Chapter 7

Will You?

“I can't believe we are going somewhere together again like this" JanDi stated from her seat opposite GaEul's.

“Me too" GaEul who was also in a state of disbelief replied shortly. She gazed out of the private plane’s window, her eyes observing the beautiful puffy collection of water in the sky while her mind was literally floating somewhere in space. Pragmatically a week ago, WooBin had proclaimed his idea of going on a holiday getaway and at this very moment, the idea was just an inch closer in becoming reality.


“Pardon?” GaEul remembered questioning WooBin’s sudden announcement.

“We are going on a holiday. All seven of us.” WooBin held his head high, face exhibiting determination. But not even a nanosecond after he finished his sentence, GaEul noticed YiJeong’s abrupt change of expression.

“GaEul. Do you mind getting me some cold water?” YiJeong then asked, which GaEul immediately interpreted as a way of getting her to leave the two alone for a conversation. With a small nod, she brought herself up from the sofa and made her way slowly to the kitchen while having her ears calibrated, intending to extract at least something from their conversation. But her plan came to a failure as YiJeong did not start talking until she had reached a distance too far for the sound waves to hit her eardrum.

She moved in an extremely rapid motions and went back to the living room, in where the two best friends were still absorbed in a verbal exchange that they did not realized her looming presence. She could see YiJeong, with his intense stare trying to convey a message to WooBin while his best friend was smiling, not caring about anything he was hearing.

“So, GaEul. Just leave everything to me. You just have to pack your stuffs, or that too, if you want me to, I’ll do it for you” he was grinning ear to ear as he was talking.

“But sunbae,” GaEul tried to object but was immediately cut by the successor of the well-known Ill Shin Construction. She then eyed her boyfriend which was expectedly glaring at WooBin, bewildered.

“I’m leaving you with no other choice, just get mentally ready” he concluded the conversation with his own final decision. She couldn’t really fathom her own obligations towards WooBin’s every words, or she could understand YiJeong's lack of comments on the current situation. And before she even realized, she was already boarding ShinHwa's private plane, on the way to Pulau Langkawi, a place she never even heard of before.

"I hope everything is going alright at the hospital” JanDi sighed. "Although that I am extremely happy that we finally are going somewhere together again" she brushed off her worries and replaced it with a smile on her face.

GaEul smiled in reply, while her heart too was worrying about the pile of the kids' home works that she hasn't even touched but immediately dismissed herself from the thought when the person sitting next to her talked.

"Hm?” GaEul asked again as she didn't catch Alice's first question.

"Do you want some of these?" Alice asked in her thick accent, offering the colorful candy residing in a tiny metal container she was holding.

"No thanks" she declined as politely as she could. She smiled at the blonde neurologist before she shifted her head in frontal direction and halted as soon as she laid her eyes at YiJeong who was sitting in the foremost compartment of the plane. Though the view she had of him was limited as it was blocked by the doorframe that was separating the two compartment, she could tell that he was somehow sleeping, judging from the way his body arched in weird angle.

Little that she knew that he was actually wide awake, gazing deep into the blue sky. He could clearly recall how he strongly objected WooBin's plan but was successfully, or more like forcefully convinced on agreeing with his best friend's designated plot.



"We didn't mention about this earlier!” YiJeong batted in whisper the moment GaEul’s figure disappeared into the kitchen.

"I've just thought of this brilliant idea, and man, we need a break from our hectic life didn't we?” he could vividly recall WooBin's annoyingly bright face.

"What? Why the sudden crap? What would GaEul think?” he potently protested.

"Jeong . . . ." he calmly spoke. “You see, you and GaEul, both of you are not progressing, and I bet everything I have in my parents’ bank accounts that this discordant circumstances is the cause of everything” he continued while being absolutely confident with what he was saying.

