Chapter 16

The Senatorial Candidate


Hongbin drove Kyungsoo over to Yixing’s place to get Soojin but the manager insisted that it was late and the baby was already sleeping. Yixing said that they should stay the night instead and to just go home the next day, but in reality, he just wanted to prevent Kyungsoo and Soojin from going back to the horrendous place that they called home. It took a lot of convincing before Kyungsoo finally agreed and when he did, Hongbin left after reminding Kyungsoo about meeting the Congressman on the following Monday for Soojin’s registration to the government program for children with medical needs.


Kyungsoo was unable to sleep well that night. His mind was filled with the incidents that happened at the ball. Thankfully it was a Sunday the next day so he didn’t have to worry about work. His mind went back to the scene they witnessed at the garden, how Kris told Baekhyun that kissing him was just to put on a show. It hurt because although that was true, their kisses felt real to him every single time. The emotion that he felt every time their lips touched were real, which was absurd because nothing in their setup was real.


How would he prevent himself from sprouting more feelings for the Senator when they were sharing kisses and acting like lovers in front of people? Kyungsoo slept with that thought. He knew that the only way he could avoid further liking Kris was to break off the engagement. But that wasn’t his call, was it? Everything needed to be on Kris’ terms or it would end up hurting the politician’s career if something wasn’t done right.


A light slap on the face had woken Kyungsoo the next morning. Soojin, who was sleeping beside him on the bed in Yixing’s guest room had woken up before him and was climbing on top of him, slapping her little hands on his face. Kyungsoo smiled at the angel and lifted her up in the air which earned him a playful giggle. He put her down on his chest and hugged the baby girl tightly as he rocked them both from side to side. Soojin’s giggles became a little louder, enjoying her Uncle’s frisky action as well as the ticklish sensation the kisses Kyungsoo had peppered on top of her head. There was a knock on the door followed by Yixing entering the room that made the both of them turn their attention to the intruder.


“I heard the giggles,” Yixing explained, “and thought maybe Soojin is awake.”


Kyungsoo sat up on the bed with Soojin still clinging on to him and greeted the manager. “Good morning! Did we wake you?”


“Oh no, I was already awake. I was just waiting for you to wake up so I can see Soojin.” The baby girl, upon hearing her name, crawled off of Kyungsoo and went to Yixing, clutching on to the manager’s shirt so she could stand up. Yixing immediately assisted her by pulling her up in his arms. “Good morning baby! Did you sleep well? I’m sorry I didn’t have a crib for you,” Yixing cooed.


Soojin responded to Yixing by putting her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder as if embracing him. Yixing patted the baby girl’s back in satisfaction. The way Soojin held him, it made him more determined to force Kyungsoo that they live with him instead. He couldn’t live with himself if he allowed Soojin to go back to that god-awful place, and the neighborhood of that apartment was unacceptable. It was no place for a sweet, lovely baby girl to live in.


“Kyungsoo,” Yixing started as he sat on the bed cradling Soojin in his lap. “I don’t know how to say this without offending you but I hope you’d be open-minded.” The manager in a breath and composed his thoughts so that whatever would come out of his mouth would be less insulting than how he planned them to be.


Kyungsoo raised a questioning brow at Yixing. He didn’t have any idea as to what the man would want to tell him without sounding offensive. Would it have something to do with his engagement to Kris? Because aside from that, there was nothing else he could think about that would concern Yixing.


“You should leave your apartment and live with me instead,” Kris’ best friend blurted out. It was the least offending sentence his mind could come up with. A lot of insults for Kyungsoo and Soojin’s residence had been filtered out already he was actually being really considerate.


“Why?” Kyungsoo asked in confusion, brows meeting in the middle.


“Because the place is not conducive for a baby to live in. I mean, it looks like it will collapse anytime soon. Plus, the neighborhood is scary. I don’t want Soojin to grow up there.”


It took Kyungsoo a few seconds to let what Yixing said sink in. The latter was right. The place wasn’t really baby-friendly. He also feared for their safety from time to time but he couldn’t do anything about it. He had planned on moving to a different apartment, it just didn’t happen yet because he still couldn’t afford anywhere else. He was sure to do so once the responsibility of Soojin’s medication was lifted off him. And that would only happen when he finds her father. But since it was established that Senator Wu wasn’t Soojin’s father, it was impossible to happen for now. His other choice would be the government program Hongbin had offered to help them with.


“Thank you for the offer, Xing. But we can’t accept it,” Kyungsoo rejected. “I don’t want us to be a burden to you. We’re not even your family to let us live here. And don’t worry; we won’t be living there forever. When our situation permits, I’ll find us a more decent apartment to live in.”


“Don’t completely reject my offer yet. Think about it first.” Kyungsoo was about to protest but Yixing beat him to the punch. “Kyungsoo, please. Promise me you’ll think about.”


