My Video Game Girlfriend





My mother always told me that love was utterly unexpected. She said that the reason why people get so obsessed with certain things is because love is a drug that you in and doesn't let you go. She says it's the reason why all those high school girls were drooling over their celebrity oppas. She says it's the reason why people sacrificed their lives for someone else. She says it's the reason why some people were obese becasue they were in love with food. She says it's the reason why half the people in asylums are mental because love has driven them crazy.


Bull, I said when she told me about it. But then I had a taste of what she was droning on and on about every single day.

I had a girlfriend. She was beautiful and kind and just perfect. She was my first love. She was my everything. We were together for a long time actually. About four years to be exact. Then, she got tired of my life. She got tired of the dangerus life I lived. She hated seeing me return home with major injuries due to the fights I got into being a mafia gang leader. So, she left me. And she never looked back. And she never said goodbye.

Up until now, I'm still in love with her. I keep calling the number she had already canceled just to hear her voicemail. I would then speak to her or more like cry for her. She's probably living her life with some other man while I was lying in my bed like a dead weight. So, yes, I can't let go of her. I couldn't find another girl more perfect than her.

Then, I met her. She was this ditzy, annoying, random, little belle, who looked like she came from outer space. But no, she came from a video game actually. I had bumped into her and instantly, she was following me around everywhere. She was extremely annoying and she acted like an alien from outer space but there was something about her. Something utterly interesting about her. She was totally different from my ex-girlfriend. She wasn't perfect.

But she made me feel even better than I did when I was with my ex-girlfriend.


 Thank you to Ideas Set Ablaze for this Idea and Description :D



Story Title: My Video Game Girlfriend
Main Characters: Kim Jonghyun and Ruby Rose
Start: 1/3/2014
End: ?????
Posting Every Sunday
Song: Red Like Roses (Theme Song of RWBY)
Idea From: Ideas Set Ablaze
Layouts by: Me (Want the link just ask)



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Chapter 1: Hehe, great first chapter! I wonder why she called him Jaune???? Hm...
Yay! I'll be your first commenting person whatever you call people who comment! I want to see how you write this story. I'll be stalking this for a while. :)