Maybe Someday Love
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The sky was overcast - dull and grey - and over the horizon, dark clouds loomed. Their house was situated on a hill crest giving her a clear view of what was ahead. She quickly pulled on her jacket and before her mother reminded her, she waved her umbrella at them.

"I'm going!"

Her first class would start in an hour giving her lots of time to spare but she preferred to be under a roof before the downpour. Casting her gaze at the sky once again, she noticed that the clouds got darker and heavier. She fastened her pace, her hand gripping the left strap of her backpack. 

She reached the street below in no time, only to stop dead in her tracks. A strong wind just rushed into her - through her. It was very cold, not the icy coldness of winter, but the coldness of graveyards. It seeped into her bones and the soft hair in her nape, arms and legs stood on end. Her heart thudded, and uneasiness grew at the pit of her stomach. The trees on both sides of the road shook violenty, stripping the leaves from their branches. Miniature wind cyclones plucked them and crushed them to the ground. 

She wrenched her eyes away from what appears to be wind sprites and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Behind her, the wind picked up, giving chase. It tossed her hair and brushed her back, taunting her. He was right, damn him. This is all his fault, even though she was the one who refused his offer. She told him to stay away and he did. She foolishly issued a challenge and they had come to answer that challenge. They won't let her escape this time.

Looking back over her shoulder, she thought of returning to the safety of her home, to run to her grandpa. He knows about beings that cannot be seen by the eye, of other realms unknown to man. He was the only person who knew what happened at the beach because he would believe her story. And he did. Surely, he would know what to do.

But just as the thought crossed her mind, the wind howled once again. Cold sweat beaded her forehead and back. Dread filled her at the realization that they were after her and they won't hesitate to destroy everything in their path just to get her. She would only endanger her parents and grandfather if she ran back home. She can't call for help from anyone, not even him. With a muffled cry, she ran blindly ahead. Fear and anger warred inside her. Fear for what will become of her and anger at the hand she had been dealt with. Her peaceful life is but a distant memory now and a dream not written in her future.

As she sped past houses, questions assailed her, one after the other but the answers eluded her. Hot tears blurred her vision and by the time she reached the fork in the road, she didn't hesitate. She darted to her left and fled from town. At least, only her life would be sacrificed. She was under no illusion that she could outrun them. It was obvious that they were toying with her and she hated how she felt so scared and powerless.

Her chest burned and her legs cramped. She was no runner but she pushed herself forward. She would never escape her fate but she can protect the ones she loved. She slowed down to catch her breath causing her to miss a step. It happened so fast. Her legs tangled and gave out. Time seemed to slow as she fell face down to the hard concrete. With eyes closed, she waited for the pain... which oddly, never came.

"Noona! Noona!"

Amidst her daze, the word registered in her mind. Noona. Big sister. Older female friend. Tae- Her eyes shot open and found herself sprawled over a panicking Taehyun. She jerked upright and whipped her head from left to right. The trees were suddenly still; the wind had stopped. At a distance, she could hear the waves lapping the shore. She almost made it.

The warmth of his hands on her face pulled her attention back to him. His lips were moving but she couldn't hear the words over the buzzing in her ears. She just focused on his eyes that were wide with concern and at the beating of his heart under her palm until hers slowed down and the noise in her ears stopped.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" he asked in rapid fire succession.

Her breath came out in pants and was parched but she forced the words out. "What are... you doing... here? I'm... fine." A lie.

"I saw you running like a madwoman on my way to the dojo," he replied bluntly and went on with his questions. She let the madwoman reference slip but at any other day she would've whacked this kid with her bamboo sword. "Why were you running?! Did someone frighten you?"

She shook her head as she moved away from him. "Didn't you...receive the message I sent you?... No training... today."

And just like that, his expression morphed from worried to sheepish, as he smiled stupidly at her. Seriously, Taehyun. This is not the time. One arched eyebrow had him talking. He pushed himself up in a sitting position and explained,  "I thought I could walk you to school y'know... since I was already on my way."

Their family owned a beach house and the path she took was the same route he uses when going to town.

"Yeah... on your way... to ogle that sophomore," she quipped her gaze narrowing into slits. This kid. 

"Wh- Noo- You-" he spluttered and she laughed as he tried but failed to deny her claim. The indignant look on his face was so funny she couldn't stop the onslaught of giggles that sprung from her tired body. It grew louder at the madness of it all. One moment she was running for her life and the next, she was sitting cross-legged on the ground, laughing at her grandfather's pupil.

Taehyun is home schooled and he goes to her grandpa's dojo for kendo training. It is more of a hobby for him than a serious sport but her grandpa never did cut him,

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Army_jiaying #1
Chapter 3: This is okayyy.... hopefully u can continue this story...?ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 2: "but the coldness of graveyards" — Holey moley, how scary would that be to pin point a feeling like that ;~;

Oh goodness have I come across stubborn kids like Taehyun several times a week. You just want to push them in a direction sometimes after a few futile tries of verbally getting them to do something, politely of course. But I must admit, I really like that stubborn feature that you added to him haha!

It's seems difficult to lay out a fight scene, especially kendo action, in words so I commend you for that scene!

Chapter 1: mela en' coiamin- such a nice touch. I sooo love middle earth language! (as I am one proud occupant of this awesome place)

bts? what? them? hehe.. introducing me to another group i see..
*raises hand* I had read it! lol *smile*
Chapter 2: Weeeee~ You updated~

I'm speechless, the fight was heart-wrenching, especially after one of them fell down and ohmygod. It was so awesome, I swear
Hope you update soon~
Chapter 1: Omg, this story, this piece of work is magnificent. How come I just stumbled to this story today?

I seriously can't explain how I feel. This story is so good and wow, the way you describe everything, I felt it too.
AptonKey #7
Chapter 1: I love BTS
BTS BTS BTS >< omg, thanks for this!!
Chapter 1: I love it! A beautiful work! *clap clap clap*
Chapter 1: I BET ON MY LIFE THAT JIN IS—Heh just kidding.

You should've done V instead OTL. Anyway, this is actually the first time I've read anything of yours K (<- Heh). I actually really enjoy your writing style, your grammar is quite advanced and yet you don't lay out all complex terms in one sentence that I seem to find in sophisticated writers. The opening scene with her reminiscing about her father—I thought was a little out of place but I'm assuming there's a connection or a link. Is it her burden that you wanted to emphasise? But that isn't a negative thing, I'm just curious. Anywho, beautifully written given that I didn't cringe at any point. It was the right amount of fluff and the right amount of dialogue to support. I commend you.

Hold on /*fanboy spazz starts here

"-you're my life-"


Now to the title (Heh). It doesn't really fit in anywhere with the content you have as of now, but you know the storyline and I don't so I trust it will sometime! :)