Chapter 10

I Can Hear Your Heart
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Lyn: My Destiny


Minjoo woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She sat up with wide, alert eyes. She whirled around in fear that her aunt would yell at her, but to her surprise, her aunt was not by her side. That’s strange. She’s usually knocked out beside me. Did she go out early, or did she not come back last night at all?

Minjoo was yanked out of her thoughts by the continuing ringing of her phone. She hurriedly crawled towards her desk and grabbed her phone. Jongsuk greeted her with a bright, warm smile. “Good morning, Park Minjoo.”

She smiled back and waved. “Did I wake you up? I can still see your eye boogers.” He teased.

Minjoo blushed and ducked. “Just kidding. Don’t be embarrassed. Go ahead and get ready though,” Jongsuk said.

Minjoo gave him a quizzical look.

“Did you forget our adventure?” Jongsuk asked.

“Okay, it’s decided. This weekend, we’ll explore places with the best sceneries. You can take as many photos as you want.”

Her eyes widened as excitement surged within her.

“I’ll be there in an hour. Don’t forget your camera,” Jongsuk reminded.

I won’t! I’ll get ready right away! Minjoo kissed the screen, waved happily, and immediately went to the bathroom to wash. She took a shower as quick as possible and came back out with wet hair. She gasped and halted when she spotted her aunt in the room. She’s back! Minjoo gulped. She waited for the screaming and shouting.

Oddly enough, her aunt didn’t reproach her. In fact, she was humming.

Her aunt sang a tune under her breath as she gazed into the vanity mirror while putting her gold hoops on her ears. Her aunt looked up at her and blinked. “What are you doing just standing there? You’re getting water on the floor.”

Minjoo quickly shut the door and carefully treaded to her desk. She squeezed her wet hair and glanced back over her shoulder. Her aunt seemed too happy. She was whistling, smiling, and fixing her hair with shiny eyes as if she was in love-

Wait a minute.

Minjoo’s eyes widened. It was impossible. Was her aunt falling in love?

Sure, Minjoo had witnessed her aunt flirt before, but her aunt had never been like this where she was completely dazed and off guard. Her aunt caught her staring and blinked innocently. “What? Do I look weird?”

Minjoo quickly shook her head and looked away. She changed into a simple pink t-shirt and gray shorts. She made sure to move lightly as she stowed away her camera in her purse. Minjoo picked up her black flats and subtly moved towards the door. “Going somewhere?” Her aunt questioned.

Minjoo flinched. She had hoped her aunt would have been too distracted by her bliss to notice her sneaking out. She took out her paper and pen and fumbled to write her response. Her aunt dismissively flicked her hand. “Whatever. Go. I’m going to close the shop today. I have a date to attend.” She smiled at herself in the mirror with love-struck eyes.

Minjoo nodded, slipped her pen and paper back into her purse, and raced out of the room. She slipped on her shoes and all but dashed to the exit. She shut the door and looked up towards her room in awe. So I was right. Auntie is in love.

“Hey,” A voice said behind her. Minjoo spun around to become face-to-face with Jongsuk. He smiled at her with his head tilted sideways. “You look cute.” She smiled back, but her eyes were filled with confusion.

Jongsuk read her mind, and his expression grew befuddled. “Your aunt is going on a date today?”

Minjoo nodded. I think so. It seems like…

“She’s in love,” Jongsuk finished her thought. Minjoo nodded again.

“Maybe that’s a good thing. That way, she won’t bother you. She’ll be too happy caught up in her romance,” Jongsuk suggested. Minjoo hadn’t thought about the situation in that way and smiled. She loved how Jongsuk could put a positive spin to things.

“Ready to go?” Jongsuk held out his hand. Minjoo skipped up to him and clasped his hand tightly.

“Did you pack your camera?” He asked. She nodded eagerly.

Jongsuk planted a kiss on her forehead. “Then let’s go.”


The two of them came to a mountain land that was filled with breathtaking scenery. The view was gorgeous from the top, and the pathway between the tree g

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17 streak #1
Chapter 5: Minjoo finally made a friend. and a miracle. Jongsuk is so caring and sweet towards the mute girl. He even told about his ability.

But I feel like the happiness won't last long. The mysterious man seems to be dangerous.
17 streak #2
Chapter 4: Jongsuk helping Minjoo was so sweet. Especially knowing that he was the only one to do it.

Now rest of the class will learn to not bully her. Especially when Jongduk is there elite her guardian angel.
17 streak #3
Chapter 3: I am sure Minjoo won't hold a grudge on Jongsuk. He is the rare one who doesn't hate her and want her to stand up for herself. So excited to read more!
17 streak #4
Chapter 2: Minjoo does not know it yet but there is someone who appreciates her even without her voice. Though she can be heard by Jongsuk.
17 streak #5
Chapter 1: Minjoo is not a dummy. She actually is pretty smart, it is just her peers who want to humiliate and make her feel bad.

The mysterious man is really creepy. Curious to see what will happen next!
asdfghjkpop #7
Chapter 11: Reading this for the nth time and I still don't want Jongsuk to die. Grrrr
Chapter 30: Love the happy ending. Thanks for the nice story authornim ^^
Chapter 23: Good to see she slowly opens up to Kai.
Chapter 17: It’s so sad Jongsuk is dead....

But at least we have a new guy... kaiii...