“Sprouting a sudden nonsense about some crazy vacation is not going to help in any way” YiJeong said, still in his whispering mode. "I am going to solve it somehow” YiJeong’s utterance decelerated as he was unsure of his own words. He was not even sure that they even had any issues to be solved. It was just the random questions that was swirling in his mind, the queries that refused to be translated into words that made him the way he currently was.

“And may I ask when?” WooBin asked in response.

“Whatever it is, it’s not a big deal and we will somehow get along” YiJeong had his intense stare on his best friend, irked at his nonchalantly smiley face.  And when he tried to open his mouth again, GaEul was already back in the room with the glasses of cold water he requested earlier on.

Starting from that point, he was totally at lost for any other points to debate on and due to that, he ended up being in the plane too, seated next to Yoon Ji Hoo who was already in his deep slumber the moment the plane boarded from the runway. He had his gaze fixed out of the private plane’s window, while he was mentally plotting some plans to be carried out after they arrived later.

The most important point to be schemed at the moment was how to start talking to GaEul again after almost a week of silence, a week of not having any kind of contact with her. It started just with the fact that he was annoyed with her ignorance towards his feeling, and it slowly turned into guilt and then fear. He practically spent the last weekdays glued to his phone, waiting for her to initiate the call since he couldn’t gather enough courage to overcome the awkwardness he felt within, that he actually missed the country bumpkin so bad but was too egocentric to let it show.

After few days of chastising wait, he who couldn’t take the yearning anymore finally dialed her number, but was taken aback by the fact that the hundreds of call made were redirected to irritating voicemails and due to his egoistic nature and the cramming work schedules he had for the week, he prevented himself from running his way to her house, and like that, he had to spend the rest of the week wondering what in the world was going wrong with her.

And now, seeing her walking down the plane ladders with her usual clueless and awestruck expression, the frustration he held came to a brink of bursting. He wanted to question her the reason why she was late for the flight earlier, why didn’t she initiate any call like how she always did, and did she even realized his presence, that he was there trailing behind her?

“JanDi. Wait up. Why are you walking so fast?” JunPyo suddenly loomed from behind GaEul and pulled his fiancé, trapping her shoulders under his arms. GaEul watched confusedly as the renowned head of ShinHwa group tugged JanDi’s head into his embrace while walking their way towards the waiting cars, causing her to bark in protest.

Not long after, JiHoo literally dragged Alice away from beside her, which in GaEul’s opinion was something that the pediatrician would not do even in hundred years. She let out a mini smile as she witnessed Alice’s sudden blush the moment JiHoo coiled his arm around hers and led her to walk apace towards a silver sedan that was parked two hundred meters from the plane.

GaEul was lagging behind the pair of couples, smiling to their conducts when she suddenly felt a jolt of electricity running through her body, the current that was sourced from her left hand. She whipped her head to find herself looking at YiJeong’s side feature, his jaw looking as sharp as ever as he was looking straight to the front. Shocked, GaEul tried to move her hand but the motion just made her realize that her fingers was interlocked into his,  their hand matched each other like lock and key.

His sudden intervention caused her pacemaker a great deal of energy as her heart beat accelerated to its maximum rate while her body temperature instantly became irregular as the heat went up and gather around her face, causing her to blush in the most obvious shade. She could only look at him in confusion as he pulled her hand, leading her to another sedan, a shining black one that was parked next to the grey car.

“Sunbae . . .” was the only word that escaped her frozen throat. He barely responded to her utterance, instead he placed his hands on her shoulder, inducing her to hop into the car. He did not say anything until they were both in the deep of the car, two of them sat at each end of the back seat.

“How are you?” YiJeong finally said while still having his eyes fixed in frontal direction.

“Last week was quite busy” GaEul had her stare on YiJeong. It had been a week since she last met him and she still could not accustom herself to the fact that the Andromeda prince sitting next to her is officially her boyfriend. 

"Busy? Too busy that it was too bothersome to pick up a call?” he intended a deep sarcasm into his questions.

