*Bonus* JongMin POV

Find Me

Five Years Later ~

JongMin POV


I felt someone kiss my head, all the way down the my cheek until he got to my lips, then I felt a light kiss. I opened my eyes and saw Minsoo with that stupid smile. I rolled my eyes ad sat up, kissing his lips once I did sit up.


"Where's Leo?" I asked after he broke the kiss. He sighed, got up and went to our son's bedroom.


After all these years, I will still prefer Leo over Minsoo because Leo is the only child that I can have and I want to treasure everyday with him before he gets paired off with someone from a different pack.


The reason why Leo is the only child that I can have is because I did have him at a young age and it messed up my body. The doctor said that we could try again but it's a low possibility that I will get pregnant again. Minsoo seemed okay with it but at nights when he thought that I was asleep, he would rub my stomach and wished that I could give him more children. I did feel bad that I couldn't give him more children, but we're both happy with Leo.


I had asked him why the hunters let us go and he said that they were starting to kill wolves by either shooting, starving or putting them in gas chambers. I started to cry at the thought of the wolves that did die and didn't have a chance to survive but he told me that only a few, but not many, died and they died while they tried to protect their packs.


He told me that the hunters couldn't stand the torture the wolves were going through with the government testing and were disgusted. Minsoo was actually the first one to snap some sense into half of the hunters before they all realized that they were hurting innocent creatures and creatures that are beautiful.


Ever since then, our relationship has gotten stronger, although we have hard our ups and downs and we will still have them, he is always here for me when JongSeok isn't.


"Mama!" Leo jumped on my bed and hid under the covers, hiding from his dad. "Papa, is scary!" He said while he was still underneath the covers. I looked at Minsoo and saw that he was leaning against the wall. I mouthed to him, 'come here' and he did.


"Why is papa so scary?" He peeked from the covers and screamed when he saw Minsoo. I started to laugh and so did Minsoo but when we started to hear sniffling, that's when I pulled the covers and saw Leo with tears pouring down his face. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked as I brought him into my lap.


"I don't like papa," Minsoo rolled his eyes, picked up Leo, but our little five year old was hiding his face in Minsoo's shoulder.


"Why don't you like me?"


"Because you make mama cry," the one time he remembers!


Minsoo was mad at me one night and I was mad at him. Why you ask?


Because one night, he was out hunting with ZiFan and Chanhyun. I promised him that I would stay awake and heat him up dinner but I was laying on the bed with Leo and I fell asleep. When I woke up, Minsoo wasn't there. I went into the living room and saw that Minsoo was sleeping on the couch. I was about to wake him up to go sleep on the bed but then I smelt a scent on him and it was that human girl's scent.


The girl was the one at the facility that wanted me dead because I stole Minsoo's heart. When I smelt her scent. I ignored him for the whole day. I was so pissed at him and hated him because of that. When he finally got me in our room, I blew up on him. I told him exactly what was on my mind. He then started to yell at me and we both had a screaming match, that made me cry.


The end of the night, he sat me on the bed and we talked it out. It turns out that she was attacked by another wolf and had died. They moved her away and buried her. I did feel bad for her but I was extremely upset that he hid that from me.


"Leo, mommy cried because mommy was upset. I wasn't mad at papa." He looked at me than at Minsoo.


"Really?" He asked with that pouty face that made me want to eat him up. He's so cute for words.


"Yes, mama and papa love each other." He looked at Minsoo and pinched his nose.


"Don't make mama cry!" Minsoo nodded. Leo let his nose go and gave him a kiss on his nose. "Promise?" He held out his pinky and Minsoo gave him his.


"I promise, I won't make mama cry anymore." Leo nodded and Minsoo finally gave him a kiss on the head.


I love my family and couldn't have asked for it any other way.


So sorry for the late update!!!!

I wanted to do a JongMin POV because I re-read some comments and asked why the hunters let them go and I figured it would've been easier doing it in JongMin's POV because he's the the only one mated off with a human. Hope that answered your questions!

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ApinkPanda4ever #1
It's been 84 years, and yet I still wait for that one final chapter XD le criessss
Chapter 27: You forgot about the last chapter, I guess?
I wanted to start reading the prequel first, but I'm a fast reader and the sequel isn't yet finished.
Its like a torture so I've to wait for you to update the last chapter.
Its been almost 2 years since your last update.
Aigo... I don't think you'll update it :/
Chapter 27: You forgot about the last chapter, I guess?
I wanted to start reading the prequel first, but I'm a fast reader and the sequel isn't finished.
Its like a torture so I've t ok wait for you to update the last chapter.
Its been nearly 2 years once your last update.
Aigo... I don't you'll update it :/
tahlima #4
Chapter 27: Please update
memoir21 #5
Chapter 22: And I love you if I could for that, and thank you, I was about to cry!
RabmaAtaner #6
Chapter 27: Please update❤❤❤❤❤
ApinkPanda4ever #7
Please update!!!!!
ApinkPanda4ever #8
rainbowkimchi #9
Chapter 27: Andwaeeeeeeeeeeeee?