Urahara no Parade (Opposite Parade)


Four boys, three girls. When the numbers are in such a way what do you do. Hanako Katsukawa, a DISH// fangirl moves to Tokyo and is lucky enough to be in the same class as her bias, Masaki Yabe, but being this close to him shows her a different side of him she didn't expect. Meanwhile her down-to-earth friend Aimi Matsumoto is caught in a diffucult situation: Takumi Kitamura and Ryuji Kobayashi both like her but she only wants Ryuji to. How will she be able to win his heart while trying to avoid Takumi's confession. And to top it all off Aimi's older sister, Chiharu Matsumoto, a jrocker and sadistic stylist manages to make Toui Tachibana fall for her, the only problem is that she doesn't like him and uses the boy's love for her personal advantage.


Character Pairing

Hanako x Masaki

Takumi x Aimi x Ryuji

Toui x Chiharu


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