "Ugh. Sorry. I shouldn't have cried. I- I'm sorry." I must looked so horrible right now. My eyes swollen and stuff. His thumb ran across my cheek, wiping away my tears, and he pulled me into a hug. He smelled like mix betweek cigarette and some expensive perfume. He patted my hair lightly and leaned his chin on the top of my head. "You know, it's okay to cry." And I did. I cried, letting every last bit of my painful memory go. 

"Sorry for taking your time." I glanced at the clock. 11.30 I gasped. "Oh my gosh it's already half past eleven, I'm so sorry." He flashed me a boysih grin. "No, it's fine Call me if he bothers you again, okay?" A comfortable silence passed as we stared through the night, not wanting it ended just yet. His phone rang, and he read the message quickly before he turned his orbs to me again. "So..." I glanced at him as we walked to his car. "So.." he smiled. "You should be going. It's really late, and I'm sure your members are looking for you." I shove my hands on my pocket. "Thankyou, for everything." He studied my face. "They aren't looking for me." I gave him a face. "Okay, maybe they are. But more importantly, are you okay by yourself?" I smiled. "Sure. I'm not alone. There's my security guards, and my servants too." "Where's Jessica?" "She stayed over at her friend's. No big deal." I laughed. "That kid seriously need to get a life, other than swooning over every male idols and being nosy with my life." He smiled and stared at my face. His brown eyes still showing the same expression. Mysterious, calm, soft, with a hint of sadness. He pulled me into a hug as he whispered. "Okay then." Still in shock, he released the hug after a moment. I immediately missed the warmth feeling afterwards, and then he kissed my forehead. Not being able to speak, he smirked at me. "That was a goodnight." He pulled out his car keys and opened the door. "Goodnight, Elle. See you tomorrow?" Forcing my throat to speak, I finally find my voice. "Oh, yeah. See you."

I watched his car leaves before I slowly walk towards my house. Unconciously, I stared at the dark night sky. There aren't any stars. I tighten my jacket I'm wearing, trying to warm myself. I turend my head to the empty street and my face heated up at the thought of his sudden action. I opened the house and sighed at the huge empty house of mine. Are you sure it's the house? A voice asked me. I walked to the stairs and stopped at the sight of the tea cups we used n the living room, half empty. His is still full. The emptiness striked again, with a pang of lovely pain I've been having for God only knows how long. And then it striked me. Oh dear. Elle, you have just given your heart to a freaking superstar.

SO! There goes my update! What do you think of this chapter?

So sorry for the crappy chapter. I'll try to make it up in the next one. 

Thankyou so muchh for the subscribers, and those who took their time to comment, subscribe and upvote. You guys mean a lot to me. And for those who haven't, please do. Teehee.

Anyway, I've just watched the fault in our stars, and it was sooo good. It was sooo touching and I cried like a lot. I have lots of tears. :(

Still waiting on your comments and upvotes! Any comments, ideas, or anything is welcome. 



Ciaooo and xoxo 

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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 24: I love it!! I hope she get her memories back!! But please update soon.
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 24: I hope she gets her memory back soon, jiyong needs her and so does her sister. I don't know why but I have a feeling Danny or someone who knows jiyong is behind the hit and run.
tzwxgd #3
Chapter 25: yes pls !! pls continue the story omgg
klkesu #4
Chapter 25: Hi! I hope you remember me, the Indonesian reader, hehe. I was so excited when I received the story update notification! I thought you finally updated but turns out it's just an author's note :( of course we still want to read the continuation! Pleeeease please continue and finish the story. Fighting!
tzwxgd #5
Chapter 23: hey authornim, you're not going to update this anymore....? :(
Chapter 22: I'm glad you took that as a kind advice hehe! I guess around this length is ok ? But I commented that because the previous chap seems to be shorter than usual :D
Chapter 21: Too short !!! :(((
Chapter 20: No you didn't :'(
lovis89 #9
Chapter 20: oh no!!!!!