Made in the A.M. (Kai, OC) Part 2

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If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative. - David Ogilvy


Alice felt like a tourist upon entering Gwonhan Prime headquarters; her eyes big and wide as it moved through the room in light speed, absorbing everything in her line of vision.

In all honesty, there wasn't much to see in an office headquarters apart from white walls, high glass windows reaching the ceilings, and people walking briskly across the shiny floors, wearing their office work attires; some with their phones stuck to their ears while others embracing stacks of papers to their chests. 

Nonetheless, Alice found it extremely fascinating how huge the place was. Back in London, Scribe Inc., the publishing company she worked for, was situated on two floors of a building owned by a conglomerate company originally from the U.S. Her world basically revolved around those two floors for the last three years and employees were pretty close-knitted. Everybody knows everybody.

In Gwonhan Prime, Alice strongly doubted it was the same. 

Kyungsoo led her to the elevators where they were joined by several more people. Alice was quiet throughout the ride until they reached the 27th floor and stepped out.

"Good morning Kyungsoo-ssi." A man bowed as they passed and Kyungsoo gave a curt nod in return. Several people followed after that, and Alice wondered if he was of high position or just plain popular among his colleagues. Either way, he seemed to be a very respected man.  

Upon reaching the end of the hallway, Kyungsoo led her into an empty conference room. "Make yourself comfortable." he said as he gestured for her to take a seat. The room was bare with only a long table with about twelve chairs and a white board on the opposite side. 

"So... Gwonhan Prime." Alice started once she's settled. "It's a--"


"We're a conglomerate company currently run by business tycoon, Kim Daejun. Serving Korea since the 80's and the number one in the business of manufacturing, recreation, automobile, and operations."

Alice jumped at the introduction, a hand to her chest as she watched a man appear out of the blue from behind her.

He was quite handsome, with jet black hair and a rectangular grin and laughing eyes. Alice was starting to wonder why everyone was so damn good looking here. 

Must be the weather, she thought; thinking how that must be the only viable explanation for their flawless and glowing skin.

"You forgot technologies." Kyungsoo added and the man face palmed himself then snapped his fingers.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" He shook his head amusingly. "You'd think working for almost seven years in this place that I should have this memorized by heart by now." He chuckled before looking at Alice. "And you must be Ms. Lowell. Hi! I'm Byun Baekhyun, senior public relations officer and marketing head for Gwonhan Prime." He reached out his hand and Alice stood before taking his hand. "It's so nice to meet you!"

Alice's smile widened, thinking how she already likes Baekhyun, with his bright and warm personality. "It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Byun."

"Well now that you've met, I'll leave Ms. Lowell to your care." Kyungsoo interrupted as he moved towards the door. "Oh and don't worry," he added, giving Alice an assuring gaze. "The only damage Baekhyun could do is to chatter your ear off." 

"Yeah and Kyungsoo's all bark but no bite." Baekhyun countered which earned him a glare from the man by the door.

"Have fun." Kyungsoo waved. "And it was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Lowell."

"Pleasure was all mine. And oh--Alice is fine." She corrected and Kyungsoo gave her a curt nod.

"Alright, Alice.” he smiled before turning towards Baekhyun. “Baekhyun.” He bid goodbye and left, the sound of the door clicking echoing though the room.

"So!" Baekhyun started as he slapped the folder onto the desk. "I already told you about Gwonhan Prime and basically we're a business. Period." He grinned as he gestured for Alice to take a seat. "I know you're more interested in the description of your project."

Alice nodded and he took this as a cue to continue, "Alright, Ms. Lowell--"

"Alice." She corrected once again. "I don't really like being addressed too formally. It's fine, really."

Baekhyun smiled, "Okay then. Alice. I actually like your name." He titled his head to the side, partnered with a playful grin. "In Wonderland, right?"

Alice rolled her eyes amusedly and Baekhyun chuckled. "Kidding. Anywho... Your job is simple. It is to take photographs."

No kidding, Alice thought but dared not to sass back to her superior; no matter how cute or nice he may be.

"Gwonhan Prime is announcing a very important deal in the coming week. A deal which was probably a decade or more in the making." Baekhyun looked down at Alice. "Do you know what that is?"

Alice shook her head and Baekhyun gave her an incredulous look. "Sorry. I haven't been tuned in with the world news lately." She defended. 

Baekhyun nodded, "Well Alice, Gwonhan Prime is announcing its official partnership with Lee International."

"Lee International?" Alice repeated, recognition dawning on her expression. "As in the biggest clothing manufacturer in Asia?"

"And they're currently expanding to Europe, yes?" Baekhyun asked and Alice nodded. She had seen the new stores around London under the same company name. 

"In Korea, they are not only a clothing manufacturer. They hold banks, Systems and Intel's." Baekhyun explained. "By partnering with them, Gwonhan eliminates great competition and instead increases business power. Also, it gives Lee International opportunities to expand more."

Alice nodded, "Okay, so you want me to cover an event? When the company announces the partnership, I mean?"

"Oh that's already been done." Baekhyun smiled. "Your task is much more...casual."

"Causal?” she asked. “How so?"

"Tell me Alice, how do two large companies become one?"

"Like you said, a partnership--"

"Yes, but I mean how?" 

"Um..” Alice felt like a primary school girl being asked questions by her teacher for a graded recitation. “Well... by..."

"Mmmm..." Baekhyun tried to give a hint and Alice had to hold in her laughter. She wasn't sure how a someone with a really high position could act so playful when discussing a business project. 

