Chat Over Cupcakes & Coffee

Beautiful Stranger

Jiho’s point of view.

“Okay, don’t forget to do page 14. Due date is tomorrow,” Mr. Kim said with a monotonous voice while walking out of class. 

“This guy doesn’t give a about his students, does he?” Jiho grunted as closed his textbook and shoved it under the table.


Who cares anyway, the day has ended. Thank God, Jiho thought. Gradually, everyone started making their way out. Jiho scratched his head and looked down at his shirt. He twirled around the pocket with his index finger and smiled a little to himself as he thought of what happened at the cafeteria. He snickered and leaned back on his chair. Feeling a little tired, Jiho didn’t move an inch and decided to just breathe. Literally just breathe. Jiho closed his eyes and hung his head backwards to the point that you could see his Adam’s apple protruding out vividly. Right then, Jiho heard Na Young screaming at someone to hurry up. Her screaming made him forgot that he was feeling drained. He wished she kept closed sometimes. He groaned and popped the idea of relaxing in class for a while, thanks to Na Young. Jiho dazed for a moment, thinking of what to do next. Seconds later a group of girls came charging at him.

“Jiho oppa! Wanna grab some coffee?” one of them propped herself on his table and asked him with a babyish voice.

“Sorry girls, I have a date already,” Jiho faked a frown and told them, purposely trying to make them feel a little jealous. Of course, it worked. 

All of them gasped at his response and then they looked at each other, probably having the same thoughts. They pouted and wrinkled their forehead. 

Jiho lightly ruffled her hair then stood up and told them, “Oppa’s gotta go. Take care.” He tried his best to sound very apologetic and then walked to the door. 

They were so persistent. They followed him out as if they were told to do so. They tried asking him out after the “date” or tomorrow or next week… even next month. Jiho just chuckled at their cute efforts at trying to ask him out. 

He stopped walking, turned to them and bent down to their eye level to politely decline, telling them, “Next time, okay?” He didn’t know what made them feel so reassured so they just nodded their heads and walked away. Phew.

He glanced to his right to find more girls waiting for him at the doorstep. They handed him a small brown paper bag, filled with letters and some candy and cupcakes. They waited for him for probably 17 minutes just to hand him the bag… and ran away while giggling. Hanhae was at his side, poking his nose into the bag, obviously hinting at him to give him those candies and cupcakes.

“Take them, just take them all,” he jokingly said when he shoved the brown paper bag to his chest. “Let’s go. Mino is probably waiting for us already.”

“Nah, he just texted me and told me he’d be a little late for the “date” today,” Hanhae shook his head and then the butter cream of the cupcake while we were walking. “Want some?”

“Later,” he replied coldly unintentionally. Hanhae didn’t seem to care since he was so caught up with the cupcake Jiho received earlier on. 

They found themselves sitting at a small corner on the second floor, quietly gobbling up those cupcakes while waiting for Mino. It was a quiet corner since no one really walks past there unless they’re going to the art room. The art room is pretty much abandoned now since the school decided to remove art as a compulsory subject since not many students take that subject anymore. That small corner was practically a place where Hanhae and Jiho hang out. 

Hanhae eyes wandered from Jiho’s face, to the floor, then to the cupcakes, and then to Jiho’s pocket. 

“Ah, right, what actually happened?” He pointed at his pocket. Jiho raised his eyebrows and looked down without moving his head.

“It caused a big commotion,” he punched him in his shoulder jokingly using the back of his hand, since his fingertips were full of buttercream and then added, “Everyone’s talking about it!”

“Really? What for?” Jiho grinned, finding it completely ridiculous. “It was nothing, really. That new kid, Kyung, is that his name? Yeah… I bumped into him. That’s all. Why would it cause a commotion anyway? Not like it’s a big deal.”

Hanhae narrowed his eyes at him while munching on his cupcake that never seems to finish. 

He stuffed the last bite of the cupcake into his mouth and mumbled,”Eiiii, like you don’t know. You’re a huge deal here!”

Jiho exhaled softly then rubbed his hands together to brush the crumbs off. To think of it, sometimes he forgets he’s a huge deal here. 

“But why’d you let him go though? It isn’t like you,” Hanhae asked as he the butter cream off his fingers.

Jiho leaned back on the wall, crossed his arms and pondered for a while.

“I don’t know either. Wasn’t in the mood to get back at him maybe. Whatever, he’s new here anyway. He’ll know about me sooner or later,” Jiho slouched as he said that. 

Hanhae just kept mum with his response. Jiho glanced at the huge board filled with pictures and students’ achievements and then chuckled a little.

“Good times,” he said.

There was no response. He glanced over to Hanhae and apparently that bastard probably didn’t hear what he said since he was zoning out. Jiho clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at him.

Kyung’s point of view.

“Yeah, so that’s pretty much our school. It isn’t small nor big… It’s pretty cozy, isn’t it?” Ha Yi voiced out when she found that all four of them became quiet. 

Kyung bobbed his head a little in agreement. They were walking along the long road towards the school gate. Kyung had no idea what’s with the long distance from the school gate to the actual school building itself. But he found it pretty unique actually. The sides of the roads are bordered with huge shrubs and trees. Since it’s fall, the leaves on the trees look really calming, as if you’re taking a walk in the park. Perfect to end his day in school. 

“Thanks for the treat, Na Young,” Kyung said when she handed him a cup of ice vanilla latte.

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i haven't been updating and i'm really sorry! i'll be able to start updating in mid may. thank you and i love you guys


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Mayh1250 #1
Chapter 14: So cutee!! waiting for the new chapter soon!!
Chapter 14: This is so amazing! Please update soon!!
Chapter 14: I think kyung will be mad when he know that jiho is not student.
Chapter 13: So cute!! Excited and waiting for the next update!!
Chapter 13: Wow jiho and kyunggie so cute togather.
And iam waiting for first kiss
And I really in love with this story <3
Update soon please!!
BoyXboylove #7
Chapter 12: awwww shiiit
Chapter 12: OMG what does they want ?
Are they going to say sorry ?
Anyway you are really amazing <3
Chapter 11: Nice chapter <3
Chapter 10: I'm loving this fanfic, you writing is amazing..very good XD