○◌◦ phases of the moon


this used to be titled 'november's corner', back with my old un _november, and it was the most random thing where i would post dumb stuff like story ideas, song suggestions, unnecessary life updates, oneshots, etc. it was 110% cringe, but i like the idea of having somewhere to dump my ideas, so here i am.
it's back and revamped, titled 'phases of the moon', inspired by the fact that my alias is moon and i go through phases with cute boys lmao
the things i post will probably range from five paragraph scenarios to three chaptered stories, something like that. it might be a lot of romance, since that's the main thing i daydream about rip and i think i'm good at cliches because i've grown up around kdramas, but don't expect that all the time because i definitely want to try writing other things, too.
plus, not only do i daydream about boys, i get lots of inspiration for stories, which explains all the thousands of stories i've published in the past and then ignored. my problem is that i get little lightbulbs for one scene and then make a vague story based on that scene but i don't have any other context to write a full fledged story so it just. flops.
that's what phases of the moon ( potm ? pom ? pot ? ) is for - an idea dump so i don't burden the aff community any more than i already am.
these are all going to be ideas from the gray matter called my very own brain, and whether or not they'll be available to take and create your own story off of will be a subject only of further inquiry.
if you've read all the way until here, then wow, thanks how did you do it have a sticker. if you plan on subscribing to see what other dumb stuff i can come up with, then wow thanks even more actually because i say this is more of a personal thing for me but hey constructive criticism and compliments are always welcome, one more than the other ,,,
○◌◦ does this mean i already have four ideas ?? maybe. probably. yes.


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i love u
Chapter 8: huehue it was short but sweet
but i thought baek couldn't eat cucumbers?
or was that the point /slapped
WhatOnceWas #3
Chapter 12: Waaaah so cute >//////<
Chapter 6: lmfao. "follow her example."
i havent been replying to you, though.
&; i feel guilty for not replying to the wallposts otl.
but gah, idek how to reply to them as its far behind since im talking to diff person otl. my bad, i guess.
+ + } im just weird for reading people's thoughts/diary okay. haha.
Chapter 6: . . . hoping that both of you is okay now. ; ^ ; idek what to said here as i didn't read them very intently since i don't like anything that involves death. or. . . i'll end up crying with you. so yeah. x
Chapter 4: omfg you love hanbin, aha.
and hanbyul is a perf, sobs.
gotta admit that sam tsui and chrissy costanza's cover is so
adsjkflow. havent listen to team b and tho. gonna make a time anytime soon to do so though. whoops, thanks for sharing!
oh sounds good
Chapter 3: #majorprocrastinator - woops.
i'm a muslim, ha. but oh, happy birthday to your mommy, dear mommy. okwat. but yea, happy /advance/ birthday. stay young, healthy & lovely. do thank her on my behalf, thank you for raising you up til now. & oh, hope your grandpa's alright now!
Chapter 2: come to think of it;
i think i'm the weirdest creature alive. basically yeah, i succeed on being less-interest on exo.
& yes, this child only found byunbaekhyun's sweet voice in her mind. tbh, idek what i'm talking about. i havent listen to the whole track as i only watched mid's + vcr live. i didnt even get to watch their mv. /sobs at the corner alone;
Chapter 1: eventually, i fall on my when you mention, 'no, the played ancient songs sung by pedo ahjussis -' okay, you go girl. lol. happy holiday & there's no present for you. coughs i'mbroke coughs. /bricked;