What made you do it?

Miss Wanted
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Jin: Gone


The days were starting to become colder with winter on the way.

One Friday afternoon after breakfast, Minseo went into the classroom to see that the seating arrangement had been changed. The desks had been formed into a circle, and she blinked, stunned. Why were the chairs in a circle? Was the young teacher trying something new? From what she had observed of him so far, he was not that creative or enthusiastic about learning.

The sound of footsteps behind her signaled that the others were coming.

“Aw, man. That time again, huh?” CAP stretched his arms with a tired yawn. Everyone seemed to be aware of what was happening except for her. They all took their seats and waited for today’s schedule to roll.

Minseo just stood by the door with a puzzled look. Chunji stopped by the door when he realized she was just standing there. “What are you doing?” He asked. She looked at him.

“Go in.” Chunji nodded towards the classroom with his hands in his pocket. When she didn’t budge, he lightly shoved his arm against hers and forced her to stumble inside the classroom. Minseo gave him a slightly agitated look before going around the circle and picking a seat that was far away from touchy CAP.

CAP held up his hands. “Why the hate, my queen?”

Changjo came into the room and whacked the back of his head with his elbow.

“Ow! !” CAP hissed in pain as he rubbed the back of his head. He spun his head around and glared at the culpable one. “You !”

“Oh, my bad. My elbow slipped. It tends to do that when there are cocky jackasses who need a life present,” Changjo feigned guilt. Minseo raised a slight eyebrow in amusement but said nothing else.

L. Joe and Niel came into the room and sat on both sides of her. Ricky sank into the last empty seat and sighed as he sank down. “Great. Counseling.”

“Counseling?” Minseo couldn’t help but ask. “Wait…are we having a counseling session right now?” Horror was apparent on her pale face.

Ricky folded his arms behind his head and leaned back slightly. “Yup. The shrink is here to assess us and make sure we’re not completely screwed over.” fell open. Are they serious? This better be a prank, she thought.

“Yeah, we have monthly counseling sessions. She couldn’t come for the past couple months because she was on maternity leave, but now she’s back to probe into our minds once again.” CAP sighed, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.

Minseo glanced at the door. Would it be bad if she ran out the door right now? She was adamantly against discussing her feelings and digging into her so-called crime. Not only would counseling uncover her harboring resentment towards her twin, but it would also cause reality to come crashing in. She was in prison because of a crime she did not commit. She was framed and locked away for someone else’s wrongdoing.

Minseo swallowed hard and clenched her fists. L. Joe noticed her tight fists and wondered what had made her so tense all of a sudden. Niel searched her pale face as he tried to think of a valid reason for her irrational behavior. Sure, he hated counseling sessions as well, but it wasn’t to the point of blacking out.

Before Minseo could attempt an escape, a woman she had never seen before entered the room. She closed the door, entrapping all of them inside the classroom. Damn it, Minseo thought and gritted her teeth.

“Welcome! How have my fellow friends been doing?” The woman smiled brightly. She was slightly chubby, most likely due to her recent pregnancy. Her eyes were too bright, and Minseo shuddered. She had never been too keen on people who seemed too happy about particularly nothing.

“Um, doctor, sorry to tell you, but we’re a bit younger than you to be your friends,” Ricky pointed out.

The woman laughed and waved her hand. “Oh, Changhyun, you are as funny as always. To me, you’re not my patients or clients but friends.” She sat down on the empty chair and folded her hands on her lap with a growing smile. “I haven’t seen you all in such a long time.”

“Thank the dear Lord.” CAP looked upwards.

If the comment bothered the therapist, she didn’t say anything. Her eyes scanned the faces and stopped at the new face. Her smile grew even bigger. “Well, who do we have here?”

Six heads swiveled towards Minseo who hated the spotlight more than anything else. From the red splotches bursting on her cheeks, Niel could tell she was quite embarrassed.

“That’s Ice Queen,” CAP introduced.

“You gave her a nickname already? You all must be close already.” The therapist smiled.


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Woohoo 2020 Lets Go reread again! Here for some happiness and I’ve always loved your MV-inspired stories :”)
Chapter 34: Woooo! Aww man, I loved this story. I binged it all pretty much in one day. The best sort of stories are the type of stories that you can read no matter who the characters are because the plot is just that interesting. (In this case, I've only vaguely heard of Teen Top so I don't know much about them.) Sure, knowing the characters would probably be an added bonus but with your stories, I've always felt like I could read any of them and still enjoy it.

The ending was pretty satisfying, not just Niel and Minseo but with all of them, I liked hearing that they were all well. To wrap up, I loved this story and the concept, it was refreshing to read about jail convicts who even though had crimes in their past still had hearts of gold.
Chapter 17: I was excited on seeing GOT7 which was quickly replaced with a pout on seeing them the way they are in this story. However, I understand it's just a story so no harm done.

On another note, loving the build up and character dynamics so far, except for GOT7 because they unfortunately just creep me out in this story but yeah.

Pretty curious on who Minseo will end up with if she does end up liking someone.
Mei-Li #4
Chapter 1: re-reading this gem, thank you so much
still one of my all time favorites i cant remember how many accounts i subscribed to this fanfic on but cant access my old accounts lmao <3
Chapter 34: Changjo, you and your friends just literally promise each other to meet one another after serving your sentence. Hahahaha meet up with them bro