Homeless rebel


We all know The Frog Prince tale

But what if...


There's no Frog but a homeless, dirty guy?

There's no Princess but a rich, ignorant student?

There's no ball in the pond but a Pug and some Chrome Hearts?


And what might be terrifing for some people...

There's no wedding at the end of the story but a slight bulge??



In olden times 2013,

when wishing still did some good [really?],

there lived a king CEO whose daughters were all beautiful,

but the youngest [son] was so beautiful that the sun itself,

who, indeed, has seen so much, [that's deep] marveled every time it shone upon her his face.

In the vicinity of the king CEO's castle villa 

there was a large, dark forest park,

and in this forest park, beneath an old linden tree,[why so dramatic?] there was a well pond.

In the heat of the day the princess y heir 

would go out into the forest park 

and sit on the edge of the cool well pond.

To pass the time she he would take a golden ball the Pug,

throw it into the air we won't do this - don't want to be sued by PETA,

and then catch it. It was her favorite plaything. [*whispers* tormentor]


Animal friendly story made for Weavers of Words, Spinners of Tales 



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Chapter 1: I wish there was more
I am the judge of Weavers of Words and I wanted to drop by and say that I have now read your story <3

I really enjoyed it and I have to say that I have never considered a UKwon+Pyo pairing LOL
kimboomboomkim #3
Chapter 1: hahaha, Pyo is my Princess from now on.
A ? Wow nice job hun <3
You used block b!!!! Yay!!
Its a great one-shot