When she still didn't get it, Baekhyun sighed exasperatedly. "A merger, Alice. Through a merger."

Alice blinked once, letting the information sink. She wasn't sure what Baekhyun was trying to say and he in turn observed that she wasn't going to take any guesses either. 

"Long story short," he sighed in defeat. "The two business companies merged through an engagement." 

"Engage--" Alice paused, the pieces of the puzzle suddenly falling into place. "Wait. Are you actually saying that the company merged through an arranged marriage?!"

"You seem surprised...?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows while Alice openly showed her shock.

"Arranged marriage. That still happens?" She asked with wide eyes. "I mean, I thought that tradition was no longer practiced. I mean, it's the 21st century--"

"Some Asian countries, like ours and China, still practice it as a matter of fact. And yes, Gwonhan's heir and the heir to Lee International are engaged to be married in a few weeks. A month or so maybe, depending on schedules."

Alice leant back on her seat, feeling slightly breathless. She wasn't exactly sure what to feel about an arranged marriage but she was sure it was something that doesn't sit well with her. 

People were supposed to marry whom they choose, right?, she thought. And it's not even about marrying someone you love (which should be the case) but at least having the freedom to choose--


Alice looked up and realized that she had been frowning deeply. "Sorry I--"

Baekhun gave her and understanding smile, "You have to understand that the arrangement has been done a long time ago. This is a business deal. It's nothing personal."

Nothing personal, she thought incredulously. How is marriage 'nothing personal?!

"Okay so," she said as she sat straighter; trying to postpone her opinions on the marriage to focus on the job at hand. "What is my job exactly?"

Baekhyun stood from his chair and walked towards the windows. "This is where it gets interesting. The newly engaged couple would be attending a lot of events: conferences, expos, charity balls." He listed. “Basically, they’ll be everywhere!”

"And I'm supposed to take pictures of them in these events?" She asked, thinking how this project was basically another photography spree, nothing like she had in mind. 

"Yes," Baekhyun nodded. "And no.” he added which made Alice blink in confusion. “You'll be doing more than that."

Alice tilted her head to the side questioningly, unsure what he meant. Baekhyun cleared his throat and started playing with his pen. 

"You see Alice, the company also has a reputation. An image we need to uphold. This is a family business and people trust us for the sole reason of our ties being close-knitted. Where there are close ties, trust and loyalty follows."
He turned and looked at her steadily, "There's a reason why we hired you: a professional photo journalist. You know how to show stories through pictures. You can make stories out of these pictures."

Alice bit her lip, sensing what's to come. She wasn’t sure if what she was thinking was right, but somehow she sensed it was--for judging by the situation and Baekhyun’s reasons for hiring her, it made complete sense.

"Your task is simple, really. The heirs might not be in love right now but we need the people to believe that they are at least, 'fond' of each other." He said as he pointed his hand at her. "Your job is to show that this marriage is more than just a business deal. You are going to cover the supposed most romantic partnership Korea has ever seen in the last fifty years."

Alice stared at Baekhyun blankly before looking down at her camera, wondering if she would be able to do the challenge. To shoot love and fondness wasn't easy. These emotions need to be authentic or it would look fake against the lenses. 

Even cameras see fake smiles. 

It would be a hard thing to do but not completely impossible. All she needed was her subjects to be cooperative and to be someone who can at least act to save their lives.

"Some showbiz you're running here." Alice mumbled. She wasn't sure if she wanted to work as a 'paparazzi' for two heirs of huge conglomerates and actually "frame" these photographs to make it seem like they were in love.

Alice was used to showing the truth in her photos and had never tried controlling her shots to make people see differently.

Controlling shots, she suddenly thought, the idea lingering in her head and making her think that maybe this project could actually be a good challenge to pursue.

To have the power to control not only your shots, but your subjects as well.

Baekhyun grinned at her words and responded, "As marketing head, let me tell you now that in order for a business to succeed, there needs to be flair.” he gestured. “Oh yes, even business needs a little showbiz to keep stakeholders interested." he chuckled before looking thoughtful. "Actually, business is showbiz."

At that, Alice thought he could be right.

Scratch that. 

He was exactly right.



"So when do I meet the lovebirds?" 

Baekhyun had taken the time to giv

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I miss you and your writing so much 😭😭😭
this was really great
Pareba2 #3
Chapter 144: I love this J-hope fanfic!
Thank you for writing this!
shompishompi #5
Chapter 277: Cliffhanger!!!! WE NEED MORE! HAHHAHAHAHAHHA
lol the plot’s really good, i love rebel jungkook
Chapter 277: Chapter 264: Heyyyy it's getting into the best part and seriously? A cliff hanger??!! Hahahaha you're such a tease author-nim. I really didn't expect Jungkook had amnesia. Really am curious about how he knew her name when they first met after so many years. Please update soon!!!! >.<
Chapter 277: Chapter 264: IM SCREAMINGGG FOR MORE PLEASE
dagriduo #8
Chapter 276: please update soon, this is sth I would read over and over again. :)
Chapter 276: Please update soon!!!! This is a masterpiece just like the song title!!!! Totally in love with a rebel Jungkook!!! And Jungkook's English is too fabulous!!! :)
ginger1111 #10
Chapter 273: Chapter 260: No it's alright Author-nim. It shows first love/relationship doesn’t work out at the end. A Bittersweet one. This story gave me the "wedding dress" (taeyang) and the movie "By My Side" feels... see the one you love getting married but you want them to be happy. Congratulations on your book :D