

I've really never been able to keep the friends I really wish to keep. I used to be able to make friends easily... then again, what in High school isn't... But now, I've come to notice that I have a very few selection of people I can talk to when I'm feeling down in the dumps or to just chat. Even the one friend I invested so much time into has begun to fade away. I honestly thought it would last but it takes to to tango... not one... 
Yeah, I know that friendships come and go; I don't need to be lectured about I can easily comprehend. Yes, they do come and go but what I don't understand is this: How do so many of the people around me seem to keep at least one good friend? Something is obviously wrong with my choice of friends because all of them seem to be too busy or are not putting in much effort. Yup, it , but I guess I can say that I have a good friend one state away, who I've never met before. She's a blessing to have but, the distance... it's difficult. Hopefully I can go visit her someday. 

To all my past friends: It was time well spent. Be happy and enjoy your life.


Just thinking to myself.


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The_Little_Do #1
This idea seems nice,
update soon, please?
nathrakh #2
Good idea, update! =D
A-yos2 #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^