
Sykotica Preview Layouts
VOLUME cxxviii: Tiles
"So, then, you expect to go up into our main-top, do you, cook, when you are dead? But don't you know the higher you climb, the colder it gets? Main-top, eh?"

"Didn't say dat t'all," said Fleece, again in the sulks.

"You said up there, didn't you? and now look yourself, and see where your tongs are pointing. But, perhaps you expect to get into heaven by crawling through the lubber's hole, cook; but, no, no, cook, you don't get there, except you go the regular way, round by the rigging. It's a ticklish business, but must be done, or else it's no go. But none of us are in heaven yet. Drop your tongs, cook, and hear my orders. Do ye hear? Hold your hat in one hand, and clap t'other a'top of your heart, when I'm giving my orders, cook. What! that your heart, there?—that's your gizzard! Aloft! aloft!—that's it—now you have it. Hold it there now, and pay attention."

"All 'dention," said the old black, with both hands placed as desired, vainly wriggling his grizzled head, as if to get both ears in front at one and the same time.

"Well then, cook, you see this whale-steak of yours was so very bad, that I have put it out of sight as soon as possible; you see that, don't you? Well, for the future, when you cook another whale-steak for my private table here, the capstan, I'll tell you what to do so as not to spoil it by overdoing. Hold the steak in one hand, and show a live coal to it with the other; that done, dish it; d'ye hear? And now to-morrow, cook, when we are cutting in the fish, be sure you stand by to get the tips of his fins; have them put in pickle. As for the ends of the flukes, have them soused, cook. There, now ye may go."

But Fleece had hardly got three paces off, when he was recalled.

"Cook, give me cutlets for supper to-morrow night in the mid-watch. D'ye hear? away you sail, then.—Halloa! stop! make a bow before you go.—Avast heaving again! Whale-balls for breakfast—don't forget."

"Wish, by gor! whale eat him, 'stead of him eat whale. I'm bressed if he ain't more of shark dan Massa Shark hisself," muttered the old man, limping away; with which sage ion he went to his hammock.

That mortal man should feed upon the creature that feeds his lamp, and, like Stubb, eat him by his own light, as you may say; this seems so outlandish a thing that one must needs go a little into the history and philosophy of it.

It is upon record, that three centuries ago the tongue of the Right Whale was esteemed a great delicacy in France, and commanded large prices there. Also, that in Henry VIIIth's time, a certain cook of the court obtained a handsome reward for inventing an admirable sauce to be eaten with barbacued porpoises, which, you remember, are a species of whale. Porpoises, indeed, are to this day considered fine eating. The meat is made into balls about the size of billiard balls, and being well seasoned and spiced might be taken for turtle-balls or veal balls. The old monks of Dunfermline were very fond of them. They had a great porpoise grant from the crown.

Sykotica Notes: Layout w/o images. Symbols used: square with orthogonal crosshatchet filling and square with diagonal crosshatch filling.

Layout Reference: #77 Venetian

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January 13, 2016: If you are having trouble viewing the layout on your stories, read the latest notice. Chapter 189.


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Hello I am sorry to bother I have a problem. I bought yesterday a layout from you the 'Winter death' and put it on my foreword of my story but when I press view next to the rose it writes: [CONTENTID3]Surround text in your story with these tags to display it here[/CONTENTID3] [CONTENTID2]Surround text in your story with these tags to display it here[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID2]Surround text in your story with these tags to display it here[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID2]Surround text in your story with these tags to display it here[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID2]Surround text in your story with these tags to display it here[/CONTENTID2] How can I put that away?
Chapter 37: how can i buy this layout?
Chapter 90: Bought this as well, thxxxxx
Chapter 118: Loving this one
Chapter 17: Brought it so pretty.. and gonna buy many more.. all are lovely
Chapter 62: Bought this~ so pretty thanks a lot! Will definetely come back ;)
Chapter 40: all of these layouts are just- such beauty /cry/.
bought this one but will probably be back for more tbh haha.
Chapter 41: I'm using this one and oh my God I really have to say--you're amazing! Keep up the great works! :D
solcompass #9
Scrolling through and I would like to compliment you on these layouts. They're lovely!
Chapter 123: I have some vampire stories, but I don't know what Layout to use for them (I have everything in this shop in my layout list) Can someone suggest things for me? It is angsty and romantic