Hearing his question, a realization suddenly struck GaEul. "Ah. Sunbae, did you call?” she was sincerely startled by her own forgetful nature. "I dropped my phone in the pond last Wednesday" she said, turning her body to face his. "We were in a field trip, and I was on a canoe, trying to shoot a picture of myself when a frog suddenly jumped onto my lap." she furrowed her brows as she was recalling the exact moment when the slimy, green frog jumped out of nowhere onto her lap. "I was so shocked that I dropped my phone into the water." She pouted, as if blaming the ominous frog for the loss of her newly bought Galaxy phone. "Did you have something important to tell?" she asked, totally oblivious to his frown.

"No. I just, "Her answer had him dumbfounded. He let out an involuntary smirk upon hearing her innocence studded reply. Seeing her pout, and the sparkle in her eyes eventually reminded him of her charm, the inevitable charm that drew him in at the first place. Even until now, he couldn’t fathom the reason why he was ceaselessly drawn towards the appeal although he was sure that he had built himself a great shield against any form of naivety.

“Waah . . .” GaEul’s awe stricken reaction pulled YiJeong away from his thought. Her eyes loitered around the place as she sticks her palms on the car window, which again caused YiJeong’s mouth to curve into a smile. His dark brown orbs trailed her as she stepped out of the sedan and scanned her surroundings while beaming with veneration. The seaside sight which in YiJeong's opinion was just an ordinary treat to his eyes had her astounded, her face emitted infatuation and eagerness. Looking at her at that moment, who was walking slowly towards the resort reminded him of an adorable lost puppy and he almost couldn't suppressed his feeling  of wanting to pull the little puppy into a tight embrace.

"Sunbae . . " GaEul once again gasped when she felt his warm hand interlocked into hers.

"Where are you going? We should wait for them" this time he smiled, causing her heart to skip a beat. All the aggravations and frustration YiJeong had were immediately forgotten at this moment. It was like all the suspicion he had on the petite lady were forgiven and everything he could think about now revolved around her dorky yet adorable nature which again impelled him into wandering about what kind of spell she had probably casted him that made him feel this way, the eccentric sensation that was long gone, since forever, most probably since . . Eun Jae?

Chu Ga Eul . .  You are really something. He mentally stated.


"Gu Jun Pyo. Would you stop that already?” JanDi's loud protest denoted the arrival of the couple into the scene.

"Why? We are getting married anyway, what is wrong with that?” JunPyo insisted on whatever he was requesting on.

"Stop before I give you a flying kick" JanDi glared at JunPyo as an obvious sign to put their conversation into an end due to the presence of GaEul and YiJeong in the vista. She walked nearing the new couple stiffly with the usual forced smile plastered on her face.

"GaEul" she called for her best friend as she closed the distance gap between them. She still had the awkward smile on her face until something caught her attention. The sight of GaEul and YiJeong holding onto each other's hands had her eyes almost bulging out. She knew that the famous F4 Casanova has been rumoured to have changed after four years in Sweden, but then she still couldn't get herself to trust him completely with her best friend. A man will still be a man, and even JunPyo was turning into a brat nowadays, hence she couldn't help herself but to stay alert to prevent the naive GaEul from falling into the former wolf's trap, or any other possible danger, especially now, when she was getting busier with her own life that she could hardly catch up with her best friend's.

"What's with the long face?" YiJeong teasingly asked the ShinHwa heir.

"Nothing" he decided to answer simply but it took not even a second for him to open his mouth again. "No, I mean, what is wrong with us staying in one suite room? We are engaged, right?" he expressed his complaints, not caring about his fiancé who was turning red in rage.

"Gu Jun Pyo!" JanDi gave him a spontaneous rebuke for his absurd remarks by kicking him on his shin. "Stop acting so chidish. I said no. In what language should I explain it to you so that you would understand?” she glared at his fiance, almost boring holes onto his torso.

"Yah!" JunPyo shouted in agony. "Woman! Stop that kicking habit of yours" he growled while rubbing his pain stricken leg.

