Chapter 1-Mysterious Kim

I’ll be there

Chapter 1-Mysterious Kim


Minwoo went off to his University early in the morning. He would have a class at 8 and he had to submit his task before eight to Mr. Kim who would wait for him with that calm but intimidated face.

When Minwoo arrived at the parking area, he could see Mr. Kim’s car had parked near the bench that he usually sits on. He parked his motorcycle not too far from Mr. Kim’s car with eyes still eyeing the white luxury car. He wondered why that lecturer came so early in the morning, not too early though but early enough for someone who is busy as him. Minwoo was huffing and began to enter his classroom, unpacked his stuff before rushed out to Mr. Kim’s office.


Knock knock


Minwoo knocked the door before he heard a voice from inside the room which said that he could come in. His heart was still beating extremely fast after he ran for coming to that room.

“Good morning, sir. Where should I put my assignment?” He bowed then asked politely, handing his essay toward the young man who sat on the chair calmly.

The young man pointed the heap of paper on the desk, didn’t say even a word. That was why Minwoo really curious about that young lecturer. He seemed so mysterious, and Minwoo couldn’t be able to count how many time Mr. Kim smile, because Minwoo never saw him smiling either, even once.

Minwoo placed his paper on top of the other papers, tidied those papers at the same time.

“Minwoo-ya, take this papers with you and make sure all students in your class submit it tomorrow. I will not teach you today.” Said Mr. Kim before stood up from his seat and took his way to the door. Minwoo was stood still on his earlier spot, confused with his lecturer behavior.

Mr. Kim stopped on the doorway while gazing Minwoo. His right hand has been holding the knob, in a motion to shut it up.

“You want to go out from this room or I will lock you here until I come back tomorrow?” The man threatened. His eyes sent some electric jolt that made Minwoo seemed mesmerize after had an eye contact with him.

Not to mention his heart that suddenly felt like it would be burst into flame soon.

“No Minwoo.”

“Huh?” Minwoo snapped out from his daydreaming when he heard his name being mentioned by his lecturer, and with flushed face that he tried to hide he began to walk heading the exit door.

He walked closely beside the man and tried to open his mouth to ask because curiosity started to take over him.

“But, you’re already here sir. And class will start in ten minutes.” Minwoo asked the man but earned nothing as reply.

“Do you have a necessity? Can I know what that is? Well, just in case when there are some students who want to know or in order to give them a reason why you can’t attend in our class.” Minwoo blurted out the thing in his mind and end up being glared by his lecturer. He only wanted to know more about this young man, couldn’t he?

“I have an important thing to do, that’s it.” Donghyun emphasized his each word and heading the parking area, leaving the boy who had unsatisfied feeling with his answer.

“Huh, why can’t I know?” Minwoo grumbled before stepping his shoes to his classroom. However, Minwoo still has a feeling that his lecturer had hidden something, something that he really curious about.




Minwoo dropped the papers on the desk of his classroom, glancing to the empty classroom before a student showed up in his sight.

“Jeongmin-hyung, come here.” Minwoo called a boy who had been sitting on his chair. He is wearing glasses and had book in his hands.

“Mwoya? You ruined my reading-mood.” He said reluctantly. Folded his arms while looking at Minwoo who grinning at him.

“Here is paper from Mr. Kim, please make sure that each one student in our class received these assignment. Thanks.” Minwoo wanted to rush out from the classroom before Jeongmin yanked his hand still.

“Why are you so rushing? What’s going on?” Jeongmin asked with suspicious look planted on his white pale face.

“Nothing. I need to do something.” Minwoo escaped from the boy and hurriedly went down to the parking area. He didn’t want to lose his opportunity to spy his mysterious lecturer.

He picked his motorcycle and rode it right after Mr. Kim crossed the gate. He needed to make sure that he was in the right position or he would get “F” for this semester because intruding Mr. Kim’s life.

Carefully, Minwoo rode his motorcycle and keeping up the distance between him and his lecturer.

Minwoo didn’t know either why he had some weird obsession on that man, he just curious. Yeah, only curious the right word which could explain about his feeling right now.


It was already far from his home, it almost out of Seoul and he thought that they would go to Suwon. He was almost sure about that because he once went there with his uncle.

Minwoo added his speed when Mr. Kim’s car began driving tremendously fast.

Does he know that Minwoo following him? Minwoo gulped hardly when the thought slipping into his mind.


Minwoo took a deep breath and decided that he would keep following that man no matter what.

“It’s now or never.” He muttered under his breath.




So, here is the first chapter… thank you for subscribe and upvote… I really appreciate it…

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ciahyun89 #1
Chapter 4: love this^6
wow . i already read this before and i dont have idea that your the author <3 boyfriend jjang!!
Kfroggs #3
Chapter 4: I need more Boyfriend in ma life!
ELFlisa #4
Chapter 3: i like it~~~....thanks for the update...
I swear I thought I was subscribed to this story :O
roselain #6
Chapter 3: Loved it~ dun have time to comment something long sryyyy xD!
Chapter 3: OHHH is this gonna be an angst fic?? Will something happen to Minwoo? :OO