Kyungsoo nodded hesitantly. He really couldn’t find it in him to reject Yixing with finality especially when the manager was looking at him pleadingly.


Yixing prepared breakfast for them after Kyungsoo agreed to think about the former’s proposal. Surprisingly, the manager had a hidden talent in cooking. Kyungsoo hadn’t eaten so much before even with his own cooking. Soojin seemed to be enjoying herself as well, sitting on the table with a plastic plate full of food she surely couldn’t finish. Yixing didn’t have a high chair and he didn’t mind the mess the baby girl was spreading all over his wooden table anyway.


After breakfast, Tao arrived to take Kyungsoo and Soojin back to their home. Yixing had called him earlier and the bodyguard was more than willing to do the job. Yixing insisted that he go with them to their apartment. He just wanted to make sure that they arrive safely so he could settle the unsettling feeling inside his chest. Kyungsoo didn’t argue anymore and just went along with what the manager decided.


What greeted them in Kyungsoo’s apartment though had made everything turn in Yixing’s favor albeit unwanted. The small room was a mess; someone had been inside and destroyed everything, intent on looking for something valuable. Kyungsoo’s eyes bulged in shock and hurriedly went inside to check the money he saved which he kept under a loose wooden floor tile. All hope left him when he found that the wooden tile had been removed from its place and his savings was nowhere in sight. It was his emergency money, something that he could pull out just in case he ran out of cash to buy Soojin her medicine. But everything was gone, even the fake watch his Dara Noona gave him on his birthday was taken.


Kyungsoo plopped lifelessly on the floor. His mind was blank, like his thoughts had been robbed off him along with his possessions. He was torn between crying and laughing pathetically but he didn’t have enough energy to do either one. Yixing had approached him and rubbed his back in comfort but his mind wasn’t into it.


“Kyungsoo,” Yixing called but the said man was still in his blank state. “Kyungsoo!” It was louder this time that the smaller male’s attention was finally on him. “You have nothing to think about now. You and Soojin will live with me and that’s final,” the manager said with conviction, no room for any other option aside from what he provided. What if Kyungsoo and Soojin were there when the break-in happened? He didn’t want to think about what would have happened to them.


Kyungsoo didn’t argue. How could he when Yixing had hard evidence to back up his case? He’d think about their living condition later. For the moment, it would be best to go with Yixing’s decision.




Yixing had gone overboard with everything. From shopping for clothes down to buying everything a one year old baby would need. After packing their belongings, the ones they could still save, they went back to Yixing’s apartment only to drop their things and went back out to go shopping. Tao was on the same boat as Yixing. They were both enjoying everything too much, indulging themselves in cute little outfits that they thought would look good on Soojin. Kyungsoo could only watch, the baby girl in his arms, as the manager and the bodyguard bicker on what would best suit Soojin.


It was late when they finished. Yixing had bags after bags slung around his arms while Tao was in the same situation. The men couldn’t carry everything they bought in their arms so the rest, like the crib and the high chair and everything else, would be delivered the next day instead. Kyungsoo wanted to object at the excessive, impulsive buying. But the look on Yixing’s face when he tried to made him swallow all of it. When they arrived in Yixing’s apartment, they were all tired that they couldn’t even say that they were tired. Soojin was already sleeping right after they ate dinner so Kyungsoo immediately changed her clothes slowly and wiped her face and body with baby wipes to somehow clean her. He placed her on the bed and tucked her under the blanket before he went out again to check on Yixing and Tao. The two were splayed out on the couch, all energy out of them.


Tao’s phone rang and he had no choice but to answer it. The bodyguard sat up in attention when he saw who was calling him. “Yes, Kris? Do you need something?” The name that escaped Tao’s mouth had Kyungsoo turn his attention on the bodyguard. “Okay, I’ll bring it to you now.” Tao stood up and said his goodbye to Kyungsoo and Yixing before he left.


“Xing, aren’t you gonna sleep already?” Kyungsoo asked the tired manager.


“Not yet. I’ll check on everything we bought first so I can arrange them in your closet easily.”


“But you can do that tomorrow.”


“The crib and everything else will arrive tomorrow and that’ll take time to set up so I want to do this now.”


“Okay,” Kyungsoo just agreed. He wouldn’t win against Yixing anyway. “I’ll sleep first then. We have to go to Congressman Lee Hongbin tomorrow. Good night.”


“Why do you need to go to Congressman Lee?” Yixing inquired, curious as to what Kyungsoo would need to meet the politician for.


“Congressman Lee will help us register Soojin in a government program for children with heart problems.”


“Yifan can do that for you. You don’t need Congressman Lee for that.” Yixing reasoned.


“I know he can but I don’t want to burden him with it. We brought enough trouble already for making him think that he was Soojin’s father.”


