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○◌◦ phases of the moon
ch01 ... tba
ch02 ... tba
ch03 ... tba
ch04 ... tba
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○◌◦ does this mean i already have four ideas ?? maybe. probably. yes.


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i love u
Chapter 8: huehue it was short but sweet
but i thought baek couldn't eat cucumbers?
or was that the point /slapped
WhatOnceWas #3
Chapter 12: Waaaah so cute >//////<
Chapter 6: lmfao. "follow her example."
i havent been replying to you, though.
&; i feel guilty for not replying to the wallposts otl.
but gah, idek how to reply to them as its far behind since im talking to diff person otl. my bad, i guess.
+ + } im just weird for reading people's thoughts/diary okay. haha.
Chapter 6: . . . hoping that both of you is okay now. ; ^ ; idek what to said here as i didn't read them very intently since i don't like anything that involves death. or. . . i'll end up crying with you. so yeah. x
Chapter 4: omfg you love hanbin, aha.
and hanbyul is a perf, sobs.
gotta admit that sam tsui and chrissy costanza's cover is so
adsjkflow. havent listen to team b and tho. gonna make a time anytime soon to do so though. whoops, thanks for sharing!
oh sounds good
Chapter 3: #majorprocrastinator - woops.
i'm a muslim, ha. but oh, happy birthday to your mommy, dear mommy. okwat. but yea, happy /advance/ birthday. stay young, healthy & lovely. do thank her on my behalf, thank you for raising you up til now. & oh, hope your grandpa's alright now!
Chapter 2: come to think of it;
i think i'm the weirdest creature alive. basically yeah, i succeed on being less-interest on exo.
& yes, this child only found byunbaekhyun's sweet voice in her mind. tbh, idek what i'm talking about. i havent listen to the whole track as i only watched mid's + vcr live. i didnt even get to watch their mv. /sobs at the corner alone;
Chapter 1: eventually, i fall on my when you mention, 'no, the played ancient songs sung by pedo ahjussis -' okay, you go girl. lol. happy holiday & there's no present for you. coughs i'mbroke coughs. /bricked;