Author's Note


Hey guys... It's been a while.

So part of the reason why there hasn't been an update is because chapter three went corrupt.


I had good writing on it too, so I was depressed as that I had to rewrite it again.

Also, school started two weeks ago. I already have an assignemnt like whaaaat. 


Getting some reviewing done too. The pace of the story is pretty fast, isn't it? :C


And yeah I hope you understand. I'm also getting another co-author >:D

Kbye c:



so its 2017 guess who didnt get a co-author and decided her story was too good to be continued

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sebuff #1
Chapter 5: Okay okay okay - i'm hooked. And i'm sure that 58 was 201's mum.
Aahh, I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Iamyourcake #2
This is gooood ~
Looking forward to more <3