"JunPyo yah, come here" YiJeong practically dragged JunPyo to the other side while eyeing GaEul a sign for her to quell her own best friend too. He came here to have a good time with the people he treasure, and the mini World War II was the last thing he wanted to witness at this kind of occassion. "JunPyo yah  .  ."YiJeong continued after making sure that they were far ahead, that their voice were distant enough not to be heard. "Listen to me" he said, almost whispering while still trying to deal with JunPyo's whiny conduct. "Why did you ask her such thing?” the area between his eyebrows folded into weird looking crinkles.

"What's wrong with that? This is the first ever vacation both of us are having after four long years, does she have to brawl at me for such petty reason?” JunPyo spilled his complaints.

"But you asking her to stay in the same room with you and that was not really a right thing to do, at least not with JanDi" YiJeong tried to explain but was cut halfway.

"Hah. This is the problem. Don't she have any trust on me? I'm his fiancé for crying out loud. Why would I do anything bad to her? I just want to spend time alone with her, to get closer to her, having pillow talk with her, why did she always misinterpret my noble intentions?“

Hearing JunPyo's reasoning, YiJeong hushed a sigh, his brain was working hard to find a way to clarify the actual facts to his gullible best friend. Despite being a twenty four years old aristocrat, JunPyo had fell in love only once, dated only once, and although he was engaged twice, but the earlier one was practically invalid, therefore even stranger would come to a conclusion that the heir was having flimsy experience in the field of love, completely oblivious to the earthbound affinity between mars and Venus.

"Look, Gu Jun Pyo, you stay in a room of your own. And that’s final. It has been quite long since JanDi met GaEul, why wouldn't you try to concede?" YiJeong gave up on explaining and jumped into an authoritative method instead. How would he tell his slow-witted best friend that man in general, should not be trusted. YiJeong himself wouldn't dare to imagine staying with GaEul in one warmth enveloped closed continent, because he knew very well that he would most probably lost control of himself, that he might release the devil within him without even himself realizing. Though JunPyo looked like one lust-less young man, but YiJeong had enough experience to say that pillow talk between man and woman is something utterly impossible especially at this stage of a relationship

"So Yi Jeong, five months. Five months had passed since I last met her and this woman still treats me this way" JunPyo rolled his eyes, still immersed in dissatisfaction but starting to enter a conceding mode.



"I just don't understand him." Far behind YiJeong and JunPyo, JanDi blurted out her statement.

"But JanDi, don't you think you are over reacting?” GaEul tried her best to convey her message in a way that JanDi would understand. She knew very well that her best friend's temper was as reactive as an active volcano and even the tiniest microscopic trigger would be able to erupt her rage and anger. "His leg must has hurt" GaEul felt sincerely sympathetic towards the tall aristocrat. Tough she hardly had enough time to attach herself to her best friend, but by the look of it, both of them must have been really busy because JunPyo was obviously behaving like a poor boy suffering from lack of love while JanDi was acting severely grouchy.

"He asked for it" JanDi simply concluded the conversation, not wanting to elaborate it any longer. "You, and I will be sharing a room" she said assertively, with only one intention in mind, to keep her naive best friend safe from any harm. She don't care if she sounded like an old fashioned grandmother, but GaEul was very precious to her and no one, and she meant not a single being in this world would be allowed to take her best friend for granted.

GaEul just sported a set of tiny nods, knowing very well that she couldn't go against the aggressive doctor-to-be's words. She didn't even plan to object her suggestion either, it was just, she hope that JanDi would try to show more affection to her pitiable fiancé instead of continuously being in dispute with every single thing he said or did.

"Ahhh . . . So comfortable. This water bed is going to make my nap a lot more relaxing" JanDi said lazily while having her body practically attached on the water bed of the sea side resort suite. GaEul and JanDi were sharing a room, while Alice had a suite of her own and same goes to the others.

