A Very Merry Christmas



As the leader, I wanted to make sure that we were always together. I told them, that if for some reason, were ever seperated, that we would have a specific meeting place. The small cafe that we shared our first meal together as a new complete group, Nu'est M. We agreed to meet there on Christmas Eve, a special time of year for everyone around the world. 

It's been five years since I've last seen them all. Minhyun, Aron, Baekho, Ren and Jason. They had all been so precious to me, my family and my best friends. I wish I never lost them, but some things just can't be helped. Every year on Christmas Eve I sit at the small table, staring at the large Christmas tree that the owners of the cafe puts up every year. And every year they never show. 

I'm hoping that this year, they'll come.


Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone, I'm back with a quick Christmas fic. If you've read my blog, you'll know I was thinking of writing one. I want it to be a one shot of sweet romance, but I'm not sure how it's really going to go. So bear with me! I do know it'll be put up on Christmas Eve (hopefully *fingers crossed*) 



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Chapter 1:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QDYug6wUV0 You should listen this at the same time you read this. Perfect match :)
Baravois #2
Chapter 1: That was really sweet:)
Maddie_Leigh #3
Chapter 1: This made me cry I can't imagine Nu'EST or Nu'EST-m being over
Chapter 1: although it's a happy ending, for some reason this made me really sad????
ah it was really nice though ^^
i hope you had a wonderful christmas~!