Hello, Kitty (V, OC)

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Because it’s my BFF’s birthday riksirixa​ (a.k.a. Taehyung’s future wife) and I wanted to write something for you even though my head is filled with Tease. lol it’s a good thing I didn’t write something fantasy-related...although I did thought of a plot! HAHA I will write it for you next time. ;)

I was going to write your date scenario...but I’m just on a block with that one and I saw this prompt and I thought of this and how it would fit you and Tae...so I hope you like my simple gift. :D 

OC- Risa



Risa never thought she would live to see the day when she would be able to speak that seven-letter word. Being born and raised in a big family was one thing; having to live in a too crowded house was another but bearable...though not exactly what she wanted either.

Risa had a brave heart and wings so big it needed to be spread out or else she would died of suffocation and depression. She needed to be free, which is why the moment she graduated from college, she bought a plane ticket; her forefinger pointing at a random destination then flew away just like that. No plans needed.

Her wandering soul was taken to one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Seoul, Korea. And at that moment her feet stepped out of the plane, she knew she was finally home.

With Home being: nowhere but everywhere.


Risa lived her life like any normal civilian would. She got employed at a small coffee shop and made just enough money to handle her expenses. She didn't need a big job since she's only working to make a bit of money to pay for her goshiwon's rent (Goshiwon’s are cheaper and it’s not like she was living with anybody) and to get a ticket to fly off to another uncharted shore; staying true her life of an adventurous nomad.

Her shifts were easy and not at all heavy but paid a little too well. She was lucky it was that way, and now she had some extra cash to go around town and just have fun.

Risa wasn't the party type kind of girl and liked to spend her time peacefully with a book in hand or her laptop where she surfed the net for interesting videos or wrote stories when she had the inspiration.

This day however, her Goshiwon was feeling a little too crowded even with herself being the only resident and she felt her body was vegetating from staying in bed almost half the day. By late afternoon, she decide to take a walk in the park near her neighbourhood.

During this time of day, a lot of children played and a handful of adults were walking their dogs, enjoying the sun that wasn't too high to be searing hot nor too low to let the darkness of night take over.

Risa placed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, walking with a slight smile on her face as she kicked on the gravelled path and watched the stones skidding to the grass. After a few minutes, she found a bench under a tree and sat down before taking out her phone to check her messages from her friends.

Risa was enjoying the moment with the wind cooling and the sun just setting, turning the skies into a pink and orange tinge, when her peace was disrupted but a white feline.

She had nothing against cats, or any other animals for that matter, but she was petrified by how the cat practically jumped at her, causing her to bring up her legs and wrap herself in a ball in terror; a tight shriek escaping her lips.


Risa tore her gaze from the cat staring up at her blankly (more like glaring at her like a predator) with its tail swaying from side to side, to look at where the call had come from.

She caught sight of a guy jogging towards her, wearing back sweatpants and a blue shirt with his hair covered by a hat mimicking the very color of his t-shirt. He reached them in three seconds, crouching to take the cat into his arms and scolding it slightly.

"Why did you run away, hmm??" He sweet-talked the cat and Risa tried to hold in her laughter by how cute the exchange was. "I'm never taking you out of your leash again, Kkanji.”

Only then did Risa realize that the cat had a collar around it's neck as the guy hitched the leash onto it. She scrunched her eyebrows, thinking how she never seen a cat on a leash. 

Did cats needed to be walked?, she thought. But that's ridiculous!

"Sorry about that." Risa snapped up and caught the guy staring at her intently. She blinked, realizing how good-looking he was. "Are you hurt? Did she scratch you--?"

"Oh..." She looked down at herself and saw that she was still sitting in a fetal position, as if the ground beneath her was toxic. She let her legs fall off thee bench and shook her head. "No..no.. I was just surprised."

The guy smiled and Risa felt the breath knocked out of her. What a cute smile, she thought seeing the rectangular grin gracing his features.

"She gave me quite the surprise too." He chuckled. "First time I let her off the leash and she goes running off!" He shook her head at the cat with a deep sigh. "Bad Kkanji. No treats for you tonight."

"You walk your cat." Risa said stupidly and the guy looked at her with a tilt of his head.

"Yes..." He trailed, giving her an “obviously” look. "Who wouldn't walk their cats?"

"Uh..." Risa shut not wanting to sound snarky in front of a cute guy. Her friend once told her that she should stop scaring guys off and smile a bit more if she wanted to get a date. Risa did the first thing that came to her mind once she was told that advice: 

She told her friend to f* off. 

"Nothing.” she shook her hair with a slight shrug. “Forget I said anything."

She looked down, pretending to fidget with her phone when he said, "You think it's stupid."

Risa looked up sharply, h

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I miss you and your writing so much 😭😭😭
this was really great
Pareba2 #3
Chapter 144: I love this J-hope fanfic!
Thank you for writing this!
shompishompi #5
Chapter 277: Cliffhanger!!!! WE NEED MORE! HAHHAHAHAHAHHA
lol the plot’s really good, i love rebel jungkook
Chapter 277: Chapter 264: Heyyyy it's getting into the best part and seriously? A cliff hanger??!! Hahahaha you're such a tease author-nim. I really didn't expect Jungkook had amnesia. Really am curious about how he knew her name when they first met after so many years. Please update soon!!!! >.<
Chapter 277: Chapter 264: IM SCREAMINGGG FOR MORE PLEASE
dagriduo #8
Chapter 276: please update soon, this is sth I would read over and over again. :)
Chapter 276: Please update soon!!!! This is a masterpiece just like the song title!!!! Totally in love with a rebel Jungkook!!! And Jungkook's English is too fabulous!!! :)
ginger1111 #10
Chapter 273: Chapter 260: No it's alright Author-nim. It shows first love/relationship doesn’t work out at the end. A Bittersweet one. This story gave me the "wedding dress" (taeyang) and the movie "By My Side" feels... see the one you love getting married but you want them to be happy. Congratulations on your book :D