"Are you going to sleep? At this hour?” GaEul had her brows furrowed, her eyes were looking through the semi-transparent curtain, out towards the view of the beach, in where the orange shaded sun was about set. It had been really long since she set her feet near the sea, and she could just smile at the stunning sight of the natural phenomenon, an everyday routine of the sun which couldn't be seen from this beautiful perspective if she was to see it from the heart of Seoul city.

"JanDi" GaEul noticed that her questions were unanswered. She turned her body just to meet the sight of her best friend snoring her way into dreamland. "You must've been really tired" GaEul let out a sigh, feeling sympathetic towards her ever so busy friend. She tugged the thin wool blanket so it covered JanDi's body wholly, turned the air conditioner to a mid-degree of 16 before she stepped out of the suite, leaving her best friend to indulge with a rest time that comes only once in a blue moon.

GaEul who was initially mesmerized by the breath taking scenery outside the window decided to take a stroll along the sandy beach. She took her time wallowing over every single thing she saw along the way, the beautiful tropical sight that she haven't seen for so long. She enjoyed looking at the towering coconut trees, the group of kids who were flying their big kites, the bunch of old men who were fixing their fishing boat ; even the scene of some western tourist playing beach volleyball caught her attention. Through the relaxing walk, a lot of thoughts came brushing in her minds but none of them really implied any effect on her until a thought caused her to feel giggly.

"WooBin sunbae, you are undoubtedly the best" she unknowingly uttered out loud. She was truthfully impressed on his skills of bringing everyone together. He even managed to drag Gu Jun Pyo, the busiest man in the world and Yoon Ji Hoo, the workaholic paediatrician to this fascinating Island, making it officially the second time for her to be out of the country for a vacation with the F4.

"What's with WooBin?" GaEul thought she heard YiJeong's voice somewhere among the sound of the waves. She was going to ignore her own silly delusion when his soft voice surfaced again, causing her to whip her head to the rear just to make sure that her ears weren't making things up upon her.

"Chu Ga Eul" she was truly taken aback the moment she realized that she was facing her boyfriend, his face graced by the illuminating twilight.

"Sunbae" she emitted an expression of surprise but started to loosen up right after. "Have you been . . ."she tried to say out the sentences that was crossing her mind but was obstructed by his act of sliding his hand into hers, his smile caused her to mum in veneration.

"Following you? What? Am I a stalker now?” he tried to deny in jest but immediately retreated after witnessing her adorable perplexed countenance. "Ok, I'll admit it. I've been trailing after you for a while" he said, enjoying the appearance of pinkish blush on her cheeks. "I don't want my little puppy to be lost in this foreign land" he chuckled at her reaction. True that he had been silently walking behind her, admiring her little actions which in his opinion depict an inquisitive new born kitten, and it was because he wanted to talk to her, to have the important conversation they had been missing out.

 “Chu Ga Eul" YiJeong released his grip on her hand and stared deep into her eyes before he offered his arm to her. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” he smiled again, causing her heart to skip a beat.

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here's an update after years TT


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lanachelaisabelle #1
Chapter 17: Please continue the story.... Update thank you
sinhaayushi277 #2
Chapter 17: Another chapter please.... Love ur stories!!
diyanahfd #3
Chapter 17: Thankyou for the update, author! I was really excited when the notification came in telling the story had been updated. I’m looking forward to the next chapter!
diyanahfd #4
Please continueeeeeee what happened to ga eul & yi jung story! ?????? Been waiting for your update ???
ammuammuz #5
Pleaseeeee update
Chapter 15: New reader hereeee!!! Auwww, finish read within 3 hours ahaha. I need an updatess please. My Yi jung x gaeul!! :)
ammuammuz #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update
Great story author♡♡♡
ammuammuz #9
Chapter 14: Thank you for this update. Please update soon.
likatulay #10
Chapter 14: I love it,, I really do,, aww, please update soon...