
Those Three Magical Words
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Nausea - Zico (Block B) (


--------------- Narrator’s P.O.V:     Your happiness from the ‘date’ with Minhyuk didn’t last long, however. The next day at school was hell for you.   “I’ve had… ENOUGH!!” A hand fearlessly pushed your body towards the lockers behind you. You cursed in your head as your back slammed into them, echoing a clean and mighty bang through the abandoned hallways.   You whimpered quietly as you tried to move your back. You cringed from the soreness. Your fists immediately balled up into strong fists as you glared at up at the person cackling in front of you.   “Who’s the loser now, huh?” Minah smirked down at you. Her shrilly laugh pierced your ears. No one was in the south hallway, so no one bothered you two.   “You’re still the loser, Minah.” You grinned at her, “You know why? You’re still being idiotic and resorting to violent tactics like this.”   Minah gritted her teeth, “I DARE you to say that again.”   “You’re still a LOSER.” You challenged as she screamed and pulled you up by the collar. “You’re an eyesore! I’ll just get rid of you now!!” Minah shouted as you slapped her arm away, “I don’t think so!”   Minah and you battled it out as you dodged most of her hits. You almost forgot you were on the second floor of the building when you looked behind you and your eyes snapped open.   Minah’s gaze flickered to what was behind you: a staircase. She smirked evilly, “I told you you’d pay, right, Park _________?” Minah asked as she teasingly pushed and pulled you forward and back.   You almost fell when you gripped onto both of her arms recklessly. “You… why are you doing this?!” You demanded, your back feeling as bruised as ever. She glared you right in the eye, as if looking directly into your soul.   “You took away my oppas, and you made me—a queenka—into a laughing stock! I’LL RUIN YOUR LIFE WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!!” She shrieked as she pushed you down the stairs forcefully.   You let out a scream when you fell and shut your eyes quickly, waiting for the pain of the fall, but you didn’t feel anything. You opened one eye to see the familiar face of L. Joe, holding you, and as pissed as ever.   Minah’s audible gasp was heard as she stuttered out, “L-L
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Chapter 53: Oh, and Happy Birthdaayyy
Chapter 53: Oh, and Happy Birthdaayyy
Chapter 53: Such a cute sorry! And a cute couple :D
Chapter 51: First his mom left, now her T.T
Chapter 45: Aww, this is soo cute <3
Their first kiss ^O^
Chapter 45: Aww, this is soo cute <3
Their first kiss ^O^
Chapter 35: Awww so cute >< Minhyuk confessing is just the cutest thing
And 'anti-social kinga' xDDD bruhh
Chapter 34: The Kyung Corner is perfect xDDDD
Love this!
Cheesecake143 #10
Chapter 53: Waaa it's so cuteeee (≧∇≦)