Uncontrollable twitching

JongKey plus Me


"Oh right, Shinee. The group of pretty boys." She smiled, again, but as expected, the room got even colder. I swear, the lady is more efficient than those new Samsung refrigerators. She smiles, and the whole room just freezes. I wonder if it's like this in Russia? The wind blows and everyone turns into popsicles.

"Mom...can you stop emanating CFCs (They used to put this in fridges as a cooling agent, but it makes holes in the ozone layer)? It's bad for the environment. We have enough environmental problems already; we don't need you adding on to them."

I LOVE YOU GO CHUJANG! It's like the one useful thig you've ever done for us. My sudden spark of exictement, gratitude, and possibly a little tiny bit of something-that-resembled-love didn't go unnoticed, as Key started shooting lasers at Go Chujang through his screen of mascara covered lashes. Onew, as expected, was off in his own world, standing in Go Chujang's kitchen gawking at the plates and plates of chicken wings. Mind you, they did smell good, but how on earth did he have the appetite when a certain someone -cough Go Chujang's mother cough- was determined to turn the room into an ice block? The guy amazes me sometimes. I could hear him gulping, desperately trying to swallow his spit so that he wouldn't drool on the chicken. After about 10 seconds, he gave up and walked back into the living room, where Go Chujang's mother had ignored her advice and continued giving off CFCs.

"Ajumma...um...can I...?" Onew pouted his lips and looked down, going from side to side. Then he started blushing. Dude, seriously, you about to confess to her or something?

Go Chujang's mother looked at him, smiled, then twisted her face into a vicious looking snarl and barked out, "It's NOONA. I'm not that old. It's NOONA. NOONA, you hear me?" She stood up, and though she was considerably shorter than Onew, she looked more intimidating.

Onew stepped back, then quickly went back to his mommy-I-really-want-some-candy poise. "Noona~~~~~~~ (think of each ~ as an exaggerated vibrato), can I have the chicken?"

Go Chujang looked at Key, Key looked at me, and I looked at Go Chujang. As if pre-planned, we all made a gagging motion at the same time. It was hard not to. I'm not saying that Go Chujang's mother was ugly or anything, but to call someone our own age's mom 'noona'.....I shuddered. Her mom, on the other hand, seemed to love the thought that someone her daughter's age was calling her 'noona', because the room suddenly warmed considerably.

"Sure honey, the plates are in the second cupboard to the left of the right of the bottom left hand corner of the top of the left of the hood fan."





Onew stared. Go Chujang sighed, "Don't bother using a plate Onew, just use your hands."

Onew jumped up in joy and ran off towards the kitchen again, while Go Chujang got a meaningful stare from her mother.

"Honey, are my directions really that hard to understand? Why is it that you always have to sigh and tell them to just use something different?"

Lady, your directions aren't hard to understand; they're damn impossible to understand. And here I thought our sense of direction was bad. It was apparent that I wasn't the only one thinking this, as Go Chujang and Key's mouths started twitching.

"No Mom, they're fine, just a bit long."

"Oh phew! That's good, I was always worried that they were too complicated. I loved geometry, you know? Circles and triangles, then the cartesien plan....you know the story of Renee des Cartes? Yeah, how he started the whole cartesien plan thing, 'cause he was always sick and couldn't go outside......"

I zoned out. Sorry, but I honestly don't like math. Oh look! The little splatters of pink paint on the ceiling make patterns. There's a cow, a cloud, there a dog maybe, and a....is that a...OMG THAT'S AN ABSTRACT IMAGE OF ME! LOLOLOL DAMN AM I Y. Look at that curled lip, that half smile, those y eyes, that firm jaw...oooh, am I hot or what? Ahh...-absorbed in narcissim-



I honestly don't know why I decided to bring Shinee home...never mind, I kind of do. It's too bad I didn't buy rope ahead of time though (muahaha). The way Jonghyun was looking at my mom it seemed like he was about to hit on her...not a smart idea bud, not smart at all. Key, thankfully hasn't said anything horrendous about me, but then again, he doesn't seem all that happy with me either. But then, it's Key, so...well, he's an exception, being the diva that he is.

Ding dong! The door bell rang. My mom jumped up from the seat.

"Oh! It must be those wonderful boys I hired to clean our house! You're bound to like them, Chujang," she said excitedly as she turned towards me, "they're just as cute as Seaweed! In fact, one's even cuter!"

Key's eyelid began to twitch uncontrollably, but he managed to hide it by pulling out a small mascara wand and running it through his lashes. Jonghyun suddenly came back to earth, the corner of his mouth moving up and down in a slightly seizure-like manner. Haha, 2 narcissisits getting insulted to the face.

"Noona~~~we're here~~~"

Why did that voice sound so familiar? Just as I was wondering, in stepped a tall, skinny fellow that I might have seen somewhere before.

And then another fellow, taller, that I also, might have seen somewhere before stepped in after him.




WTF. I gawked, splooshed some nosebleed, then the world went black.



Hey....haven't been on Asianfanfics for a while...please don't stab me. This should be coming to an end soon, because I don't want to make you guys have to wait for chapters that...well, as you can tell, I update really slow....

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calendaroflove #1
hahahhahha keep on laughing
love love love love <3
Hahaha. really loved this <3
winter-child #4
LOLOLOL.<br />
Epic ending. <br />
Aaaaa gosh i swear im gonna be the first person to die from laughing this is freaking funny i love the bear in seoul hospital and bearxchicken thing aaaah forget it i love all the chapters
ashley888 #6
you finally updated!!! puahaha go chujang is beasssst. XD<br />
update soon since you're on vacation -coughcough-<br />
or you could just enjoy the new scenery......and leave us again ): LOL<br />
so update soon :D
siwon- #7
Kodaeme #9
OI. The revolution's going great. I just haven't found enough textbooks/calculators to overthrow them.