Chapter Three

The Rogue Hero
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Weeks go by and the Purge starts dying down, the punishment of bullies reducing to only once a week.  The majority of people are on one of two sides: absolutely scared stiff of this Purge ringleader, or thankful that someone was looking out for them.

However, the existence of bullies wasn’t completely erased.  As far as anyone knows, only boys were being punished in the Purge.  No one has ever reported seeing a girl bully being humiliated. And I know for a fact that there are nasty girls in this school who need to be brought down.

“Did you do my Trig homework, nerd?” Yang HwaYeon’s shrill voice resonates from two tables away.

Speak of the Queen she-devil.

Lim Minah had been sitting with her group of friends when the Queen strolled over to her table and interrupted their meal.  Now the poor girl bows her head in shame, unable to say anything.


“You usually give it to me every morning, where is it?” HwaYeon continues, arms crossed, acting dramatically ignorant.  Her entourage stands behind her smirking. It’s all a ploy just to humiliate Minah, and she’s getting the attention she wants; most of the other tables have already turned to watch the spectacle.

The poor girl is shaking now, her eyes growing wide and darting around for help from anyone at her table.  They all just watch her, some disappointed while others are trying to avoid HwaYeon’s gaze.

“What’s the matter?  Cat got your tongue?” the bitter girl sneers.  “Maybe you haven’t eaten enough yet.”

The entire cafeteria gasps in unison.

One of HwaYeon’s friends dumps her food all over Minah’s head.  No one does anything but watch. A silence grasps the entire student body by their throats.

HwaYeon’s shrill laugh breaks the silent spell, and soon her crew echoes her.  “This is too sad, you actually look prettier with a bowl over your hideous hair!” the girl cackles.

Rage fills my veins as I clench my fists, whispers circling around the room.  I place my fists on the table to stand up to her, but I pause to consider everything that would happen if I do.  She wouldn’t let me off easily no matter how my reputation is now, she’s powerful enough to forge some bull story about me.  My clean reputation will be tarnished, people will look at me differently. Would my friends still want to be with me even if I were shunned?  Would they still want to be associated with me? Would they be too concerned with protecting themselves, since no one would want to associate with the shunned person.  I can’t bring myself to make a move.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a flicker of movement among the other standing students.  She’s so quiet that if I didn’t know her habits, I wouldn’t know what’s about to happen, but even this is much different than her typical calm, collected demeanor.  It’s as if someone had pressed a mute button on her; her angry stomps look as if they should be shaking the cafeteria floor. She’s so angry it would be very fitting for smoke to come out of her ears.  Her fists clench on both sides of her stiff figure as she makes her way across the cafeteria. The only sign of emotion is the flash in her eyes I know all too well, but this time b with a fire that I haven’t seen before today.  If her fire is this hellish and uncontrolled, that can only mean one thing.

Shin Hyerin is about to explode.

“Hey, Queen,” she calls from behind.

Before HwaYeon even has the chance to stop laughing and turn fully towards her, Hyerin punches her square in the face.

Oh. .

HwaYeon is sent reeling backwards into her friends.  They barely caught her in time before they all tumble into each other like bowling pins, and Hyerin’s gotten a strike.  Her fist still clenches so tight her knuckles and veins strain against her skin.

Hyerin’s face contorts from her composed face to a smirk.  “That hurt a lot more than anyone else’s face I’ve punched. Must be all the plastic in your nose,” she chides.

No one dares to make a sound, not a hoot in support of Hyerin or a gasp in surprise.

HwaYeon holds a hand around her face, sitting upright from the support of her other hand.  “You ing !” she screeches.

“It’s a damn shame people can’t get plastic surgery on their brains to get smarter, you probably would’ve thrown all your money into that as well,” Hyerin drawls on, one hand on her hip and her weight on o

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Chapter 9: This was really well written! I applaud for you that and thank you for writing such an amazing story. ^^ the romance is so sweeet I almost squealed out loud >•<
Leechb #2
Chapter 9: Really loved this story!! Great job!