“You know, Kyungsoo. Soojin is the best thing that ever happened to Yifan even if he’s not his daughter. Trust me.”


Kyungsoo just smiled at that and said another good night before he went to his room.




The next day, Monday, Kyungsoo and Soojin met Hongbin at the latter’s office in the House of Representatives. The politician was just about to reach his office when he saw the pair coming his way. The baby girl was strapped to Kyungsoo’s front and the man actually looked so adorable with a baby. Hongbin couldn’t help but giggle inwardly when Kyungsoo grinned upon seeing him.


“Are we late?” Kyungsoo greeted when he reached Hongbin.


“Oh no, you are actually just on time. We just finished our session.” Hongbin diverted his gaze to the baby strapped to Kyungsoo and moved to the latter’s side so he could get a good look at her. “Hello Soojin! I’m Congressman Lee Hongbin but you can call me Uncle Hongbin if it’s okay with you,” the politician cooed and held Soojin’s hand with his fingers. He kissed the baby’s hand that was wrapped around his finger and continued to play with her, making cooing noises.


“Kyungsoo,” a voice, all too familiar to the said man, had interrupted Hongbin from his playful exchange with the baby girl.


“Kris,” Kyungsoo muttered in acknowledgement. He was looking straight at the Senator with brows furrowed in the middle.


“What are you doing here with Soojin?” The Senator inquired with an obvious hint of strangled anger.


“Hongbin is helping me to register Soojin to the program for children,” Kyungsoo replied hesitantly. He didn’t want the Senator to know about it because he didn’t want to insult Kris and put him in a bad light. He was Kyungsoo’s fake fiancé after all and it meant that it was his job to take care of things like that for Kyungsoo. Seeking the help of others would hurt the Senator’s pride as a politician and as his fiancé too.


“You don’t need Congressman Lee anymore. I will do that for you. Let’s go.” Kris gazed at the Congressman meaningfully, silently telling him to back off.


Hongbin wasn’t scared in the slightest. Senator Wu’s action had fueled his drive to get Kyungsoo away from Kris as soon as possible. The latter didn’t deserve Kyungsoo, especially because he was only hurting the smaller male.


“But—“ Kyungsoo tried to protest but Kris was giving him a look that was telling him there was no room for his objection.


“Kyungsoo doesn’t need to go with you,” Hongbin voiced out, challenging Kris.


“And why not? I’m his fiancé, he needs to go with me,” Kris enunciated, thinking that his reason was more than enough.


“But you see, you are not his fiancé now, are you?” Hongbin smirked when he saw the stunned expression on the Senator’s face. “You are not as discreet as you think you are, Senator Wu. I know everything. So technically, you don’t have any right to command Kyungsoo to do anything you want.”


Kris didn’t have a comeback for that. He was too dazed at the revelation. How did the bastard find out about their secret? Did Kyungsoo tell him? The younger male liked Hongbin so much that he didn’t want the Congressman to misunderstand their situation so he told him?


“Kyungsoo, let’s get inside the office.” Hongbin opened the door to his office and ushered Kyungsoo to get inside first, leaving the Senator who only watched them as the door closes.





Noona’s Notes:

I took a vacation from writing because I had a slight self-doubt about what I write. I wondered if people truly enjoy my work and if it’s okay to continue. But I got over it already so here I am, updating. A lot have requested in twitter to update this first so this is what I’m doing exactly.

On the other hand, did you know that Wu Yifan is part of that organization called “Love in your Heart” (not sure about the name though) and they help children to get heart surgeries? When I learned about it I thought, “Does Wu Yifan read TSC? Did he know that Soojin has a heart problem?” because come on, the coincidence in that is just too exact? LOL! Delusional mode. Furthermore, I did a tweetfic about krisoo secretly meeting in China every time there’s TLP there and what do you know? Yifan update his IG! What is he trying to do to me? Really? TROLOLOLOLOL!!!




I got carried away. This is almost 3k. WOW!

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Naysila_FH #1
Chapter 23: Pls don't abandond this story', i really love ur story' ?
Please update
Kawaiido19 #3
update please
Chapter 21: iveee, Soo's umma, i miss you, i miss your story as well .. i even went to your twitter acc and stalked your tweets 1 year behind T.T
hope someday me and the other readers can read the next chapter and know what will happen next to everyone (Krisoo especially) hehe
i wish you'll always healthy and happy with your real life dear, take care of yourself ❤
Ate i miss you hope you can finish your stories love lots
Chapter 22: I'm still waiting
geron_bacurin #7
Chapter 23: Hi pleaseee update this story....
yehetttt #8
It's already 2017 and still waiting for this masterpiece
senulovemusic #9
please update this,please please please pitty please
hocaines #10
Chapter 22: WHERE